How to Get Kogan to Replace Your Kettle?

Here is my email chain trying to get my faulty kettle replaced. (The kettle still worked - it just constantly beeped when returned to the charger until you pressed a button).

Hi Glenn,

Thank you for your email.

I'm sorry to hear that your kettle is having an issue. Let me assist you.

If possible, could you please provide us with a short video recording of the said issue?

This enables us to confirm the exact symptoms of the problem at hand, prior to sending anything back under warranty.

We request videos occasionally as they can be used as a reference in many situations such as our technicians' assessment.

This will also make it possible to resolve your issue much quicker.

If you aren't able to take a video, please provide any photos that may be relevant.

You can attach your files to your response to this email.

If the video file is greater than 15MB, may I ask if you can upload the file to a file sharing website such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Streamable and provide us the link so we can view this online?

Once you provide the video I will be able to assist you further.
Kindest regards,
Customer Care Team

Video sent.

Hi Glenn,

Thanks for the response and attached video.

Given the time that has passed since this product was purchased, any issues are likely to be the result of wear and tear through regular use.

Please note that due to the age and price of your product, this is no longer covered by the Minimum Voluntary Warranty Policy. We believe that the product has lasted a reasonable amount of time and that the statutory guarantees afforded to you as an Australian consumer no longer apply.

For these reasons, I apologise that I am unable to assist in providing a remedy to this issue.

As always, if there is anything else I can help you with - or you do not agree with our response, please do let me know.
Kindest regards,

Customer Care Team

Not taking no for an answer…

Hi KB,

I disagree with the wear and tear comment as the kettle is used infrequently. Probably no more than 30 times.

Also it is 1 month past the “minimum voluntary Warranty” but the issue has been there for at least a month.

I don’t believe that the expected life of a kettle that has the word “Premium” in its description is 12 months. In fact a study done by the University of Manchester done in 2017 determined that the average life of a kettle is 4.4 years. I have attached this study to the email. This is how long I would expect it to last. If the product is inferior and expected to last less than average it should be stated up front.

I look forward to your reply.




Hi Glenn,

Thanks for your reply.

I have arranged for a replacement kettle to be sent from our warehouse to your address.

Your replacement will be processed soon and will be subject to the standard dispatch period advised on the product's listing:

Winning - Now I have 2 kettles…

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  • +50

    Here is a better idea
    Do not buy anything from Kogan

    Then you won't end up wasting your time trying to get a replacement

    • +1

      Also true! :)

    • +4

      Cheap throwaway crap that ends up in landfill.

    • +1

      But now glenn955 has two chairs kettles. Only one to go.

  • +1


  • +2

    Throw away the old kettle. If there is an electrical malfunction, it's not worth waiting until the house burns down

  • +3

    Wow their emails are identical when I tried to replace my 13month old Mechanical keyboard. Just where they have written kettle in my email they wrote keyboard.

    • The same experience and emails with my keyboard.

  • +6

    You should not buy anything with the Kogan name if you expect at least the most basic customer support coz that does not exist with Kogan. Period! Kogan customer support is an absolute disgrace and even after multiple fines and naming and shaming they still haven't changed.

  • +4

    Thank you for sharing Glenn, good tips to document for others who may be in the same predicament!

  • Nice, do keep us updated on whether it was the charger, power cable or the kettle that caused the beeps.

    • Good point. I haven't taken the new one out of the box yet…

  • study done by the University of Manchester done in 2017 determined that the average life of a kettle is 4.4 years.

    I'm more surprised that someone actually did a study on the life of kettles!

    • I think Kogan was too. It was about sustainability and what positive effects on the environment etc if their useful life was doubled.

  • +6

    +1 on don't buy Kogan branded stuff from Kogan, premium price for cheap stuff.

  • I bought the premium mop from them over a year ago and the mop stick broke, I asked if they could just sell me the stick as I already had 10 spare heads, but they sent me another whole set for free. Haven't had too bad of an experience with them.

    • +2

      I'm sure they didn't send you the whole mop with customer service in mind. It was probably cheaper and easier for them to send you a brand new mop than trying to source the stick itself!

      • Well they technically didn't need to do anything since I even said it was out of the 1 year "warranty", but I haven't had any bad experiences so far regarding customer service, I've had a few items not working and after an email and a video they generally refund/resend.

      • +1

        Ahahaha getting rid of UN-WANTED stock ….
        Kogan is crap !!!!
        Waiting for my 12 months Vodaphone SIM card ( about $150 ..?!?!? ) I can NOT remember since it is 18 months ago !!!!
        Kogan claim Vodaphone should have REFUNDED…
        Vodaphone claim they they have refunded ….Kogan …
        And I am stuck in a tug of war Kogan …Vodaphone … Kogan

  • nice work

  • I still remember they wanted me to send back unusable sim cards for a refund (during their first Kogan phone plan issues..)
    So I didn't feel bad when a lost package eventually came to me after they refunded me.

  • I bought a product from them but the photo in the description was incorrect and different to what they sent me (photo was of a higher spec model). I sent a very polite email of complaint and much to my surprise they gave me my money back and said keep it.

  • I was going to buy an upright Kogan freezer, I don't think I'll be doing that now. I'd hate to think it too will start beeping until I return it to its base.

  • Guess I have been lucky then! Always had good service and support and never a problem. Il risk it again!

  • Im impressed you got it done. Kogan puts up a lot of hoops on returns.

  • -5

    For heaven's sake….. JUST GET A NEW ONE!
    You even admit "wear and tear" … what sort of "damage" could occur in "general usage"? NONE.

    How old is it really?

    For heaven's sake…. JUST GET A NEW ONE!

    • Relax… I got a new one. :)

    • You sound like you need to relax. Just sayin.

  • +1

    Lesson learnt
    Dont buy Kogan KRAP!

  • I've only bought a couple of items from them, one was a dab clock radio, excellent quality, then another portable dab radio which was doa, they replaced it fairly promptly and it's fine except the display is quite faint but couldn't be bothered to see if it was the norm or a problem.

  • +1

    Yeah I'll buy Ali express, fasttech, gearbest, but I draw the line at Kogan. Too often low quality, too often DOA, too often dead just outside warranty, annoying customer service.

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