Recommendations for a Gaming / Office Chair

Hello fellow ozbargainers!

After working from home for a couple of months, all of the padding has worn out in my office / gaming chair, and I have decided that it is time to finally upgrade!

I am pretty adamant to get something which is value for money, but I am willing to pay more for a product that is higher quality and will last a long time.

Currently, I have a JBurrows Bathurst which I purchased from Officeworks a few years ago. I quite like the size and shape of it, and would be looking at getting a similar 'racing style' chair. The chair itself is about 4 years old now, and is definitely much less comfortable now than when I got it!

Here is a link to it if you're interested:…

I have been finding it tricky to research gaming chairs online, and think that word of mouth could be the best option to getting a new one. I would be really keen to hear about the gaming / office chair that you have got, and see any recommendations!

Thank you in advance!


  • +4

    Most "gaming" chairs are crap. They just look "good".

    Get a decent Ikea office chair if you're on a budget. Otherwise look for new or refurb Herman Miller Aeron etc. heaps floating around due to office closures in Melb.

    • I think that is some really good feedback, thanks!

    • Where do we find these office closure chairs? Keen to buy

  • Budget?
    How tall are you?
    And weight? not being funny

  • +1

    inb4 Herman Miller Aeron /thread

  • I'm looking for the same thing and found this, but I think its not going to last
    Good price though $189…

  • My son's Bathurst was bought in Nov 2018. Structurally, it's sound, but the padding is massively compressed, and the worst part is the upholstery is completely shot to hell. I'm planning to buy a new chair as a pressy and he's very much into the same "racing" type gaming chair. As such, commercial AFRDI rated chairs are out even though the one I'm using is 10 years old and still looks perfect - except for the dog hair that gets stuck on the fabric. :p

    Secretlabs get thrown around a lot, but I really do think it's not worth it for the kind of money they want for it. At this point, we're considering a "Battlebull" only because I've seen them come in full fabric, which I think will last a fair bit longer than cheap pleather.

    I will follow this thread as well and see what the braintrust thinks.

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