Beats by Dr. Dre Solo (White) approx AUD170 incl shipping + CC fees (USD166 Amazon US) RRP AUD299
Beats by Dr. Dre Solo (White) Approx AUD170 Incl Shipping + CC Fees (USD166 Amazon US) RRP AUD299

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I bought the red hd them from amazon about 6 months ago for around $180 US I guess it just depends when the AUS dollar is strong
Thanks for pointing out that this is not the HD version. I came across this while looking for a headphone for my 13-year old son and as skeleton_king pointed out below, this only looks great on kids. :-) I, myself, have a Bose headphone.
expect the headband to break in two days for non-HD solo
u are looking to buy a 200 dollar headphone for your 13-year old son??? wow i rmb i only had $2 sh*tty ass earphone when i was 13. are u gonna get him a mercedes when he turns 18?haha no, i will give him my old car and i will buy myself the mercedes.
Call me a kid :), but I've been using the Non-HD solo for almost a year now, which I got free with me Beats laptop. It's still rock solid. For what doncleth said about Bose, one of my friends had an expensive pair of bose headphones and also bought a pair of SOLO-HDs. Now the bose is collecting dust (and i'm trying to get it off him and sell it on ebay :-D ).
Damn. Got excited for a second there.
ok eyecandy but for what you are paying not worth it…
good headphones? yes. value for money? hell no!
Good headphones? You have got to be kidding me, clearly you haven't heard good headphones before.
Which one is good headphones? I am looking to grab a decent one, is Bose AE good? budget around $200. Thanks!
Exactly the same as Skeleton_king. Which headphones are worth getting? Budget of $200 too.
Audio technica :))
Beats :((LOL BOSE? HELL no, not really any good headphones around for $200, if u wanna carry it around u, like portable ones, any sennheiser or ath would do
if you really wanna good ones like hd600~800, u would wanna spend so much more on amps etc.^Same position as Skeleton Kingand hahahboy. Budget is also $200.
I already understand it won't get me the BEST quality headphones there are, BUT i'm looking for something that's good value for my price range i'm willing to pay.
I've been looking for a while, but there are so many reviews to browse from that I'm just asking for personal recommendations now to make it easier..
i said 'good' headphones, not great, fantastic, awesome, but good.
The metric by which headphones are judged as "good" is sound quality for the price. $50 worth of sound in a $180 glossy package is not "good"
try Koss KSC-75. its like somewhere around $15-$25 and its definitely good. you can save the remaining of your budget for something else.
Sennheiser branded headphones from my experience, have one of the best Performance to price ratio! I'm sure for a $200 budget, you'd be able to pick up a very decent pair from them. Worth checking out. I've found all of the Dr Dre series headphones to be too heavy on the bass side across all series, which means it isn't very versatile for all types of music
not really, sennheiser has great high ends, as for the entry level ones, they are ok
Yeah, at least their entry level headphones aren't trash.. (not talking about in-ears lads, headphones)
yea, but monster categories Beats By Dre as "high ends" LOL
personally i consider beats by dre as more of a trend, everyone buys it because they think celebrities are wearing.
but hopefully people won't mix up beats & monster, monster is a great company, they produces decent earphones, like turbine copper, miles davis tribute etc
The AKGs aren't too bad either. BOSE…?? I would say for the price they're asking for they really aren't worth the buy. A $300 Bose would sound equivalent to a $120 Sennheiser therefore a you are really just paying a premium for the brand. I know this because I worked in a specialist audio store for about 4 years during uni! Grados are another set of headphones worth having a listen to. If you're on a $200 you can actually pick up a great sounding set of Grado for that!
How is Dr Dre even a selling point anymore? He's been trolling everyone since he announced Detox 11 years ago.
yea, thats why the are now selling the bloody justin bieber beats, expect to see rebecca black beats soon
No one has experience with the BOSE headphones? I tried out few of them in Apple store and I think they are quite nice. I feel like I am in my own world when I wear them with warm music. In my opinion, Beat headphones are just for kids.
I have.
Try Sennheisers. BOSE aren't that great, they're definately cheaper than Beats, but definately not up there in the extreme range.
Audio-technica is quite good, I still like my Sennheiser HD228s.. until they crap on me that is, but Audio-Technica are the closest I've heard to my ones, look much better but has a little bit missing if compared to my headphones.
I have read their comments section on the beats website. Some people have even posted photo's showing this stuff is of a poor build quality. Buyer beware?
I remember reading that they fixed the build quality? But don't take my word for it
the HD Beats Solo are $180 US with Amazon and still over $100 cheaper than in Oz. They are more fashion and not for audiophiles. Lots of threads on whirpool discussing this issue.
It's a fashion accessory that looks good and doesn't crackle while having a lot of bass, also a stupid high price tag just so it can a "premium product" where it really isn't..
They have a great marketing team and product design team, that's for sure.
Getting a pair of solo hd's this week YEAH
Please don't waste your money on this rubbish.
Yes they are 'ok/good' but they are also overpriced, even when on sale.
You could get QUALITY with that money.
For example:
i'd rather spend more and go for better choices like sennheiser, grado or something else than this.
Are these not the same ones you can get for free with an HTC phone?
These Beat by Dre - one can plug it into an iPhone to make calls, presumably a mic is present. Are they therefore suitable as a headset for gaming? eg. Logitech G35/G930 replacements.
Beats headphones are usually packaged with two monster cables. One with the mic and one without (and of course a handy case to carry 'em all). Haven't tried mine for gaming. However, if you are looking for something for more gaming than listening to music, I suggest you stick to Logitech.
I don't think this is much of a deal doncleth. The price is about the same as retail price ($190). I think you mixed up with Beats SOLO HD which retails for $299. Here's the link from Apple store.…