Buy 2 iTunes Cards Get a 3rd One FREE at The Good Guys.
Buy 2 iTunes Cards Get a 3rd One FREE at The Good Guys

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Good Deal!
Great deal, better than the 20% off sale at 7/11 and Woolworths!!!
This works out to 33% off…
So if you buy $1000 worth of cards and sell an app for $1000 on the app store and then use the cards to buy the app you will make $700 for a $667 investment.
This is the iTunes equivalent to an infinite money cheat.
yeah because apple dont take a cut, they run the store for free………
apple takes 30% to 35% buddy
no he factored in the apple cut.
that being said, say your app is priced at $1, you'll need to buy it 1000 times with 1000 iTunes accounts. who's going to waste that much time for a measly $33?
Or you could just price your app at $1000?
that's the thing, you can't. i think the max is 300-400.
anyway the joke has gone too far, let's just end it before it gets too technical and messy
i mean the limit on the price you can set before apple will check that your app is worth the price.
anyway the rules are often changed and not public, plus this is way off topic. let's just move on.
no he meant to price the app at $1000 not $1
I should have been clear, this isn't a serious suggestion.
But I did take Apple's 30% into account.
You would need a $100 Apple Developer subscription, and Apple would have to approve the app anyway (and they apparently look pretty closely at high priced apps), which would take some time. It would also take a fair amount of time just to enter the card codes as well as other associated costs.
I agree that it is tedious, but most 'infinite xp' cheats are, as anyone who has ever tried it in Mass Effect (or Fallout 3 etc) could testify.
Sorry some people didn't get the joke. :-S
Anyway, the more serious point was that 33% off is very good, normally the best you can hope for is $30 for $40 in cards, which is obviously a 25% discount.
Last time i bought 2 x $20 for $20 at WOW, 50% off :P
LOL love it! no idea why everyone's downvoted you, it's an epic idea!
Very good price, gonna get some tomorrow. Thank you for posting this deal.
Yep, I saw this deal. 3 for the price of 2! not bad… how can i download .ipa apps and install them on jailbroken iphones?
Sucks they don't have a Tasmanian store
Nice, deal, better than the usual 25% off.
I've found that dick smith will usually pricematch these… so keep that in mind if it is more convenient for you.
nope dicksmith does not price match i tried asking the store at hurstvile and they said because the deals are from apple they cant change the price.
Does Officeworks?
Yes, so another 5% off.
They do if you talk to a right person.
question what catalog is this in?? otherwise i prob wont be able to get a price match
no price matching at OW .. they refuse to do buy one get one free deals
Great deal.
why bother of going through the motions of negotiating a price match. Good guys shops are almost everywhere.
I disagree, Good Guys stores are always in isolated strip mall type things which are annoying to get to; but never really in the middle of a shopping centre or a CBD area like Dick Smith or JB hi-fi often are.
I agree, they even don't have any stores in Tasmania.
just been to OW. price matched and beaten by 7% :)
awesome… time to stock up for apps….