Looking to send some snacks to my Brother in law on Amazon. My goto used to be Tim Tams when they were $1.82, but with the new pack limit restrictions (5 min) I think it maybe a bit too much. What would everyone recommend? Just after some tasty treats that won't cost too much.
Snacks from Amazon.

frondono on 03/11/2020 - 10:30
Last edited 03/11/2020 - 10:31
Last edited 03/11/2020 - 10:31
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$9.10, ask him to eat in moderation. ;)
+1 else chub him up so your partner gets angry
What's the recommended daily intake of Tim Tams?
It's not a health food, if that's what you are thinking ;)
Otherwise I think each OzBargainer differ, before one feels 🤢
Atleast 1 pack I'm pretty sure.
I once bought 30 packs of timtams in a shop when discounted. They are the best! You can rip with warm milk too and that way you can eat more
Got 500gm of Starburst lollies last month half price YUMMY
After 8s