• closed

Win 1 of 30 Prizes from Daylesford and Macedon Tourism's Christmas Giveway



Closing Date 05/12/2020


Description Daylesford and Macedon Accommodation/etc Prize.
No. of Prizes 30

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit Once per day
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites n/a

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closed Comments

  • Is it working? I'm getting 'page not found' …

  • Getting same error!

  • +1

    I've emailed them

    • +2

      Working now

      • +1


        • seems to be down again

  • Hasn't been updated for about a week and now says "Page Not Available" again.
    Edit: Have emailed

  • They really need to work on the website. Hasn’t been updated again :/

  • Does anyone know if you need to enter separately for each prize or is it all the same prize pool? I've read the T&Cs but don't feel like it's clear (or maybe I am just too tired to comprehend!). In any case, if anyone has this info I'd appraise confirmation

    • Not sure either, I think enter once per prize?

      • Thanks for that. Yes, that was my understanding too. But as I was doing that last night, after about 6 entries on different prizes it gave me a message saying I'd entered too many times!

        • +1

          I had the same error message after plowing through a bunch of individual entries. Waited 3-4 days and was able to enter the ones I didn't get to before. So give it another go if there are still prizes that appeal. :)

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