Free iOS App (PayCal) for Freelancers, Shiftworkers, Students etc

Moved to Forum: Original Link

I've been a long time Ozbargain user and thought I'd post something that i've created myself here. I spent 3 months on this app and well, let's just say I still need to find myself a proper job haha. It's a pretty great app but nobody knows about it, so here is the app I made for free!

It's basically an app for shift workers, freelancers, students etc who have irregularly scheduled jobs. You can manage your shifts and see them on a either a daily or monthly calendar. You can colour code your jobs etc and it can even calculate your pay. Hope you guys like it, just try and leave some good reviews if you do so and hopefully more people can find out about it :)

Here's the link and description I wrote on iTunes, hopefully it's a bit more succinct:

>> Link to iTunes PayCal App <<

★ ★ ★ Features ★ ★ ★
- Simple, Easy To Use Interface for Managing Shifts
- Supports Daily and Monthly Views
- Shift Templates for Recurring Shifts via the Shift Tray
- Easily Add One-Time Shifts
- Unpaid Break Time Option for Shifts
- Pay Schedules Unique to Each Job
- Automatic Gross Pay Calculation
- Color-Coordinated Jobs
- Easily Adjustable Shifts in Daily View


  • Great app. If only it was linked to Calender on the ios or to Gmail Calender, it would save me from entering my shifts twice on my phone.

  • -4

    Advertising. No deal!

    • +2

      ca6leguy - it's FREE!!! The OP has mentioned that he has spent 3 months making the thing - why can't you just take it at face value and accept a freebie? The OP has certainly given it a go and spent 3 months on something productive, as opposed to you going around nearly every post on OzBargain negging people with no real valid reasons. <End rant>

      • As an iPhone user like ca6leguy, we are following our Ozb tradition, free apps that are always free, which this is at present are not to be listed in main thread.

        Likewise with Android and other apps.

        ca6leguy's comment was made when this was a bargain post, now its been moved their comment is now out of context

        • This app has been at $0.99 for the past 1-2months. I've set the 'free' period for until the 28th this month, so it actually hasn't always been free and it won't be free forever either, though if anyone finds this post after the period you can always pm me and i'll send you a redeem code.

          And yes this is advertising and I didn't try and hide it. It doesn't mean it's still not useful if you have ever needed a similar app. In return, i'm only asking for some reviews in the iTunes store.

        • Well that maybe true - however, it comes back to promoting things here in a way people can understand.

          As promoted you never said limited time saving. So how do we know and we are not going to run around and check every post.

          It was reported as being against the guidelines, ie Free and no saving over normal price, and as it reads that cant be argued against.

          Unfortunately with what you say, it is a little late to change now, and that's a pity.

          As for "advertising" that wasn't really the issue. Its one persons comment. In truth all promotions/bargains can be "advertising". Its not a term that mods will react to. We just stick to the guidelines in postings found here


          If you like to resubmit based on those, then go ahead

  • I understand how it could have been misinterpreted as free in general and its my bad for not posting a better description. I'll post it again tomorrow with a clearer price description. Thanks for the clarification.

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