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Say Bye-Bye to Dreaded Admin Tasks for Just $20 with Highly Experienced Virtual Assistant


Are you overwhelmed and lacking administrative resources? Are you exhausted, wearing all the hats in your business? My Virtual Assistant can help! Today, pay just $20 an hour to have highly qualified virtual assistants take care of your office headaches, and learn once and for all how outsourcing admin will help you focus on what matters most to your business, your bottom line.

Whether you want to outsource…

  • Blog writing;
  • Social Media management;
  • Creation of striking PowerPoint presentations;
  • Microsoft Word document creation & editing;
  • Consulting on preparing training materials;
  • Search Engine Optimisation tasks (link generation and submissions);
  • General copy typing;
  • Travel co ordination;
  • Event planning;
  • And more
    it’s all possible with a Virtual Assistant.

With today’s deal, you can secure up to 3 hours of ‘Freedom through Outsourcing your Administration’ and consult with a top tier Virtual Assistant. (1hour = 1 voucher. Limit of 3) And if you aren’t 100% satisfied, we’ll give you your money back, guaranteed.

By grabbing today’s deal with My Virtual Assistant you’ll be engaging Janet Kay, a veteran of 14 years Corporate and legal secretarial experience, as your designated Virtual Assistant. Behind the scenes Janet will organise and coordinate her team of Australian virtual assistants on all tasks and projects you have assigned. So not only will you have Janet’s 14 years of expertise, but you’ll have her team’s too. It’s like having an office of support staff for the price of 1!

You won’t need to learn how to outsource. Janet will personally guide you through My Virtual Assistant’s easy to use systems to make delegating your work a snap. You don’t need to provide any training as the services they offer they are already skilled in. They will learn your individual preferences for things as your business relationship evolves (just as a PA would). You don’t need to purchase any systems as all Project Management software and project Data Storage is provided free of charge to My Virtual Assistant’s clients. You won’t ever have to chase deadlines. When they commit to a timeline for your task, either by estimate or agreement, then they’ll meet it (barring a natural disaster!). They guarantee you won’t need to chase them, or micro-manage them, as they will never give you reason to question their reliability…

Check out http://bizzbuzz.com.au/deals/virtual-assistant-deal-my-virtu…

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closed Comments

  • Another Ad!

    • Agreed. Blatant advertising.

  • This isn't ozadvertisment.com

  • +3

    Almost every single bizzbuzz deal gets nuked into oblivion. Can we just ban all deals from this site? it's obvious they are just trying to grab some publicity

    • +1

      Virtual Assistant could probably do that for you.

    • Concur. They clearly just use this as free advertisement and don't care so I vote permanent ban.

  • -7

    "Blatant advertising"? Seriously? It's a great deal for people that may need a virtual assistant's service to help them with their time.

    And if you read the credentials of the person you'd be employing, or are familiar with the regular costs of employing an experienced secretary, then you'd know this (assuming you are after this kind of service at all). If you don't need a virtual assistant, then why click on the deal link?

      • -3

        It's $25 off an hour so you get up to $75 off what you'd pay otherwise, so your argument doesn't hold water. Almost all of the deals from companies on OzBargain are to get you to try out or use a service so they can recruit you as a customer for future, so why should this deal be any different?

        • "Almost all of the deals from companies on OzBargain are to get you to try out or use a service so they can recruit you as a customer for future"

          Um, no. They're really not.

        • +3

          not on ozbargain darling. even freebies get negged here.

        • +1

          Um, no. They're really not.

          I lol…. of course, they are put there by businesses out of the goodness of their heart…. more of a charity thing

          What colour is the sky in your world?….. just out of interest

    • The savings on the deals here are calculated in context to a similar/exact product/service. Could you give an example of the savings from this deal? Too many variables, if and but's..

    • Here you go, found someone who can use your 'service'…

  • +4

    can i hire a virtual assistant to filter the spam/advertisements from ozbargain for me…..

  • i wont say advert. but i will say its not a great deal

  • lol, not having much luck bizzbuzz after comming back from a recent ban… i didnt think this one was actually too bad, guess its hard to quantify the amount of work an hour is, though lets say you did get someone for an hour 20 bux an hour for a temp is actually decent.

  • Highly experienced? $20? Don't think so, somehow. Not impressed by this ad.

    • Purpose here is to get those that need a VA to try out the service and see why it's worth more than $20. Plenty of VA's out there. This one wants people to see what she's worth. It's worked for our other merchants. If you are going to try a VA, wouldn't you prefer to get a discount to see that they are any good before paying full price?

