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PlayStation 5 Repayment Plans $21/mo Over 36 Months @ Vodafone (Requires 2 Active PostPaid Services Over $30)

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Vodafone and PlayStation have announced that you’ll be able to get a PS5 on a 12, 24, or 36 month plan through Vodafone starting tomorrow. Both PS5 units (digital and disc edition) will be available as well as the DualSense controller and the Media Remote.

You will pay no interest on top of your console repayment, but you will need at least two Vodafone services in order to add a PS5 to your account (mobile/tablet/nbn).

Services include $30 and above postpaid mobile, tablet, and all nbn services that are eligible for the Bundle and Save discount

These will be available to order tomorrow through calling 1300 728 637 and ready for pickup in stores by December 15th.

Customers are limited to purchasing one PS5 and two DualSense controllers in any transaction.


PS5 12 Months – $62 per month
PS5 24 Months – $31 per month
PS5 36 months – $21 per month


SEE FIRST HERE https://press-start.com.au/news/playstation/2020/11/11/vodaf…

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Welp, RIP non vodafone users

    • +1

      Yeah, shame they couldn't get this out earlier too

      ready for pickup in stores by December 15th.

    • +7

      Why RIP? I'd rather pay it all upfront, and vodaphone won't get them out any sooner than the 15th same as other stores.

    • +34

      I'd probably sooner drive a nail through my hand than have two services with Vodafone.

    • +1

      Not sure how that's 'RIP'. You're not saving anything and isn't available at launch. Not real incentive apart from not paying a lump sum. Which sure thats good and easy to manage but there's still no saving.

  • +113

    I'd rather not have a PS5 than be a Vodafone customer, lol

    • I chuckled a little too hard at this

    • +1

      Vodafone still owe me money. Can I get that back in PS5?

    • id rather not pay out the ass for as launch console just to be able to gloat at my nephews on christmas day

      • +11

        People who spend Christmas day at their nephew's house don't gloat

        • +1

          poor people amirite

    • +1

      Vodafail :D

    • +7

      100% this. Worst provider around.

  • +2

    Well played TPODAFONE!

  • +6

    two services for an opportunity of getting ps5?no deal for a non-user

    • +1

      Lol exactly the point?

  • +24

    Who the hell has 1 Vodafone service let alone 2?

    • +1

      We have about 6 at work.

    • +3

      Are you still hung up on the whole vodafail fiasco about 10 years ago? I've been with them for about 15 years and really can't complain about their network nowadays (it's no Telstra, but I'm happy with my service).

      • +2

        !0 years.. and then after that again and then yet again.
        Be grateful things have been fine for you but don't assume they are back on track and fine for everyone else as they are not.
        They have 1.5 stars on product review for a reason.

        • +6

          Oh please, productreview is not worth your time. Optus is at 1.4 and Telstra is at 1.5

          • +7

            @Hinee: But Ozbargain is at 3.0 :P

            • +5

              @spackbace: …and Shopback has rocketed from 2.3 to 3.5 thanks to a wall of 5-STAR reviews from a bunch of new users:

              • I’m obsessed!!
              • The best App
              • Love this app!!!
              • Love this scheme
              • A easy and great scheme
              • Love it, it’s the best
              • This is perfect!
              • Easy and a fantastic way to put $ back in your pocket!
              • Great to get rewards from online shopping!
              • Great way to get cashback! easy to use app!
              • very enjoy it when shopping
              • @[Deactivated]: Your business can have 3.5 stars too if you have the time and dedication.

                • +1

                  @Miss B: Enough time and dedication to astrotrurf review sites instead of managing information security.

      • +5

        can't complain about their network nowadays

        You literally can't.

        By the time their Customer Relations (internal dispute resolution) people answer the phone your battery goes flat…or you lose coverage.

        • I laughed so hard at this. Condolences to anyone stuck with them…

    • I do but only NBN for me and my folks (switched away my mobile for all the reasons people hate them). For the NBN I must admit that I save a lot relatively speaking, I signed up to the NBN 50mbps plan when it was initially introduced and I pay 59 per plan for unlimited and I get a 10% bundle discount on my bill, surely that's a good reason right?

