This was posted 4 years 4 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[eBook] The Serpentwar Saga: The Complete 4-Book Collection by Raymond E. Feist Kindle Daily Deal $5.99 @ Amazon AU

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EDIT: Unexpired because still appears to be active at this price.

Kindle Daily Deal - 1 day only. Normally $8.99-$13.99 each.

Return to a world of magic and adventure from best selling author Raymond E. Feist.

Return to the world of Midkemia…

Ancient powers are readying themselves for a devastating confrontation, and a dark queen has raised a standard and is gathering armies of unmatched might.

Into this battleground of good and evil a band of desperate men are forced whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature. Their quest is at best dangerous and at worst suicidal.

Among them are some unlikely heroes – Erik, a bastard heir denied his birthright, and his friend Roo, an irrepressible scoundrel with a penchant for thievery are accompanied by the mysterious Miranda upon whom all must wager their lives. She appears to be an ally but also possess a hidden agenda and may prove to be a more deadly foe when the final confrontation is at hand…

This eBook bundle contains:
* Shadow of a Dark Queen - normally $10.49
* Rise of a Merchant Prince - normally $8.99
* Rage of a Demon King - normally $13.99
* Shards of a Broken Crown - normally $8.99

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Seems like the deal is also available on Google play books too

  • +3

    There’s so many Feist books I need to find the right chronology to start reading them in…

    • +12

      This is the order they were written in :)

    • +12

      If you haven't started any series, I suggest Magician (which is the first book).

      You'll get a feel of the world, writing style etc.

      I honestly believe his books are way better than Lord of the Rings

      • -2


        Though they are pretty good, LOTR is amazing.

        • +6

          LOTR is indeed good but feels a little dated.. compared to more modern writing like the storm light archives (book 4 out soon yay) which I feel is more enjoyable and richer.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Another upboat for Stormlight archive. Amazing series.

          • @[Deactivated]: great to see more people noticing Brandon Sanderson for the epic writer he is, storm-light archives have reinvigorated my love for high fantasy epics

        • +1

          Agree. The first 200 pages of lotr are bit of a slog, but after that it's amazing.

          • @Roddi: It always feel like it starts out felling like it is a continuation Hobbit then suddenly changes track into the Lord of the Rings.

            • @CookieJacker31: @cj31 Hadn't thought of it that way, but totally agree!! :)

      • +1

        I'll second that, Magician is a brilliant book and a great place to start.
        IMO Magician was more enjoyable to read than LOTR, but I also preferred There and back again over LOTR ;)

      • +3

        IMO wheel of time is better than this series.

        • +3

          Not everyone has 14 years to slog through the 34 different story threads in each 100000 page WoT book

          • +2

            @Nalar: It was way worse, as I dont know about anyone else - but I went through like 2 decades till he finsihed it. I am never starting to read a series that wasnt finished again.

            • @Franc-T: Yep. WoT did the same thing to me, except GoT, I could avoid conversations and plot points while it was only books but once the show started a TV show i was forced to dive in. Now I wait…

          • +1

            @Nalar: Try Malazan

        • Its not really even close.

          His Empire saga is his best work, but something like riftwar doesn't really compare to WoT

      • Read everything up to 2003, back then. I enjoyed the different story arcs.

      • +3

        Magician and the Empire trilogies are masterpeices.

        The Serpentwar saga is also very well written fantasy

        The rest of the Riftwar Cycle books take a fairly steady dive in quality. Which is a massive shame.

        • I agree magician is a great story. Empire is masterfully written.

      • I agree. And definitely start at the start - Magician.

        I found Feist to be an easy read and very immersive. There are ups and downs , Empire series was fantastic, Legacy (Krondor) series, not so much.

        However I found reading Lord of the rings was a long hard slog. Too much detail where it may not have been necessary. I compare this to Game of Thrones, where GRRM gives a lot of detail and background information without making it hard for the reader.

      • I have read Magician like 5 times (it is so good), but I get bored every time part way through the next book.

  • +1

    And Apple iBooks.

