• expired

Indomie Mi Goreng Box (80g X 40) $9.95 + Delivery (after $5 Discount Voucher) @ Shopping Square


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Shopping Square

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  • +1

    $12 delivery for me :/

  • +9

    Not much better than buying 8, 5 packs from coles
    Probably longer expiry too.
    Save 5c in my case with shipping lol

    • +1

      Agreed. Or just wait for the next IGA sale. Or Cabramatta. Or Kingsford. (sorry if these place names are meaningless if you're not NSW).

      • +1

        Unfortunately I'm stuck in dan Andrews wasteland :(

  • Do you have hot and spicy

    • Do you have green mi goreng?

    • +6

      Do you have hot and spicy

      After midnight…

      • That would be cold and spicy

  • +9

    $2.75 for pack of 5. free pick up. no need to eat 40 packs within 3 months

    • The thing I don't understand if how instant noodles can even expire. They seem pretty full of preservatives and if the packaging isn't broken shouldn't they be able to last forever?

      • maybe its the sauce that has a limited shelf life. the noodles themselves will stay for longer.

      • The Noodles go stale, I've only ever seen a best before not expiry on instant noodles though

      • +3

        Mi goreng has wet ingredients (oil, chili sauce and kicap manis) in its packaging.

      • The noodles are fried, so the oil (probably palm oil) will go rancid.

      • +1

        the powder flavouring clumps up and gets hard over time, the oil coagulates and the soy sauce changes flavour, too.
        the noodles themselves should last quite a while.

    • Doesnt take 3 mths if u hv big family

    • +1

      Reject Shop every day for $2.25/5pk
      Or most Asian grocers have around $4/10pk

  • +4

    just FYI, you usually can pick up the 40box for $10-11 at most asian groceries. =)
    (at least here in melb you can)

    • +6

      and they sell the indonesian imports with 100% msg instead of the wools version with reduced msg. msg is life

      • i like the way you think =)

      • +2

        Oh wow this is news to me - I didn't think Mi Goreng could get any better but if I'm missing out on MSG then I guess I need to make a trip to Sunnybank!

      • Uncle Roger say AIIYAAA

      • +1

        Uncle Roger Approved

        For those spicy food lover,
        I usually mixed a tablespoon of "sambal" or chili paste of your choice with the flavouring paste first before putting in the noodle.

      • MSG like salt on crack

  • 'Best Before: Jan 2021'

    hope you eat bigly

  • +5

    Looks like someone from the IT department ordered too much stock.

  • This is not export quality. Just a heads up

    • This is not export quality

      Import quality ? Where are they made ?

      • Get one from export quality and compare with the for local use.

        The difference is huge.

        I remember the local one had:
        (In indonesian )

        Includes vitamin a,b,c,d…

        While the export one had:
        Includes 4 sachet of seasonings.

        The sweet soy was also thicker and not runny.

        • so the local is better?

          • @CyberMurning: As in they make things up for the local version. I dont know what exactly they put in there. When you boil the noodles, the yellow colouring is very very harsh.

            But export quality is safer (yes its still instant noodles, but as far as instant noodles go, it's safer)

            • @mbck: ok i thought the local better because it has vitamins….

              • @CyberMurning: Yeah they're not vitamins….maybe none, maybe worse, but definitely not vitamins. Just with a lot of things there.

                I remember growing up, there was a news article about some street vendors selling meatballs (eg, beef or chicken). Too bad they were actually the rodent kind…

          • +1

            @CyberMurning: I personally prefer the Export Quality one. Not sure why but I feel 'safer' even though it could all just be meaningless.

            • @jace88:


              Probably smarter than Dr Google's knowledge.

  • FYI Costco has a comparable brand for I believe $10/box

    • +4

      Not the same taste.

    • +1

      Didn't like the costco one "supermi"

    • +4

      Bought the costco superme by mistake. I regret it, they don't taste nearly as good. Plus there's the principle of the thing. I mean who looks at instant noodles and wishes they came in a knock off brand?

      • Ozbargainers

        • +1

          You are talking about OzKnockoffs.

          As for OzB, we might be cheap, but we don’t cheap out on quality 😁

      • Supermie is an Indo brand that had been around for ages though…

        Growing up, my tight ass indo parents used to only buy us Supermie cause it was cheaper than Indomie…

  • +3

    Use by Date Jan 2021

    So they were made in Jan 1996 ???

    • +2

      1996 was a good vintage year for mi goreng…

  • +1

    Shopping square sell this?

  • +7

    Came at the best time to compliment my JobSeeker lifestyle

  • -2

    Daily Clearance - Indomei 40packs -expiring soon lmao

  • Don't mean to be that person but I'm going to anyway. These use non-sustainable palm oil in them (as far as I can tell), whereas the ALDI ones state that it is sourced sustainably. Avoid buying this brand imo for the sake of the environmental impact

    • +1

      The aldi ones also taste like s***

      • Nah I'm a big fan of them personally, only $1.40 for a 5-pack too

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