I have a Mirvac built house, one in an estate where a whole row of townies are built in the same way. They are Torrens so no body corp.
I have an upstairs window with a full length next to half length window. Like a sideways L shape.
The bottom ledge, the wood has rotted. It was fixed once when the house was 5 years old. And then fixed once again 4 years after that under insurance.
The second time I saw when the cavity was open. It has this flashing and when the water goes in it would collect and run off all to the side. It runs down to the full length section. It is exactly on this side that the wood always rotted.
So I think it is a building design error.
Mirvac only warranties their house for 5 years from building.
I'm wondering if anyone has some knowledge in this area and knows what I can do?
Sounds pretty typical of today's building. If they fix it again under insurance maybe pay a bit extra so it never happens again.