Hey all,
I am looking for some cheap flash drives that I can use as handouts.
Anything between 1gb to 8gb would be fine.
Looking for around $1 per Gb, if possible..
Any ideas..?
Hey all,
I am looking for some cheap flash drives that I can use as handouts.
Anything between 1gb to 8gb would be fine.
Looking for around $1 per Gb, if possible..
Any ideas..?
I had a look on dealextreme but the cheapest I could find was $6.12 for a 4Gb drive if I purchased 10 or more…
dx sucks for usb sticks better looking on ebay
Not sure if it's still there but Harvey Norman in Martin Place (possibly other stores) had a big bin with tons of cheap USB flash drives (Toshiba?). They were like $2 each for 1GB.
I'm sure you've already seen it, but $8 for 8gb at Harvey Norman http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/58002
Shouldn't be too hard to find if you keep your eyes peeled here..
Also look at import sites like dealextreme - their bulkrate price gets pretty close on a 4Gb drive.