Which Is The Best State or Territory in Australia?

Hi Ozbargainers,

Which do you think is the best state or territory in Australia and why?

I personally think that it would have to be South Australia. Adelaide is by far one of the most exhilarating cities in the world. :)

Poll Options

  • 43
  • 19
    Northern Territory
  • 165
  • 283
  • 92
    South Australia
  • 35
  • 477
  • 130
    Western Australia


    • Queensland… the Florida of Australia.

      I was gonna say more like Mississippi.

      Except even Mississippi has daylight savings.

      • +4

        Yes it sucks to live on nice beaches where houses are cheaper, and stamp duty half the price.

        My 1.4 km commute to work kills me to be honest.

        • +1

          Do you crawl the entire 1.4km?

        • +17

          House prices are a measure of how much people want to live there…

          • +1

            @Quantumcat: And how much space there is to live in.

          • +10

            @Quantumcat: We have a constant flood of mexicans flooding into Qld from NSW/VIC driving our prices up. Please stop coming, we prefer you to stay where you are with crap weather, overpopulation, superiority complexes and crazy house prices. But keep believing that it is a better place to live than Qld. We are fine with that.

            • +5

              @dogboy: Unfortunately they usually move back because they realise that reality doesn't match the fantasy.

            • +3

              @dogboy: get trump to come to QLD to fund a wall, he's free every soon

          • @Quantumcat: this is true somewhat, but most people choice is dictated where they live be employment opportunities and family.
            I'm sure if no one had to work more people would live on the G.C. or sunshine coast etc thanl sydney or Melbourne.
            but either way i know where id rather live.

            • +2

              @Donaldhump: In other words there is a shortage of good jobs in Queensland

              • +1

                @Quantumcat: Yes compared to Sydney and Melbourne. I would imagine if people could work remote or find a good job on the gc or sc.
                They would move, better weather better life, less expensive.

        • I hear ya!! My 3km commute means I have to wake up at 8.15am instead of 8.30am. Need a job closer. Walking distance.

      • +3

        Daylight savings is harmful to human health, with increase of MI and accidents from the clock change.


        If you want DST just live in NSW or Victoria, don't enforce your state ideals on other states, not everyone wants DST.

        • I live in WA and I want DST. We had a three year trial a while back, and it was great, but it was voted down a Bogan Bumpkin majority.

          Sad but there it is.

          • @R4: Yes don't forget the poor cows

        • +1

          Don't forget it fades the cows and the curtains stop giving milk…

    • +17

      I don't think many Victorians hate Dan. It's just our crap media that would have you think that.

      • -8

        The bootlicking media would have you believe Victorians are happy locked up dOiNg ouR BiT fOr sAfEty.

        • +3

          You forgot to say "mainstream" and throw in an '"SJW", maybe a sprinkle of "#groupthink" and a dash of "#plandemic"

          • -1

            @GrueHunter: You forgot to include your mask in your profile pic. Y'know, just to show how obedient you are.

      • +10

        Polls showed he was already back up to 61% approval rating. He took a big hit when restrictions went on a little long, but now the 0 cases days are flooding in.

        Opposition leader is on 15% 😂

      • +5

        Melbourne reddit page is like a shrine to Dan

  • +5

    What exactly is so good about VIC? Paying for overpriced hipster food.

    • +5

      If you visit you may realise that Melbourne isn't indicative of the entire state. Some might say they are currently quite separate ;)

      • +2

        Have to agree. Places like Ballarat, Sheperton and Warrnambool probably do a better job of representing what Victoria is like. Geelong is probably more representative of average Victorians than what Melbourne is.

        • +1

          To be fair most people are judging this on the capital cities. Although for some reason people seem to think the capital of Qld is Cairns the way they carry on.

        • +1

          Yes good places full of teen mother's and drugs dealers 👍

          • @Willco88: I could have said Frankston and Moe :D

            • @pegaxs: Sunshine or werribee

              • +1

                @Willco88: Hahaha…. I was just editing my comment to add Werribee and it said I can’t because someone already replied… Gold! :D

    • yes just like every other capital the world over

    • -2

      After communism, I can't think of many reasons to stay.

      • -1

        Obvious troll is bad

      • Here's Donny!…

    • Which capital cities are you comparing to? Melb still cheaper than most incl perth and Adelaide

      • Agreed. Sydney is far more expensive on a night out.

        Melbourne has more competition, particularly for cheaper "hole in the wall" style joints.

        • Is Melbourne known for it's bounteous 'cheap' glory holes?…

          • @papachris: I don't know about known, but in a 1st class city, you can buy anything you need

    • Dining out here is generally cheaper than many other States, SA and WA especially.

  • +1

    Where the world most liveable city is ?
    Of course Victoria :)

    • +6

      Not very liveable the last few months lol

      • +2

        hey im still alive/living these past 3 days

    • Actually it's Vienna in Austria since Melbourne lost that title a few years ago. But Melbourne did get second place. :D

      • Imagine living in Europe right now

      • didnt Vienna just have a terrorist attack?

    • Vic is the state

  • +2

    You missed jervis bay

    • +3

      No one misses Jervis Bay :)

      Keeping the poll simple.