  • +2

    PS5 12 Months – $62.50 per month
    PS5 24 Months – $31.25 per month
    PS5 36 months – $20.83 per month

    Customers can select from the PlayStation 5 console (RRP $749.95) or the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition (RRP $599.95). Vodafone will also be ranging the DualSense Wireless Controller (RRP $109.95)​ and the Media Remote (RRP $49.95).³

    You will pay no interest on top of your console repayment

  • +4

    I believe you can get 2 no contract plans, add the PS5 and cancel the plans later on, couldn't find any blockers to that on the fine print

  • +1

    Can I get this part of my bundle, to get 15% off?

    • I have 5 NBN houses under vodafone to get 20% off so I also like to know

      • Not saying I know for sure. Pretty sure they would treat it like a mobile handset repayment. These don't have the bundle discount and are just interest free instalments.

  • Services include $30 and above postpaid mobile, tablet, and all nbn services that are eligible for the Bundle and Save discount

  • +2

    We have two phone accounts with Vodafone, finally being a Vodafone member may be beneficial!

    Mind you that Telstra deal with the gift cards would have been nice, if you can use those gift cards towards a console.

    still not sure if I should just wait till next year and hope for some deals around March.

  • The PlayStation®5 will be available for eligible customers to order through Vodafone’s Customer Care line on 1300 728 637 from 12 November, while stocks last. Customers will be able to collect their PlayStation®5 by appointment from their local Vodafone store by 15 December. T&C apply.

    I wonder how many they have been allocated - though I don't have a Vodafone service let alone two…

  • +2

    You would have to be really commited to be arsed with this.
    No thanks, will pass.

    • +1

      yeah pretty lame u need 2 services!!

  • TARGETED, Booo

  • 2 services and only available in Dec. no thanks.

  • I am going to try my hand tomorrow at opening an account with them just with the PS5. Worst they can do is say no. Nothing lost.

  • bummer……was interested, but not a voda customer

  • Does anyone know what time we can start calling?

  • +2

    great price over 36 months if you can get it (3 years interest free!)

  • -3

    This is basically RRP. So basically people are just going into debt for a console…just so they can have it now?

    We really are the debt generation.

    • +2

      It's just the payment plan, and there's no interest charges

      Money is better in your bank account, therefore this is actually a better investment than buying it outright.

      • +1

        Well said

      • -3

        Money is better in your bank account, therefore this is actually a better investment than buying it outright.

        Interest rates are incredibly low at the moment, so you're basically going to get nothing for having an extra ~$700 (the first month, will decrease further every month) sitting in the bank. I bet 99% of people who take up this offer will be people who don't want to save first, not because it's a sensible financial decision, ie. millennials.

      • This is NOT an investment.

        • +1

          All I was saying is, it's not costing you anything more so why pay a large sum up front when you can pay monthly and it cost the exact same.

          Money in the bank, at the moment may not be better but that money could be invested elsewhere aka shares.

          If someone said to you you could buy a half a million-dollar home and make repayments and it cost you nothing in interest vs playing half a million dollars upfront which would you choose?

          I personally have never been a fan of plans, however if it's not costing you anymore then it absolutely makes sense to me.

  • ALSO:

    Collection of your Playstation 5 console will start from December 15th.

  • How is this a deal? And what would you be getting with the estimated monthly repayments? The digital console only or the disc version or with controllers?

  • LMAO who has more than 1 vodafone service? crazy.

    Wont get it til 15th of December anyways wtf. How is this a deal.

  • +1

    2, goddamn TWO services on Voda's "slightly better than Optus" network. No (profanity) thanks!

  • Despite the hate for tdpodafone, this is actually great to see. Perhaps in future these type of partnerships may be the way to defeat scalper scums / bots ?

    • Xbox already has all access. Get a console Xbox series X to own and gamerpass for 2 years at 45 per month.

      I think it's 30 for a series S.

  • How come I'm seeing stores get stock but my pre-order with EB hasn't been fulfilled 😭

    Damn am in the 2021 allocation for pre-ordering 6 hrs late…

    • If you see one in stock just buy and cancel your preorder.