  • Is it dumb for me to jump into this saga having not read any Feist books?

    • +9

      I reckon it would be okay. You probably would be missing the background story and ending up with wanting to read Magician - where it all started

      • +1

        I'll give it a go! Thanks

      • thanks for this feedback, was wondering the same.

      • +4

        What I love about the whole Magician's story is the world that Feist built. Even though the stories from the earlier books have long ended, their tales and legacy continue til the very last chapter in the very last book. Absolutely loved it.

        • +1

          I just started Feist - just through Magician and Silverthorn - I highly recommend Ian Irvine for similar reasons (start with Geomancer).

          • @wazman67: I dunno man, I found Geomancer super super depressing. I couldn't continue with it after the first book.

            • +3

              @NervosaX: Haha, yeah I guess I can see that it's on the oppressive side a touch - overall though an incredible series, but I guess not for everyone! In that case, maybe Patrick Rothfuss will write book 3 of Kingkiller Chronicles sometime this century and we can all read that :)

              • @wazman67: aww man… why did you have to go and mention this… taken me a years of therapy and hypnotism to forget this series due to the pain and suffering of waiting on book 3!

    • +1

      I started with the serpent war series, then went back and read them all. Magician can be a bit slow to get into it and might turn you off it. Serpent war saga starts off pretty quick

    • I stumbled upon this series before reading any of the other books. I still thought it was amazing. There are certain references and characters that you won't have background on if you read these first. However, it certainly didn't diminish my enjoyment of these books. Read and enjoy!

    • +1

      I actually started this saga before I read Magician and the Riftwar saga. I enjoyed this one a lot more, and it was what started me reading the rest of his books. One of my all time favourite authors!

    • Absolutely start with Magician. Certain characters come back in future stories and its way more enjoyable knowing who they are as in my case I get all squeely when I see them. Plus the first trilogy is one of the greatest set of books I've ever written.

  • +8

    Magician was the first epic fantasy book I ever read, about 25 years ago now. I might pick these up as I don't think I ever got as far as the Serpentwar Saga. - EDIT ah wait, yes I did. Probably wouldn't remember them though!

    Actually think his best work was his co-written Empire series, with Janny Wurts.

    • +4

      Magician is probably the best fantasy book ever written

      • +1

        I've read basically every major fantasy series, and I still not sure I understand the like for Riftwar. I rate is somewhere in the middle of the bottom of the pack

        • I'd agree with you on the overall.
          But there are some standouts, Magician as a standalone might be top 5 in fantasy novels ever written, and the Empire trilogy almost as high.

          The serpent war saga is also highly rated, but almost everything else is pretty lacklustre.

    • I started off with the Empire series actually, simply incredible.

  • Anyone familiar with these books care to share an appropriate age rating?
    Would a 12yo be ok with these? or hold them back for a while yet?

    • +1

      Hmm I don't remember there being any explicit graphic detail about sex or gore, or even swearing if I'm honest. They obviously touch on these aspects of life but I wouldn't say it's overtly inappropriate. As the series progresses it gets darker but it would be more appropriate than Thomas Covenant (who I read at 13/14 which was still a bit much)

      • Thanks, appreciated

    • +1

      Think I was about 15 (25 years ago) when I started these - can't think of anything a 12 year old could not handle

      • Thanks, appreciated

    • +2

      There's nothing too inappropriate in these books for younger readers. Usual fantasy fare of fighting and deaths without too graphic violence/gore or explicit sex.

      My 11y old daughter has read the first series (Magician etc.) and loved it, if that helps. I have no problems with her continuing with this series.

      • Awesome, thanks, my 12yo should like them hopefully too. Cheers.

    • +1

      I read Magician at 12, thoroughly enjoyed it, and I think I turned out ok. I tried Rage of a demon king at 13 but couldn't really get into it until my early twenties.
      I recall some people 'dying' or 'being killed', but I don't recall violence. If anything I remember feeling a sense of compassion and often empathizing with the main characters.
      All together I've only read half a dozen Fiest books, I'll finish them one day.