      • It’s a territory of Australia, so must be included

  • +4

    Define “best”.

    • There's no strict definition. Overall quality of living.

      • Define quality

        • +24

          Number of bargains per capita.

      • Define living

    • +1

      Least corruption.

  • +2

    Victoria. Theres no contest really.

  • +15

    Why I don’t live in other states:

    WA - Too far away
    NT - Too hot
    Vic - Too cold
    Tas - Too freezing
    SA - Too uninteresting
    ACT - Too many public servants
    Qld - Too many Queenslanders

    • +2

      Should this be

      Qld - can’t handle supporting nsw state of origin

    • -2

      NSW - Too rainy

    • +3

      Vic - Too cold

      How wrong you are. We have four seasons every day.

      • +5

        Wet cold, dry cold, windy cold, and sunny

        • Accurate. Sometimes hot cold too. It rains when the sun is out.
          Melb weather can't decide, so it just wets you and boil you alive.

  • Certainly not NSW. or SA- beautiful but government has poked it in the bum

    • I’d rather live in NSW than the communist states to the North and South.

      • -1

        NSW doesn't want you Adolf…

  • +2

    Aside from the Queenslanders, I would have to say QLD.

  • +1


  • +3

    VIC=The most regulated state in the most regulated country on the planet….. And as much as I hate to admit it, I live in Victoria.
    Even before COVID, there are way too many idiots for my liking.

    • +1

      Does more idiots = more regulation? Or does more regulation shine the light on the many idiots? There were and still are a heap of COVIDIOTS getting way too much media attention.

      • Probably a balance, but leaning heavily on the later……

    • Have you lived in any other states? I thought the same thing until I moved to Sydney. Now I'd rather be dead.

      • yet still posting

      • +1

        I spent a good amount of time in Sydney back when I had a long distance girlfriend who lived there. Can safely say I still preferred living in a locked down Melbourne than going anywhere near Sydney.

        • -1

          Yep, I would feel the exact same. Horrible city.

  • +15

    I live in Adelaide. It is generally quieter than Melbourne or Sydney. Better place to live day by day though IMO. But the question was what State, and to me the focus on cities in this forum is telling I think.
    SA is a place that you need to work at a bit to get the best out of, and in the coming post COVID years possibly one of the best to holiday at. Won’t be the crowds, locals friendly and amazing places to go to and be. I expect plenty of dissent on this and CGAS. Best if the ones that want excitement to to Goldie 😁
    Oh, and the coffee is generally better here too,

    • +2

      SA is a self-discover state, there is so much to see and a lot of charm, but you have to know your way around which visitors don’t have time for, and I completely understand that.

      The city needs a lot of work IMO, and has lost its character as highly accessible, with small town vibe, there are only about 2-3 lively pockets but the rest is dead. Never used to be like that, thanks to Adelaide council and prior govts.

    • I grew up in Adelaide. Best memories. It's fun if you have a local to take you around.

      But for the past 20yrs I have been based in Brisbane. I would have to say that there is so much to see and do here and always finding new places to explore. I don't know where else in Australia that u can still buy a piece of waterfront land with a pontoon for $650k halfway between Bris and GC. Can take the boat to Tangalooma, straddie, the gold coast or to Brisbane river on the weekends all year since the sun's always out.

      Sydney will always have a special place in my heart. I lived there in 2000 so not hard to fall in love with sydney. Love NSW and their rockpools, South Coast, Orange, Bowral in autumn and North Coast.

      Vic, there's not enough accommodation options on the GOR during school holidays. It's a foodie paradise but otherwise not much to do when you been there multiple times.

      Tasmania is amazing.

      WA it's so far that every time we think about going we end up going to asia because it's only an extra 2hrs flight.

  • +1

    Tassie Tassie Tassie
    oi oi oi

    • +3

      Shhh .. Tassie is easily the best but don't let the word get out or you will be inundated with Vickys and Welshmen trying to leave the place they apparently love.

      • SA: Shhh, Don't let them in our secret, be boring like us!!!

    • +2

      I live in Sydney but i have to say Tassie is beautiful

      • It's the only state I'd ever consider leaving NSW for to be honest…

  • Ask chopper ….he got it right.

    I was born in and live in the orange bit and we are very happy


    We have a nude beach that is about 128km long…and you dont….

    • To be fair you have better weather for a nude beach than many of us…. There is of course a nudie in my state, but I think the average person only remembers it to have a giggle while exploring a map…..

    • you can make any beach a nude beach ;)

  • +5

    If you are not white anywhere other than certain parts of melbourne and sydney are shitholes.

  • +1

    Well it definitely isn't COVIC.

  • QLD and im in melb, great to visit but cant live there


    • +1

      I prefer the tropical weather.
      VIC gives too many allergies.

      What's best area in QLD?
      (The frequent floods and hail size of tennis balls scare me.)

  • +5

    After having lived in 5 states I can say the best hands down is Queensland for the most amazing beaches and most kind and friendly people. Next would be WA.
    Worst would be Vic for the lack of kind and friendly people. Tassie is stunning but lacks kind people.

    • Worst would be Vic for the lack of kind and friendly people.

      Nuyawkas of Oz XD

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