      • I already traded in my ps4 and everything so it's all been paid off already :(

        Wouldn't want to double dip or know what I'd do with a $750 gift card anyway.

        It's tempting but I'm getting by with just a Switch & PC in the meantime.

  • What about internet NBN customers? Are we eligible?

  • +2

    Good for families or couples with Vodafone services that want the PS5 before Christmas. This gives them a good alternative and with no interest kind of a no brainer to pay it off per month.

  • What happens if you cancel your mobile services? I assume this is mostly just a trick to lock you into the network for the next 3 years.

    • Probably have to pay out the remainder immediately, like with handset repayments.

  • +1

    Is this some sort of joke…..? I'd rather continue with my PS4

  • +3

    Somewhat surprised to read that Voda seems so much worse than other carriers.

    I've been with them for a while with no complaints, and I've managed to keep my student plan despite being a couple of years out of uni now.

  • +1

    By the time you pay it off the PS5 slim will likely already be announced if not released.

    • +1

      Did you forget the part where you get to use this PS5 from now?

      • +4

        He's not very good with tyme

      • Demon's Souls will still be waiting for you in 3 years.

  • Just use afterpay or zip pay?

  • +2

    If you need payment plan for games consoles you shouldnt be buying one.

    • +1

      👏 exactly. But this is the same generation that Afterpay a pizza (no, I’m not joking).

      • +2

        While I get what you are saying, if afterpay/Zip are offering $10 for buying a pizza and I want a pizza I'm probably going to do it.

    • You could argue, if you can't save a deposit for a home and have to rely on government handouts you shouldn't be buying a home either.
      I think this goes pretty much along with everything else, like buying a new car on a loan etc

    • -1

      That's just what they offer. Nothing stopping you from paying it in full earlier (same with their mobile handset repayments).

  • -1

    Not sure how accurate this is. But Vodafones marketshare in Australia is 19%, compared to Optus 27% and Telstra's 41% (according to Statista, don't know how accurate that website is). Still the Xbox All Access was a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people, but two active post paid services… That's a bit much.. I personally really like this way of buying consoles. I am getting my Xbox through Telstra. The more ways of buying the better, especially if it means less chance of scalpers.


    • What does market share have to do with this deal? How many people it’s applicable to…?

      • +1

        Yep pretty much. People were pissed about only having the option of Telstra for Xbox. Id imagine people would be more pissed about PS5 exclusive to Vodafone. Especially since less people are on Vodafone.

        • Wow, are people entitled much? Pissed that Telstra had the nous to be the only telephony operator to have access to the new Xbox to sell to people. It's not like there's other retailers that will sell to you for up front payment…

  • +1

    How is this a 'bargain'? Not available at launch (not that that makes it a bargain) and it's full price!

  • +3

    Nek minnit: Optus with their C64 Mini deal

  • It's a misprint!!

    It's meant to be get a PS3 with 2 eligible services..

    that's how far behind vodafone is!!

    • haha, man i remember the days of 'free' consoles etc with phones!

  • If you do bushwalk kayak offroad etc you better get Telstra

    • +2

      Bushwalk Series X

  • It's actually pretty good, I'd save 20% by adding this to my bundle and save but not sure if I should wait for a good sale instead as in no rush to get it

    • +1

      Launch console generally not much games anyway, I'm only interested in FFXVI and it's not one of them.

      The only problem is I can't play any of the new Ps4 games too since I've traded it in 🤣

    • I think i save about $300 if i buy it from Vodafone which is great if they do bundle and save for this, if they don't then I encourage everyone to not get one until they decide to do it.

  • Once the buzz dies down you will only need one account

  • Digital vs Physical, what’s everyone going to go for?

  • I spoke to Vodafone rep after I got my PS5 with them and the rep said there is over 300 people on the call queue. I called at 8am and waited an hour. Show how many people have more than one service with Vodafone. I personally find Vodafone okay for what I am paying its no Telstra but good overall and I save a bunch of money with their bundle and save offer.

    • Did they confirm if you will save the 20% if you have multiple bundled services?

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