WANTED: OzBargain's Opinion on PRI #281232616 (Class A Offence: Idiot Sydneysider Road Encounter - Minimum Penalty 5 Years Jail)

Hello to all Ozbargainers far, wide (and near), hot, ugly (I do not discriminate), smelly, old and young, tall and fat.

I write to you today to defer to your good judgement regarding an NSW PRI (New South Wales Personal Road Incident, for me it was #281232616) I had experienced this morning on the day of Tuesday October 27, 2020. For some contextual information, I live in Epping and spend most of my weekdays in Macquarie Park doing god knows what. I commute each morn to Macquarie Park by vehicular transport, whereby I mean I drive a car on my own (and enjoy being a big boy too). As I am sure you are all aware, I will be providing you some information for you to form your good, unbiased judgement in the form of marked-up screenshots. I apologise prematurely (the only premature thing I succumb to, hello ladies) for the lack of MS Paint drawings, as I own a MacBook "Pro" and this $4000 "pro" machine doesn't have MS Paint. I might as well throw it in the bin. Anyway, we shall proceed.

During this cold and chilly morning, on my not-so-merry way to work, I came to the point in my commute where I was to turn left onto Carlingford Rd from Ray Rd. I approached the intersection from the left hand lane on a green light, pictured deliciously as thus. As some of you may know, Carlingford Rd is surprisingly one of the very few roads in Sydney that is quite uniform and has two lanes on either side of the road as per this indulgent picture. As I was making the turn, a local village idiot in a white SUV, approaching from the other side of the road and turning right (as per this decadent photo, my art teacher told me to never use m birds but she's not my teacher anymore so I do what I want) nearly T-boned me.

This all culminated to what I like to call the "birds-eye" view, enjoy your meal. In this photo, and THIS photo alone, is precisely (and I do mean PRECISELY!) what occurred to-day! I decided on this joyous morn to exercise my FREEDOM! and hence, to direct my vehicle left, into the RIGHT lane as it IS my preferred way of driving to Macquarie Park and because a single lane can turn into ANY LANE! It appeared this morning my OzBargaining friends, that as I was turning left, INTO THE RIGHT! lane, that the other driver, assumed! I was not turning into the RIGHT lane, but the LEFT?! and as SUCH, decided to dangerously, and I daresay, PREMATURELY! (unlike me) proceed forward, nearly hitting my car?!?!

And so we come to the crux of the issue and for why I have come to you all this DAY. As the driver on the other side of the road, and I, were both approaching the intersection, both on a GREEN LIGHT I may add, and NOT a GREEN ARROW! Was the driver, in said white SUV, in the wrong for turning early, and nearly hitting my car?!?!?!?

I Hope you are all please to hear, that YES! after I avoided this near-miss, and after noticing the driver in my rear view mirror had the TENACITY to gesture at me as if they had the right of way, I did proceed to assertively, and proudly, give the driver the middle finger through my rear window with a forceful shake of my fist, to exercise my right and to PROVE that they are indeed, the idiot.

So! What say you? Vote below, it is only here for a week, but it is indeed free.

TL;DR enjoy your meal Yellowy greeny go or red go first who right way give?

Poll Options expired

  • 288
    You were the superior driver this morn.
  • 25
    You were in the wrong and should be smited by Jesus.
  • 56
    I am thoroughly entertained and you have helped me become a better person.


  • +2

    OP, surprised you're getting negged. You are correct, the "moron" should've been waiting until the intersection was clear before turning.

    I was entertained on reading your post. I can see you would've spent some time writing it, and you probably do get enjoyment from writing it, I can understand why there's people annoyed that it doesn't have TLDR and thus much unessasary time was spent on reading, though one needs to appreciate these posts are not just about the point at hand (the traffic incident), but also about the artistic flair of the author's verbal diahorrea in written form.

    • +2

      Instant gratification and laziness are both helluva drug/s.

  • +2

    The driver turning right must give way to any oncoming traffic and I always treat anyone turning left in these situations the same as any car going straight - especially if that lane is a "left turn or straight on" lane - unsure if that is the case here. Anyone trying to argue against this is not arguing from a point of how it is, but how it should be. Yes, it might be frustrating waiting for that right turn, but the solution to that is not to just turn and cause potential accidents, but to petition for the road to be changed such that (for example) it forces a left turn into the left lane only. Until such a time that this happens, then turning right too early will carry with it a risk, and any ensuing incident will be the fault of that driver.

  • +1

    "Too many words, I'm bored, my brain hurts, but I'll keep reading and then complain about it".

    To the OP - thank you for an enjoyable read.

  • -5


  • +1

    From the first sentence, I can already sense some mental instability

    • +1

      That's what Sydney has done to me.

  • +2

    Solid post, very enjoyable, would read again, A++

    Also, you were right, other driver is impatient or entitled or just an idiot as per the fingering you received through your rear vision mirror (unless they know you were following the road rules and it just didn't suit them or make them happy…), and you should have let them hit you so you could prove your point.

