I was just reading terms and conditions for Woolworths gift cards and it says that shopping done with egift cards are not eligible for Rewards Cards bonus points offers. I did not know this. Could that be why they ask for your Rewards card number at time of purchase? Sneaky
Is This Why They Ask for Your Everyday Rewards Number?

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No, it gives you reward points too. It's shown on the receipt.
I’ve used egift cards for several years and still get bonus point offers. I must say I find it annoying that they ask you for your Rewards number every time you purchase a card.
Are youy saying you get points for using gift cards, or for buying gift cards?
I have never provided rewards number at the time of gift card purchase but always getting points for purchases including bonus points.
I think they are using WW online system even for selling egiftcards so that box to enter rewards number only useful when buying other groceries not egiftcards. I might be wrong though.Where in the terms and conditions does it say that?
The only mention of Everyday Rewards I can find is:
5.5 Value loaded onto a Store eGift Card at point of sale or otherwise is not a qualifying amount for the purposes of any Everyday Rewards points offered through the Everyday Rewards program. See everydayrewards.com.au for full details of the Everyday Rewards program.
And that just means that you don't earn points when you purchase a gift card.
I think you're onto something, Pam. Maybe call ASIO and A Current Affair.
I was reading through this post thinking "what?" Then I saw your comment - I should've known! LOL
I’ve never seen someone make life so hard
How can something stated in the terms and conditions be sneaky? Wouldn't it be sneaky if it wasn't mentioned? I've missed you Pam, how is the toy boy going?
I have found it handy as it keeps a record of your purchase. Then if there is a problem with the gift card and you have lost the receipt you can still get the issue rectified.
It was written at the bottom of the page I think, when I purchased it, the confirmation page, which I no longer have. I alsp bought from a new place, NSW Seniors card. I am pretty sure I read it somewhere but did not keep a copy
As I cant find the copy, I could be wrong, so I will ask for this thread to be closed
No, they ask for your rewards number so they can link your account, track your purchases and gather information.
If you don't give them your account number you don't get the rewards points anyway. So that has nothing to do with them asking.