  • Advertising. Maybe rewording it will make it sound less like an ad… but to be honest, its still a pretty niche service that no one in here would really be interested in. MAYBE if it was an ongoing discount, but even then…

    • +2

      Fair call regarding the re-wording part. It sounds too salesy, which doesn't suit OzBargain at all. Will take this into account for future posts. It's not niche if you are a business owner though - pretty broad needs addressed for business owners…

      • i guess thats what bluboy here is saying. just taking a stab here but if you were business owner you wouldnt have that time to be checking ozbargains religiously unlike some public servants who check more times than they can breathe until 6pm not on OT or flex. like me

      • Id go with something simple like virtual PA try the service for 20 bux an hour up to 3 hours instead of 75 an hour….

    • Maybe rewording it will make it sound less like an ad… but to be honest, its still a pretty niche service that no one in here would really be interested in.

      Good to hear that you know every member's situation…. and can speak confidently for them all

      and that you've joined the negging mob which means that the post is removed from view of any that might be interested in it.

      good work

  • +1

    Not a fan of your responses on here as a rep, it doesn't look good for prospective and future customers reading back on your history. Instead of getting all defensive, how about taking the comments made as positive criticism and amend the deal you've made to be more tailored to OzBargains typical user, or take it on board for future deals posted here?

    • As above: "Will take this into account for future posts". Will post deals that have a broad appeal to business owners, as opposed to niche. Any ideas for the type of business specific deals you would or wouldn't want put up here to help out? Thanks

      • Noted. I was posting this on a EDGE data connection and page loads are quite slow. I had only just finished loading the page before you made that post.

  • -1

    Online unskilled outsourcing aka 'virtual assistants' are typically around the $5/hr mark, maybe upto $10 if they have some additional specific skills that may aid in a specific task…

    • -1

      I think you're more thinking outsourced unskilled Indian workers, whereas this appears to be an Australian working in Australia, hence the higher rate.

      • -1

        According to their linked in the founder of the company specializes in outsourcing and OFFSHORING.

        • -2

          I didn't know this, as it's not written anywhere I know about. Not to say you are wrong, however, this deal is for Janet's time, not an offshore person. Where's the reference if you don't mind me asking?

        • -1

          Reading through the myvirtualassistant.net.au site it seems to me like there's only Janet. There's a lot of talk that is designed to make you think there's a group of people, but the rhetoric is focused around her and every description of people supposedly in the group sound exactly like Janet. Even the testimonials are Janet-centric. One of the testimonials is from the person whom myvistualassistant.net.au was registered by, and I'm sure most of the others are friends/family/people she's paying.

          It's a new website (registered August). The ABN is for a Sole Trader (Janet) and is not registered for GST. The website is a boilerplate WordPress job. So it's clearly a new business.

          I doubt very much there's any outsourcing at all. It's all Janet.

          Note: this is not a negative thing. Most new businesses do this sort of thing to pretend they're established. I did. It's hard not to.

          EDIT Although in my defense, I was 21 when I started and stopped doing it fairly quickly. Janet is presumably over 30. /shrug

        • Whoa, that twitter feed is crazy article links.

          And going through her "followers" list you can't find a single person who isn't a follow whore - constantly sending out requests and following anyone who follows them, many of them following thousands and thousands other accounts that are following thousands and thousands of accounts. It's a loop of advertorial mutual masturbation.

        • +1

          "I doubt very much there's any outsourcing at all. It's all Janet"

          I'll take a wild stab and suggest "Janet Kay" is pseudonym for Janet Karavanishamaniwaram or similar, and you're getting your work sent offshore with a local 'face'.

        • [dupe delete]

        • Ferret - The Sole Trader ABN (available only to citizens) is for Janet and was registered 5 years ago. I think you're a bit paranoid on that one.

          EDIT I looked it up, that citizen bit isn't right. But still. Five years as a non-GST registered Sole Trader.

      • Also the myvirtualassistant web site states 'By hiring My Virtual Assistant you have hired Janet Kay as your dedicated Virtual Assistant. Behind the scenes Janet will organise and coordinate her team on all of the tasks and projects you have assigned.' So you've hired Janet to hire someone else for you?

  • +2

    Ad. Nothing to see here.

  • The savings on the deals here are calculated in context to a similar/exact product/service. Could you give an example of the savings from this deal? Too many variables, if and but's..

  • +2

    LOL I love that aside from posting some BS advertisement, they then post blatantly rude responses to the people they're trying to sell to. Kudos!

  • I like the way snrub thinks.

  • SPAM

  • Not a bargain

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