Seems DoorDash is running another new promo. Created a new account and got given 25% off and free delivery!
If you don't know them, same as UberEATS, Menulog etc. Except they charge a LOT less to restaurants. Our local Indian said UberEATS were 35%, Menulog costs them like 45% because of all added fees and DoorDash were 25% and asked us to use them.
I found their customer service pretty shit, but if you're persistent they give back a lot. I got a full refund (costs DoorDash, not the restaurant) for a meal as they missed one item and was late. So just know if something goes wrong, service is average.
That said, used it >200 times now and issues are rare (Melbourne).
A friend in Adelaide said they have a promo with Zambrero for a buy one $15 burrito get one free but can't see it here.
25% off the first delivery or for how long?