OzBargain family - how much stuff do you buy and how frequently?

Just wanted to ask the community a general question - how much stuff do you buy and how often? Since it’s hard to quantify buying multiple items and so on, let’s say “How many invoices per week or month?”

I think for me, about 4-6 invoices per month. Could range in value, hard to estimate that.

Are some of you buying stuff everyday? Haha


  • Just to add to that, groceries and other absolute essentials don’t count

  • in 2020, for amazon alone, i've made 143 orders!

    helps that its prime and i get free shipping, and they price match, saving a trip to the shops

    • Wait amazon price matches? I have prime too

      • they change prices to match competitors usually automatically

    • +3

      Please tell me you didn't have 143 deliveries.
      All that packaging and transport costs would be horrendous.

      • amazon have aggregate some
        but sometimes they just deliver one box of tissues! (was a limit of 1 during lockdown)

        • +4

          Each to their own, but that is exactly why I don't like Amazon. That has to be the most inefficient business model, but because they have high turnover and the end-customers don't appear to pay for these costs, they seem to have good deals.
          I hear they have improved their (over) packaging to address that problem, but it still seems wasteful to me.

          • +1

            @GG57: getting better, i've gotten a few items delivered together
            but some of the boxes they send stuff are huge lol

            if anyone every needs to move and need boxes, order toilet paper, kitchen towels etc from amazon

          • @GG57:

            I hear they have improved their (over) packaging to address that problem, but it still seems wasteful to me.

            They have. They used to send TP, paper towel etc in a huge box along with a lot of those air pocket padding things. Now it just comes in a more fitted box without the padding.

            • @apsilon: Even so, that would still be a lot of extra packaging (over and above the actual product packaging) if only small quantities were ordered?

              • @GG57: I only ever buy 36 roll packs, probably 2 a year. They could use pallet wrap or something but surely a cardboard box is the better option compared to plastic.

          • @GG57: How do they actually pay then?

  • Lots and often… haha.

  • A few times a year.

  • Ive been getting 3-5 delivered from Aliexpress per day lately, so probably $15 a week. That will end soon though, I've got it all now.

    Really no need for Christmas or birthdays in our family anymore. Its Christmas almost every second day.

  • I try not to count

  • Good stats that CR/SB can tell you about us!

  • It's really hard to estimate but I'd say minimum one invoice per week but then other weeks maybe 6+. The of course an invoice could be for one item or multiple.

  • When COVID hit I got Amazon prime and thats like a gateway drug to ordering things to be honest. Lego for the kids when its on sale is a big one. I also frequently get the coffee deals since I'm making coffee at home now. At least 3 - 4 things a month.

  • Goes up and down. I tend to do smaller faster shops though, so when I gather up all my receipts it usually fills a sandwhich bag up each month.

  • Geez, non essential stuff… I guess one would stop when there isn't room to store it (anymore) and you don't want to offload it to make room :D

    Otherwise peaks and valleys in buy stuff, a good deal doesn't occur regularly and sometimes it is the same group of stuff (I already have it) and I'm not trying to keep up with the Joneses.

  • Every few days…

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