I think this is a great deal so far. $499 with free freight and insurance:
Samsung i9100 Galaxy S II for $499 (Free Delivery)

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You mean Galaxy Nexus?
Should be out today or tomorrow
$799300 bucks. That's a big price diff for a new chip and ICS. S II is still a very snappy piece of hardware.
Uhh the screen?
Galaxy SII (I9100) 4.27" 480×800 218.501
Galaxy Nexus 4.65" 1280×720 316Yeah I agree the s2 is very fine hardware.
Should be cheaper this week when the new phone is out (I hope)Here's a comparison if anyone is interested…Just got the S2 from them…pretty good price at $500 delivered. Thanks to the op.
Haha, yeah, the Galaxy Nexus, my bad…thanks for the info though, a bit out of the loop I guess..:)
then again, they apparently kept the name in the US, http://www.gsmarena.com/leaked_ad_reconfirms_galaxy_nexus_fo…
Here are technical breaks downs of the screens in SII and the Nexus.. if anyone cares.
Good deal because it includes freight too! And great phone!
When is the SII likely to take a big price hit? After xmas? Cheers
I wouldn't expect it to get much cheaper, because its still a top of the line phone… currently on $59 and $49 plans on contract, seems unlikely to drop to a $29 plan which aligns with a cheaper handset
I have a feeling plan/handset prices will definitely drop within 3 months. No doubt it's a good phone though - my htc desire is a great phone, runs faster on a custom rom than my overclocked nexus s with identical tweaks, but now the desire is going for around 130 on ebay and the nexus around 300.
it was never about pure efficiency, sometimes we just want to show off :)
analogy would be me buying an ipad2 at twice the price of an android one despite only using it to read in bed 95% of the time, despite knowing (and loving) android capability.
S2 GPU is much better than galaxy nexus which uses the same as samsung galaxy S/nexus S. so if you are after playing 3D games…S2 might be a good option. Also the latest hardware issue found with galaxy nexus: the auto volume thing is quite disturbing(lot of thread going on at whirlpool, xda). I currently have a S2 and wanted to get galaxy nexus, but changed my mind. Sticking with this until something else comes out.
Kogan had it for this same price(free shipping) for a while. so those who missed out on it, this is a good deal.The S2 is no great shakes for volume either, have 1 and even my old blackberry and Nokia are louder than it, probably the cheapo mono speakers used.
This is available on $25 + $10 per month on 24 months plan from crazyjohns; if anyone cares . They are also giving away $50 visa for a limited time.
Total Effective Cost = $770
http://www.crazyjohns.com.au/samsung-i9100-galaxy-s-2/It's actually cheaper to get it outright and go on TPG.
Plus you won't be on Vodafail :)
dam shoulda wait for this deal..so cheap!
is this grey import or oz stock?
You would think that as with all DWI products, it is a grey import..
As per their email response this is a grey import. Also, the new price is $518.
Is this site reliable?
Also, they don't offer 12 months warranty like Kogan do they?
Comes with 12 month Australian warranty if you look on the site
Yeah can't say I'm all that impressed with the Galaxy Nexus. Sure the screen is nicer and it has ICS but what possessed them to put a 5MP camera in it rather than an 8MP?
I kinda look at it more like a proof of concept for ICS or even an interim model rather than a Flagship device as it actually goes backwards in a couple of areas when compared to the SII.
Looking forward to ICS on my SII all the same though, whether it be officially from Samsung or otherwise.i got my s2 from kogan for 509 delivered .. plus it comes with the kogan 12 month warranty. for the extra 10 i think its a little better deal.
How is $509 delivered better than $499 delivered? DWI also states that it comes with a 12 month Australian warranty.
NEW! Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II UNLOCKED Mobile Phones
1 year warranty for SamsungAlthough it's not clear if that is manufacturer or through DWI, but I would assume DWI.
Probably because Kogan is more well known and there website looks more legit lol.
When, if ever, is the Galaxy S2 LTE HD coming to our shores?
probably never
Just about to post it, but you beat me to it…^_^ Pretty good deal for people sick of waiting for the Samsung Nexus Prime to be released, though I'm not sure whether you'll be getting actual Australian warranty, or DWI's Aussie warranty, since it's coming from Hong Kong..