    It reminds me of this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLyJN9EImoU

  • +1

    I'll offer my opinion based on my 35 years of driving experience, all of it spent in and around Sydney.

    You have a thingy-shaped car (as evidenced by exhibit B) and your banana was unripe when sketched…

  • There is a possibilty that the driver may have been an elderly Kiwi or expecting a courtesythat wasn't available due to your planned and chosen direction of travel. It was the case that the small islands, constrained as they are for space due to what can only be described as hillocks and geo-boils,still managed to plan road networks so that there would be no need for a left turning car to immediately move to the right lane to negotiate another turn, and had a rule that the turn lanes were regarded as continous through the intersection.

    Such a rule here would immedialty lead to widespread injury and chaos in Adleaide, where the locals have difficulty staying in the left hand of dual right turning lanes, requiring at least a third of the inner lane used by the advanced ninjas who can manage such a feat without riding over the target roads center traffic island.

    • +1

      There is a possibilty that the driver may have been an elderly Kiwi or expecting a courtesythat wasn't available

      We got plenty of bad drivers in this country, some them obviously originated outside of the country but gladly took Australian citizenship and the navy jacketed passport.

  • You should do a course: How to write effectively, or do a short Drawing course.
    You wasted so much Ink.

  • The basic rule is give way to the right. I had an accident quite similar to this about 6 years ago, I was the moron driver in that case, and my insurer was clear it was my fault. You're not at fault, OP.

    There's an SA road rules handbook info about this here: https://mylicence.sa.gov.au/road-rules/the-drivers-handbook/… - see example 29 diagram + text: "Before starting to turn right, you must give way to vehicles approaching from the opposite direction to you, including vehicles turning left (Examples 28 and 29)". It's the same in NSW.

  • With that kind of a description, OP must be working for the government.
    What a waste of resources.

    • At least I don't get paid with tax payer money. Best to see the upside to these things.

  • +2

    OP I am having a terrible day and you have cheered me up, thank you.

  • +2

    I don't know why people are hating on OP for their writing, clearly meant to entertain and not be a standard OzTrafficRule post. OP can you write some Ozbargain fanfiction for us?

    • +1

      I was simply trying to cheer people up during these COVID times. Thank you for understanding and seeing the obvious, and I will consider it…

  • +1

    I used to live in Epping back in the day, and there was an unofficial rule for this exact intersection that those turning left and right at the intersection must do so in a zipper-style fashion in order for the traffic to flow efficiently. If you do not then those turning right are stuck forever and huge traffic build up ensues in all directions. So although you may be right according to the letter of the law, the Epping Tribal Council may have a different view.

    • Or maybe go to the next intersection and turn left, then left and then left… a big loop.

  • "Did you ever get punched in the face for talking too much?"

    ref. xXx (2002)

    • +2

      "Were you always this stupid or did you take lessons?"

      ref. The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)

  • Do you by chance write legislation and policies?

  • -1

    Well thats a coupla minutes of my life i'm not going to get back

  • +1

    I read the whole thing just to leave a comment here:
    You're not at fault, OP.

    But hey, next time keep it short, it is like you're turning left slooowwwlllllyyyy in the intersection. 😂

  • +1

    The other driver is in the wrong for not giving way to you but he/she was wrong before that for being in an SUV so double whammy for them. Case closed, bill is in the mail.

    • Lol @ the SUV remark. Too true.

  • +2

    OP I enjoyed the story of your morn commute but it seems I'm the only person who is concerned by your description of a DEFINITELY yellow (and ONLY yellow) arrow as "yellowy green".

    • I was going to say urine coloured…. How about we say lime?

      • +1

        you need to drink more water

  • +1

    Is this a Sydney thing? I’ve not ever seen an intersection here in Melbourne where a green left/right, is accompanied by any possible instance of other traffic entering the same street. Ie, basically all other lights that could lead any cars into the street I’m turning into will be red.

    So in OPs case, the on coming traffic would usually be red.

    • Yes. Roads here are horrible and extremely illogical.

  • -1

    By far the worst pretence to be hilarious/geeky. If I were judge, hell u wd lose the case for that BS alone. I mean keeping it short wd have been great write up. But this thing is whole new level.
    Congrats for wasting so many ppls time here.

  • +1

    While you were not doing anything wrong, their are communities in this fine country with competently designed roads. At least one of these communities has cultural norms such as left turns take left lane, right turns take right lane.

    But Sydney is not one of them. Your new life partner probably learnt to drive in a small, growing town. You just need to grab them by their white SUV and show them the way of the MBP.

    • That last part rhymed and I liked it.

  • +3

    I see that some people above that live in Epping have already stated this but I will reiterate their points as someone who used to live in Epping and used that intersection regularly, for people who do not live there and don't understand the particular idiosyncrasies of that intersection.

