Try Mr Black Coffee Liqueur 200mL for $19.99 delivered (Normally $24.99 + $10 delivery).
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Try Mr Black Coffee Liqueur 200mL for $19.99 delivered (Normally $24.99 + $10 delivery).
Just add to cart and apply coupon.
Thanks I'll give this a go.
OZB group buy -… - $5.99 ea if we buy 50!
Good idea except shipping will be a challange
will be happy to take 10, Melbourne 3204
Regular price for 700ml at Dan's is $56
This is so sweet even your teeth will end up with diabetes
Yeah it’s pretty sweet.. nice tho if you can handle it. I’d like it a little less sugary tbh
Not really that sweet compared to kaluah
I don't really notice much difference to this and Kahlua
You should try them side by side, there's quite as difference (though obviously i'm biased!)
Tried this. It was like coffee mixed with sugar and vodka…I’d probably prefer cafe patron instead.
What's a good recipe for this one?
A simple recipe for an Espresso Martini is 2 parts Mr Black with 1 part espresso or cold brew coffee.
You can find plenty more recipes here.
Thanks, I missed out on the last deal and was looking forward to trying this out
Mr Black Coffee Liqueur + a quality vanilla ice cream w/ butter milk is the BOMB.
Some comments above said it's really sweet. Would the ice cream make it even sweeter?
The Liqueur isn't particularly sweet vs say Dom Benedictine, but yes w/ ice cream it's a desert… but not overly sweet.
Tastes pretty awesome to me.
I ended up with half soy milk half of this and with ice, makes a perfect 3pm snack :D
hmmm I think the was $10 delivered recently and this one works out to be $99.95 per litre. About $78 per litre at Dans. But yeah I guess ok for sample.