• expired

7 Meals for $49 + Delivery ($7.50 to Most Areas) @ Youfoodz

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Just got an email on a Birthday offer by Youfoodz. 7 meals for $49 ($7 each). I realised if you add 2 more meals to cart it equals $68.90. Cheaper than their on site offer 9 for $69, although by 10c 🤣🤣 still winning!

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$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    This is gonna be a fun comment section :D

    • +2


      • +3


        • +2

          Rayyyys Outdoor

    • origami mate

  • Here we go again

  • Commenting for the comments to come

  • +7

    If you are in Melbourne I'd recommend the 7for49 deal from Gourmeal as the quality of the food is much much better.

    • +4

      i'm on my second lot of 7 meals from gourmeal and i would stay away from the pasta and gnocchi. The other dishes taste fine.
      (also stacks with "first10" for $42 + free shipping. Now thats a deal!

    • +2

      Yeah there's so many other better options. Youfoodz might have been ok once, not anymore!

    • Found their beef too dry tho

    • Ok I'm pretty sure that many of their nutritional information tables are completely wrong and not only that but the ones I ordered I believe are required by Australian law to have the nutrition data listed on the packaging.

  • +4

    Pos vote because I like youfoodz and I love all the butthurt easily offended children complain every time a deal is posted 😂

    • -1

      Yes. That's why I voted as well. And I like their product.

    • Looks like you found one of them already.

    • +1

      You love children with sore bottoms?

  • +2

    Something something racism something something

  • Has something happened to their free shipping? Seems to have dissappeared

    • +1

      You need to spend at least $89 (pre discount) to get free shipping. That means 9 meals. If you add 2 meals to the 7 meal deal, those additional meals also get discounted.

      Their FAQ lists the shipping fees for various locations ($7.50 for most locations).

      • i miss free shipping, but thanks

    • I had same thing for 1st time today. Just read below, should have chucked another in. I'll email support and ask if can change

  • I liked the days of when the neg crew was in action and you could load up on meals below $5 :)

  • +3

    Don't forget Cashrewards. The freshly updated rate is 4.2% if you use a coupon (7% without). But I assume only coupons listed on Cashrewards will be accepted.

    Also, Youufoodz dropped the price on their large meals. Now only $1 extra for about 30% larger.

  • -5

    Convenient yes, but not healthy. When checking nutrition, for the size they aren’t very balanced overall. Slack with their food prep, skins left on sides, peel and seeds left on everything (including in mashed sides). Not for anyone with any particular Nutritional needs, as the ones with nuts as a garnish are not packaged separately, all scattered throughout, same with any of the garnishes.
    won’t be buying again, there is much better other competition now for same price.

    • +1

      Genuine question as I don't know; what are the other much better competition for $7 a meal?

      • -1

        If you are in VIC you can try urcommunity. Not sure about the quality or the taste of it but I heard from my friends, it's quite good. start as low as $3. 90/meal.

        • +1

          This seems to be a program for providing food to disadvantaged people?

          Are we supposed to be abusing this as Ozbargainers?

    • -1

      See my post above. This person goes out of their way to complain every time a youfoodz deal is posted. They just can’t help themselves.

      • At least they’ve switched tactics and now claim the issue is “health”?

        • +2

          haha i was just thinking that. In the past it was the outright racism so this appears to be a new strategy which is interesting.

          • +1

            @Iggemo: It’s a common strategy amongst some types of activists (both the left and right) and the media. Instead of always attacking what they perceive as the actual issue they skirt around it and attack other aspects too, they believe that it’s more likely to convince a wider cross-section of people to agree with them.

      • +1

        This person goes out of their way to complain about neg votes every time a youfoods deal is posted. They just can't help themselves.

        • Maybe he works for lite n ezy

    • +2

      there is much better other competition now for same price

      Can you name few?

    • +1


      I usually buy MMC, which more expensive, but as others here I'd love to know more about "much better other competition"

  • +2

    Need to pay for shipping. Comes up as $7.50 for Melbourne Metro.

    • +2

      Yes, please edit + Delivery. $7.50 to Adelaide also

  • Yo this can be stacked with the $15 cash back when you spend $79 or more @ Commonwealth rewards

  • +1

    I jumped the gun by upvoting this - the $7.50 delivery fee kinda kills it.

    One week ago I bought 9 meals for $69 delivered ($7.67 ea) using MEAL-DEAL.

    This is 7 meals for $56.50 ($8.07 ea)

  • +1

    im not paying for shipping from these racist pigs

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