Best supplement to increase appetite?

Been struggling to eat the past couple of weeks. I was eating perfectly fine the beginning of the year. I suffer from mild anxiety as well which basically explains this, maybe this whole covid19 fuss is really stuffing me up. I seem to struggle the most when eating out with family and friends. Have you guys used a supplement that makes you hungry? I've read around Zinc might possibly help. I just want to enjoy eating food again.


  • They're not exactly a supplement but Corticosteroids. I've never eaten so much in my life as when I was on a course of Dexamethasone to treat a leg injury. I must have gained something like 15kg in 2 months, it was unbelievable the amount of food I was going through, it felt like my basal metabolic rate had doubled and people around me were flabbergasted at how I wasn't morbidly obese. It was a real pain to get back to my normal weight afterwards but man do you feel a sense of euphoria and overall "general wellness" on that stuff as well as a bottomless pit of an appetite. The downside was you did feel hungry pretty much 24/7 and the feeling of being full didn't last long.

    • Side affect is long term use can lead to bone density weakness etc (like Osteoporosis)

      I have a severe skin condition and i only use steroids as a last resort. (creams are ok, oral steroids are the issue)
      I agree 100% that weight gain is a massive side effect (as is always being in a S**tty mood)

  • I wish I could swap you. I feel hungry pretty much all the time and even when I eat to the point of being over full, I can still eat. I have to distract myself from food all the time and it's even worse when I exercise.

    So, I'd say exercise a lot more if you don't already. Do heavy weights as this should get your metabolism kicking.

  • Carbs is one thing that usually increases Hunger but playing with your glucose levels

  • +1

    What bout a protein shake in the morning on top of what you're already trying to eat. Extra protein won't hurt either.

    • Yes you can get shakes that are called mass gainer if you need to gain weight

  • +3

    I myself am quite fond of marijuana cigarettes, what we call in the industry as "reefers"

  • Light cardio stimulates the appetite. 20mins power walk in the morning should help.

    Although sounds more like your anxiety is the issue rather than your appetite. Have you thought about seeing a psychologist that could help you learn some techniques to identify and manage triggers and thought processes?

    • Maybe hypnosis

  • Have you done a covid test?

    Oblne of covid symptoms is loss of appetite. One of my relative overseas loss her appetite and at the end wasn t eating for 3 straight day because she didn t feel like it. Someone found her on the floor unresponsive. And no one was expecting a positive test as there were no other symptoms.

    So might be worth to get it check

  • Are you actually underweight?
    If not does it really matter if you don’t have much of an appetite? Just order a small entree if you go out with friends.

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