Connoisseur Plant Based Vanilla Brownie 4 Pack Connoisseur Plant Based Vanilla Brownie 4 Pack 350mL on special
$ 6 .00 $6.00 save $2.60
Connoisseur Plant Based Ice Cream 4 Pack $6 @ Coles

Last edited 10/11/2020 - 14:17 by 1 other user
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Hazelnut one was ‘ok’, had some flavour but at the same time didn’t and had a rather strange aftertaste.
I've had the vanilla brownie sticks, the ice cream part didn't taste that different but the chocolate coating wasn't as tasty as the standard sticks. As much as I love the OG this is a decent alternative (if you need an alternative) on sale.
Creamed plant, iced.
So this isn't in fact ice cream?
ice plant
I made plant based icecream once. Fed some grass to a cow, then made icecream using cream from the cow.
Seriously, will give this product a try. Some of the dairy versions are not so nice, so couldnt be too hard to beat them.
yeah i see cows growing by the side of the road all the time like weeds in the grass
I love seeing new stuff like this come out. It's happening at an increasing rate - 10 years ago this was just a figment of vegan fantasy. This is the beginning of the slow death of animal agriculture.
This is similar to machines replacing enslaved people in the nineteenth century. Bit by bit it happens. In 1800 the notion that there would be an economy without slaves was mostly scoffed at, by 1900 it was a sealed deal and people couldn't fathom the idea of slavery by then. It was driven largely by economic rather than moral concerns, but the outcome was the same and the ethics finally caught up.
This move to plant based is surely driven by enviro and health concerns rather than animal rights but the net effect will be the same.
If vegans and animal rights movement would be actually interested in bettering the life of other life forms and real diversity (of species, not imaginary identities), they would support the only real way to help - decrease the number of humans (in time - by stop multiplying like amoebas and living more sustainably).
Eating plants doesn't do anything to help with that - it just enable to jam even more humans on this planet.
(now waiting for the woke crowd to cancel me - I don't care)
What you're saying is true. It's uncomfortable for a lot of people to consider though. Not sure why so many people are so gung ho about having kids when a good portion of them do such a shit job of it.
Not sure why so many people are so gung ho about having kids
when a good portion of them do such a shit job of it
Yeah, no. Sustainable living doesn't require population control on a worldwide scale.
"Sustainable" living without population control means you aren't contributing to any climate change, which is near impossible unless you are some kind of off grid person who lives off the land instead of buying from the shop.
Lets not pretend you are one of those people, you are on ozbargain.
Population control is the only way to fight climate change effectively as there is simply no way to offset a human life for 80 years, suggesting anything else is idiotic.
@samfisher5986: Sustainable doesn't mean no climate change it means climate change to a controllable degree. And it doesn't require population control on a global scale, simply stating that it does doesn't make it true, sorry. (Stating random stuff is kinda idiotic though, so kudos for today's dose of irony yay)
@MatrixM: Yes and just as you claim "sustainable" doesn't make it true either.
The fact is that a new human life has a larger impact on the climate then anythnig one single person can do to counter that.
@samfisher5986: Doesn't make it unsustainable. Technology, yo.
Besides we were talking about veganism.
Don't say that, you'll offend all the vegans who have 2-3 kids who will destroy the planet on a large scale compared to any single meat eating human can.
Do vegans on average more kids than meat eaters? or are more likely to have 2-3 kids where as meat eaters none?
just curious where this info came from
(this sounds pass-agg but its not)@bumheadboi: I have no idea outside my social circles and honestly I don't think it matters too much.
If I don't have kids and I eat meat, I already know I'm doing miles better then the vegans I know who have 1-2 kids each.
If a vegan doesn't know how to be sustainable, then we are screwed and I'm going to eat meat at least until we have a global effort to reduce the population.
If I stop eating milk/dairy now, I'm basically just giving that meat/dairy to newly born baby who should not have been born.
@bumheadboi: IME many vegans are antinatalists.
I have kids but if I had my time again and knew what I know now I don't know if I would. I do not normalise the idea of kids with my own children - in fact I talk to them about not having children, not necessarily because of enviro issues but because of the now decreasing expected quality of life they would bestow on them.
I don't disagree about the population - look at my past comments to see that, even in the last week.
But the two issues are qualitatively different.
From an ethical perspective, one expects the respect of rights (of the animals), the other the violation of rights (to breed, of the human).
From a practical perspective, I can't imagine that if someone is not even bothered to change what they have for breakfast that they could be convinced to not have kids. You actually think changing what we eat is more radical than ending or limiting procreation? That's convenient.
We could at least triple the carrying capacity of the earth by eliminating animal ag, something we could do in very short time. We in the developed nations would be most effective since we consume most.
How do you plan to stop animals from killing and eating other animals?
Why would you want to do that?
Humans are animals. You are stopping one group of animals from killing/eating other animals so I want to know how you plan on doing it for the remaining groups of animals too.
@Guybrush57: When you get other animals to not kill their brothers and smell each other's arses then maybe after that we can work on trying to change their other instincts.
In the mean time will you smell my arse? That's what you're sorta implying.
@Guybrush57: Human instinct is also to steal, war, rape, speed on the roads, and especially speak without thinking.
Ignoring the rest of the post at the moment, there is a portion of the world with food intolerances and/or issues with food. A restrictive Vegan diet is likely to cause issues with a % of them. And being restrictive in itself poses problems. On this basis, apart from the possibilities that slaughter may not be necessary to obtain animal flesh in the future be cultivated in alternative ways (ie lab grown), I don't think this will happen.
I just had a look at the range. I see there is no plain vanilla in the plant based range.
For me, that would be the test as to how close it comes to the dairy equivalent.
The flavours, while looking OK, will mask the taste of the plant based 'ice cream'.
Of course, its just going to be sugar flavoured stuff hoping you won't notice its nothing like ice cream.
Think of it this way, if we don't have plant based milk that tastes like milk, we won't have plant based ice cream that tastes like ice cream without a lot of additives to mask the flavour.
There's a Peters 1.2L tub of plain vanilla plant based (Connoisseur is a Peters label). It's really good :)
Ooh I tried the mango and passionfruit one. Its yummmmmm!
ooo ! nice anyone tried this?