    Yes, according to the road rules you are correct. However, as an Epping local you should understand that that intersection works differently due to the amount of traffic doing what you're doing, turning left from Ray Rd, as well as the amount of people turning right from Rawson St who must wait for you. Oh, and also the preciously small waiting area between that intersection and the Carlingford Rd/Beecroft Rd intersection, what with the mismatched traffic light cycles and all. Any small impedance to the flow will cause a huge jam such as what you're doing, turning left into the right lane and not allowing the right turners to turn. So unless the intersection changes drastically, the house rules are that Ray Rd left turners will turn into the left lane of Carlingford Rd, and the Rawson St right turners to turn into the right lane. That way everyone will be happy and make the turn before the light turns red.

    TLDR: Yes, you are correct, however I will be calling you out, "Ghost47," at the next Epping community meeting held at the Baptist church as not following the house rules. You will thus lose your Epping local privileges ;)

    • "House rules" don't work unless you can also ensure that ALL traffic using those roads are residents of the suburb. OP and Ghost47 still right.

  • +2

    So much meaningless and boring rambling to ask a simple question.

  • +1

    I stopped reading after "I own a MacBook "Pro" and this $4000 "pro" machine doesn't have MS Paint". No "MS Paint' No fun

    • I tried using the photo markup tool in MacOS. But yes, what a joke. Piece of junk MacBook "Pro".

  • +2

    You were right, for sure, but god damn your personality isn't.

  • +1

    It was 7-Elevens fault.

  • -3


    you should have turned into the left lane and instead proceeded across the path of the oncoming vehicle

    thus you appear to be at fault

  • +1

    You're not at fault.

    From: https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roads/safety-rules/road-rules/int…

    Traffic lights

    When turning right at traffic lights:

    Enter the intersection as shown in the diagram, unless a sign indicates otherwise
    or there is a red right turn arrow displayed.
    Wait until oncoming traffic clears, or there is a break in the oncoming traffic, and then turn safely..

    This person who turned right failed to give way to oncoming traffic.

    • Exactly what I thought. It seems that some people think that they can make up their own road rules because of how badly the road is designed.

      • Most people's understanding of the road rules are a bastardisation of the rules at the time they got their license, confirmation bias developed over years of driving poorly, and ignorance.

        There really does need to be a 5 yearly mandatory course to update road rule understanding. The fact that you can get your license in 1980 and drive for 60 years with no refresher is obscene.

        • That's true and I agree about the continual refresher courses. Cars can be 2000 ton death machines in the wrong hands yet society seems to think it's somewhat acceptable that people aren't evaluated on an on-going basis in terms of their driving ability.

          Something about Sydney too where I think driver education is absolutely appalling. I frequently see P platers drive without their lights on at night for example, and the amount of people who pull out of queues without checking their mirror or headchecking is scary.

  • +1

    OP had right of way.

    There's no slip lane, if there's a slip lane OP would NOT have had right of way.

    Not enough people know this, please tell all your family and friends, it drives me nuts.

  • +1

    Opinion from a local of that area: You certainly do have right of way but by turning into the right lane you stop people coming the opposite direction from turning in the right lane which causes HUGE jams on rawson st (lucky if 2 people get across, normal for 0-1 to get across per light). This causes traffic to back all the way up rawson st and causes jams at the top roundabout causing issues with people heading away from macquarie centre on Epping road.

    In the interest of the community it's actually best you turn left into the left lane.

    • Wow the roads around the train station really are bad. I will be more cognizant that I have to change my driving habits to increase efficiency on the roads.

    • -1

      Beside traffic build up this is from the rms


      Plan your turns early so that you are in the correct part of the road and have enough time to signal where you want to turn.

      Left turns
      You must make a left turn from the left side of the road. When turning:

      Signal left

      Move close to the left side of the road
      Keep to the left side of the road you are entering

      Use a slip lane where one is provided.
      When driving on a multi-lane road, you must turn left from the left lane, or from a lane with a pavement arrow pointing left.


      Right turns
      When turning right:

      Signal right.
      Move as close to the centre line as possible.
      When turning on a multi-lane road, turn right from the right lane or a lane with an arrow pointing right. Turn right when it is safe.
      In marked lanes, you must stay in the same lane as you go from one road to another.
      You must give way to pedestrians crossing the road into which you are turning.

  • anyone got the 50 word or less version of the story?

  • I have a similar intersection near me, difference being the equivalent of your Rd is at a slightly obtuse angle to the 3 lane common Rd, and the equivalent of your opponent's Rd is at an acute angle. People in your opponent's Rd also often beep those in your Rd that try to get into the right lane.

    I think part of the problem, in the above case anyway, is that, because of the sharp angle they need to turn, people turning left tend to enter the common Rd crossing over the left lanes on their way to go into the right lane, and I think people wanting to turn right see them entering the common Rd in the left or middle lane and assume they're staying there, then get a surprise when they continue cutting across into the right lane.

    I try to make my intentions clear by driving straight ahead into the intersection then sharply left so I only enter the right lane.

    Maybe you cut across one or more of the left lanes in Carlingford Rd and gave the other driver the wrong impression?

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