    • +1

      I was about 10-12 when I read them. Game of Thrones, they are not (I mean that in relation to sex and violence, not quality. Others can make judgement on that).

    • I read a bunch of his books back when I was in year 9-10, and I thought it was appropriate.

      I started reading them after I got into Harry Potter.

      If possible I recommend starting off with "Magician", as it is the first in his massive collection. It eased me into reading the rest of the series, as it helped with the background and context of things.

    • I very much enjoyed david eddings belgariad series when I was that age.

  • +6

    You really need to start with the magician it sets the whole universe and major players. Incredible book - you won't regret.

    • +2

      IMO the best fantasy book ever written.. none of the others he wrote are as strong as this, but the rest of the magician series are definitely worth it.

      • Agreed

  • +4

    Rise of a Merchant Price is great, one of my favourite in the series.

  • +4

    I re-read the whole saga every few years. I dont like new things.

    • Have you given the Dresden Files a spin? Quite a bit different, but scratches the same itch.

  • +5

    You need to read at least Rift War Saga (Start with Magician) before this, Its only 3 books. I would also recommend Prince of the Blood and The King's Buccaneer although its not as essential.

    • +2

      The daughter of the empire series is also excellent

  • +1

    Great author. My favourite however is the Empire trilogy that he co-wrote with Janny Wurts. It's set in the Empire across the rift. It's brilliant with the politics and deception - not to mention armed clashes and really adds to the depth of the whole cycle. It's a go-to set of books for me every 5 years or so.

  • +3

    seeing this deal makes me want to re-read Magician and the rest again

  • +1

    I love that there are this many people that appreciate Feist! Favourite fantasy series!

    • Legend. Just gotta wait for the sequels to go on sale…

      • Dont even, the 2nd and 3rd dont add much. Magician by itself is one of the best fantasy epic written

        • Ahhh thanks then. I think I may have read Magician but that was probably 20 years ago, so will be like reading it anew :)

          I've read some of his other books in the same series but was never able to get the whole collection (buying second hand in Fiji…)

    • +2

      Thats if you have Kindle Unlimited. Its 9bux normally.

  • Serpentwar (Shadow of a Dark Queen) was the first Feist novel I read as a kid, and what got me into Feist.
    Awesome author.

  • Feist is amazing. Love everything riftwar.

  • Same price on Google Play Books too.

  • +1

    Thanks for sharing!

    Going to borrow "Magician" from elibrary to check it out. Sounds amazing based on everyone's comments.

    • +1

      I loved it as 12 or so year old when I read it. It builds a huge world and has some memorable characters/situations. Bear in mind though it is much more in the traditional fantasy mould, rather than something similar to Game of Thrones or even most of Brendon Sanderson's works. It was written nearly 40 years ago, so don't expect modern touches.

      As stated earlier, I liked his Empire series (which is closely linked with the original Magician cycle) even more than Magician and it's sequels.

      • It was written nearly 40 years ago

        Gods that makes me feel OLD

    • +1

      Its amazing, also you will see Magician pop up on a lot of top Fantasy book recommendations if you google a random list. The original trilogy is recommended before reading this series. Its not the same situation where you can start with Terminator 2 and be fine, I would say its essential as you would be missing out on a lot.

      If you get further into the Midkemia books the series spans over hundreds of years and some characters are actually alive so its good to follow them from the start.

  • +1

    Thanks for posting OP! This is one of my favourite fantasy series :) Shadow of a Dark Queen started my whole Feist obsession

  • Anyone got the working US link? Can't seem to make it work.

    I read this series every couple of years but it would be nice to have it on kindle.

  • An absolute outrage this series hasnt been made into a movie/tv show.

  • +1

    No one has mentioned David Eddings and the Pawn of Prophecy series?

    His stories influenced many fantasy writers I would have thought. Eg the strong harrumphing women of WoT make me think of Eddings’s Polgara character.

  • I’m almost done - I think!
    Gg books

  • You guys are amazing!!

    I thought I am here only able to save money, but now I am learning literature!!

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