• expired

Free $50 Credits - Dealicious


To receive your $50 Dealicious Credits just click buy, and send them as a gift to 3 of your friends! Your account will then be automatically credited with $50 credits

Each person may only make use of one voucher whether purchased themselves or received as a gift

Dealicious 'credits' have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash, sold, transferred or exchanged

Dealicious 'credits' may only be used as credit towards purchases of deals offered on the Dealicious website

Your credits can be redeemed against all Dealicious deals except special deals which we will do from time to time

When purchasing a deal your credits are automatically applied to reduce the price by between $1 and $25 depending on the deal price

The amount of Dealicious 'credits' you hold will not compromise the entire consideration for a deal and you will need to make some payment to purchase a deal

I know many people don't like Group Buy sites and will come out with comments like "Oh, I can't use the $50 credit in one go", etc., well, all I can say is just chill and enjoy the Freebie! The worst that could happen is some unused credit in your account.

If you are struggling to come up with three people to gift to, I am sure some OzBargainers wouldn't mind helping out. Remember the person receiving the gift get $50 credit too.

Note: This is a group buy thread, so please don't post referral links, as it is against the rules.

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closed Comments

  • will I receive referral credit for the 3 ppl who I send to?

    • +1

      I don't think so. IMHO, you need to send people the referral link first. Moreover, you get referral credit only when they make their first purchase.

      • your defending this deal so bad but if you put the actual details in your description to start with maybe people wont be annoyed when they find out the limitations on the credit

        • Mate, I haven't negged you but your comment has obliged me to reply.

          Can you give me one example of all the negative comments that is not included in my deal description?

  • +1

    No deal because of this….. "When purchasing a deal your credits are automatically applied to reduce the price by between $1 and $25 depending on the deal price"

    • No deal? Are you saying that if someone is giving you some free money and will tell you you can't use it all at once but only in parts, you will say no thanks? Free money (or equivalent), given that there is no expiry for the $50 credit, is not enough to please people here.

      • are you sure about the expiry? says 'expires 30/12/11' on my voucher ?

        • 30/12/11 is for the people whom you have gifted $50. Your $50 credit does not have an expiry (or so I think)

      • It's not 'free'. I've got to supply something (my friends details) to get it… if I could get this by only providing my details… I'd buy it.

  • +4

    I just tried it, putting the $22 coffee bean deal into cart, only $1 of the credit can be applied =.=
    No wonder theyre willing to give away $50 (limited use) of credit.

    • -6

      So if you were going to purchase the $22 coffee bean deal anyways, would you have been better off without the credit? Even if it is $1 off, OzBargainers here jump with joy at that saving, esp. if it is an IOS app gone free.

      • +1

        True, but imo, this is nothing to be excited about, unless you see a deal that you really want, its not really worth registering with Dealicious for- thats my opinion.

  • What do we use these credits on?

  • +1

    "When purchasing a deal your credits are automatically applied to reduce the price by between $1 and $25 depending on the deal price"

    "well, all I can say is just chill and enjoy the Freebie! "

    Well, all I can say is: sounds like a load of crap to me. It's a "freebie" for you too since you're not actually giving anything away here.

    • +3

      agreed, if i was selling a crappy deal i'm willing to give you endless credit but you can only use $1 at a time, doesn't sound like a bargain or even a good deal to me.

    • -1

      Of course it is a freebie for me, as I am no rep…. as your comment seems to imply.

      • OK my mistake. You certainly sound like a rep in your post.

  • +1

    $1 discount on every crummy deal imaginable …… WOW WHERE DO I SIGN UP???

    • Just click on the linked image at the top of the page^.

  • This sounds like a pretty crappy "deal". You get credits, but can only use them to slightly reduce the price when buying stuff that you probably didn't really want and are spending too much money on.

  • +1

    And they want you to refer three of your friends to get it…

  • +1

    Pyramid scheme - your friend then has to refer before you get it too!

    • -3

      It doesnt work like that. You get the credit once you refer.

      But thanks anyway for jumping on the neg bandwagon without bothering to understand it.

  • +1

    With all the terms and conditions this doesn't sound like a deal at all. With the $50, I don't know what deals I could use it on & how much of it I could use. The fact that I've got to buy this deal with the personal details of 3 of my friends… well, I don't think thats a good purchase price. Neg from me.

    • -3

      Funny you didn't think the same way when giving your personal details for a $5 coupon - http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/5833

      • You dug through my profile history to find a deal I posted 3 years ago? Wow - I'm flattered. But in that deal, they're my personal details that I was giving away & if I already had an account then I wasn't giving away anything… very different than giving away my friends details. It's all about weighing up what you've got to give against what you get.

        • -1

          yes, I did, because I was very surprised to read about someone who was not willing to give personal details on ozB for a freebie.

          Also, same thing applies here if you and your friends have an account regarding not giving anything away. Anyways, I rest my case.

      • +1

        xotic, if you are not a rep for this company you sure are fighting hard to convince people this is a good deal. Please help us understand why this is a good deal considering we only get $1 (or more if the powers to be allow it to be so) discount off some random deal that would likely only appeal to 1% of us?

        • +1

          I am just a common man trying to understand and challenge people who are happy to dish out negs without thinking twice.

          IMO, this is a freebie, and you can get easily get $50 credit in your account (for life) and use it (yes, in parts only) over that duration.

          Also, it doesn't reduce the amount by $1 only, for e.g. the teeth whitening deal (hopeless though it is) reduces the price by $4 on a $29 deal. That is a significant saving for free!!!

          I fail to understand what is wrong in having $50 credit lying in your account with perhaps the possibility of using only some part of it on a deal whenever you like it. I don't think that deserves a neg but I could be wrong.

          Anyways, you are right, I have spent way too much time on this.

        • Ok, i see your point….. that for you this is a good deal. I don't have an account with these people and for the small "saving" on some future "deal" they offer does not appeal to me. I would not sign up to them and receive their daily marketing emails while allowing my friends to suffer the same fate for just a few dollars saving on something i might be interested in down the track. See for me that few dollars i saved would be wasted in the time and effort it took to read and 100 emails. Not to mention the effort it takes to suffer the terms and conditions of such sites.

        • -1

          I don't have an account with these people and for the small "saving" on some future "deal" they offer does not appeal to me.

          Yet still you neg it, removing it from the view of some for whom it might appeal….

          very public spirited

          So really negative votes purely based on pricing requires caution. Are you imposing your set of values on another in the community?


  • +1

    Waste of time. Spend $350-$1000 on stuff, and get $50 off. A lot of effort for small discount.

  • +1

    Really, this is not a bargain in any sense. To be honest, I don't think you could afford my friends' details. However, like Adam, above, I'm prepared to give you my own details if it's worth it. But I don't think it is. Before I surrender any details, I'd at least like to know which deals qualify for the $25 discount. I suspect there are none. And if I need to spend $20 to get the $1 discount, then I'd need to spend $500 to get the $25 off. Bargain!!

    In any case, I don't think I like the OP's attitude so I don't have much sympathy here.

    I have reached my daily limit of negs, so I'll have to return to this thread tomorrow.

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