I've been signed up to both Woolworths & Coles for years now. But have never received a targeted offer? (Example: Free Mango Pepsi or Ice Coffee)
My Email notifications and communications are all subscribed too, so I'm not sure why I wouldn't get them.
Why do you think some people are targeted and others are not? (Maybe Spend per Week?)
If you know how to get on the targeted email list, let me know
How Do You Get Woolworths & Coles Targeted Offers?

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Do people really do that? I mainly use it to save $10 now and again, feel like putting my points on multiple cards would be pretty pointless for me
We have a couple of cards. We don't use one at all till it starts getting bonus offers. Then we use it until they stop. The last bonus was 1000 points for spending $140 in a week. A month before that it was 1000 points for spending $50 in a shop.
They have an algorithm that is designed to grow your shop and/or lure you back from competitors. So if you are a steady, consistent buyer you never get offers.And I should add the second card here was registered by one of our kids and has only ever small transactions recorded, so it seems there isn't any minimum spend to get targetted.
Oh that's really interesting. You think you come out ahead on average using multiple cards instead of just accumulating all the point on one?
@Nat4an: It's not like we don't end up getting all the points on all the cards. We don't toss out old cards, just stop using it till we get an offer, so any points under the 2000 redemption limit remain till we get there.
So yes, we come out ahead. I am planning to register a third card to see if we can get offers even more frequently, because from experience more good ones won't come for a couple of months after each cycle.
@mskeggs: You do need to use it at least once every 12 months or you will loose the points. So you need to actively manage them.
How often and how much are you spending on groceries weekly/monthly? You're probably not spending enough or there's not enough data to build your shopping profile for them to target.
People who receive those free offers are expected to be spending even more in store while they're there. If you're just after the free stuff, that may be one reason you're not targeted.You must be targeted. They have all consumer activists in their BI system and marketing decides who to target and you get something from that program
Our inactive accounts get targeted more. So make accounts and leave it
Does seem random.
Get a few more cards to increase your chances.