This was posted 4 years 5 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DJI Mavic Air 2 $1027.23 Shipped (HK) @ TobyDeals


Cheapest price I can find. Retailing for about $1499 at local stores.
Note - this is a grey import from Hong Kong


  • 8K Hyperlapse Time-Lapse Video
  • Up to 34 Minutes of Flight Time
  • Up to 4K60p Video & 48MP Images
  • Remote Controller Included
  • ActiveTrack 3.0: Follows a target while avoiding obstacles and works to reidentify targets if lost, such as when going behind a tree
  • Hyperlapse Time-Lapse Shots

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closed Comments

  • That's very cheap.

  • +4

    Good price, but I wouldnt risk it buying from grey market. Better off spending a little extra and purchase locally with care refresh package.

    • DJI looks to have a Global Warranty

    • That's why I haven't jumped and bought it.

      • Typo, you have or haven't?

        • Haven't, I'm worried about warranty.

    • -1

      I guess you can buy care refresh online regradless of the grey import there is no restriction.

      • +2

        no, dji refresh requires you to claim the warranty under the same region with the drone.

      • +3

        You can't, you have to buy dji care refresh in the same region you bought the drone.
        The dji care also only works in the same region
        I learnt it the hard way, I bought the drone in China and found out the dji care can't be purchased in Australia. I crashed my drone earlier this year and found out I need to bring the drone to China for an swap under dji care but Australia post refused me to post my drone to China as it has battery (I want to swap the battery too) and our government is not allowing us to travel to china.

        • I think grey imports they also open the package and use it once so that the warranty could be applied. Should be careful when buying DJI grey imports.

  • +5

    Just checked the DJI Care Refresh, and it must be purchased from the same country as the drone.

  • It seems like there is warranty.

    • +6

      Warranty is with tobydeals only, not with DJI or any other product you buy. If the drone is faulty, you will have to ship it back to HK.

      • Yeah true.

  • -1

    The only thing that makes me apprehensive about getting the Air 2 is the radio vs wifi control.

    I have the mavic air 1 and the WiFi remote control is terrible, i've had so many issues with it. There's alot of interference and i've had it drop out when flying more than 100-200m away (on a beach with no buildings close by). The wifi is just too unreliable.

    If the mavic air 2 is radio remote controlled then this sounds amazing but if it isn't i seriously caution people who intend on flying this further than line of sight.

    EDIT: looks like they switched the remote to OcuSync 2.0, a dedicated radio system that runs in the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz ranges.

    • Yep performs as well as the Mavic 2 range, the Mini 2 coming out soon is also said to have Ocusync 2.0 as well.

    • WiFi is radio. But certainly DJIs ocusync transmission protocol is far superior to its custom wifi implementation

    • is air same as mini? confused….. ok not the same.
      so basically avoid air 1?
      how about mini 1 ? still a good buy this year?

      • Wait for mini 2 and compare with air 2…

        Im currently sitting on the sidelines. If mini 2 have obstacle avoidance and tacking then I think ill go with that.

        • Ok let's wait mini 2 then. I'll set aside $600 budget for it. Hopefully enough

  • Watch out for the new DJI mavic mini 2…. Might suit a lot more people here.

    • cheaper? why suit more us more?

    • One possible release time would be mid-Nov.

      • Apparently its the 5th for UK

  • this gets my heart racing

    • can your wallet keeps up?

      • have set my eyes on 34" Xoaimi (460) but now this!!!!!!!

        • well, when you take good quality 4k video from this drone you will need a big good monitor to play it.
          there, buy both

  • +2

    I'll wait for Black Friday sales on Aus stock and Flymore pack. Hoping that bottoms out at $1499 and I'll pull the trigger..

    • Black Friday last 5 years is like:

      Before: I'll wait for Black Friday sales
      After: This year Black Friday is sh*t, no good deals at all

      • No loss in waiting if you can. Tech prices goes down over time so if not the Black Friday / Tech Monday sales, It'll be Christmas.. Pull the trigger at the right time..

  • Just FYI Mavic Mini 2 with 4k release is imminent - (some dodgy leak has already appeared on youtube)

    Not direct competitor to this but worth thinking about.

    • So the difference is only 4k camera/video? Then I'm happy for less quality camera on second hand Mavic mini 1 (but with much cheaper I hope)

      • Also the transmission using occusync not wifi

        • hmm and according to one youtuber ocusync is sounds like a game changer on drone, veryyyyyy good thing to have

  • I had the Mavic Air Combo and also DJI Care warranty but never used it.
    Crashed once in the first few maiden flights when i ran the battery low and it started the Return to Home process which includes flying to 20M then returning to take off location.

    Unfortunately for me at the time, I was under a tree!

    The other time was when i had it hovering and i tried to grab the belly of it instead of landing it.

    In both instances no damage. just small crack on 1 blade (that made it noisier!)

    Other than that, its pretty hard to crash the DJI gear.

  • Let us wait for Mavic 3


  • I've tried Price Beat Guarantee with Good Guys and Office works, and they all refuse to do so with Toby Deals.

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