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Harvey Norman O'Conner WA - Lady Gaga Earphones $70 Clearance down from $159


Lady Gaga beats earphones for $70, they had both red and white.

Had about 20 left

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +7

    The question is is it worth the jump from $7 for the U.E 200's to the GaGa's for $70? That's 10x more expensive… and TBH I'm not a big fan of beats.

  • +9

    BUT how much for the Justin beiber ones???

    • +4

      You really want your ears to bleed?

    • +5

      around same price as rebecca black ones

      • +11

        Are those on sale everyday or only on Friday?

  • +4

    These seem to have average reviews, maybe pop music fans will find them nice but otherwise I'd pay an extra $19 for Logitech Ultimate ears 700.



    Free delivery & took only 3 days to arrive :)

    • +3

      You mean $29 extra?

      • +1

        Maths :)

  • +16

    Gaga headphones? What's next, Shane Warne condoms?

    Both scare the cr4p outta me.

    • Shane Warne condoms? no way
      It's more like Shane Warne blue balls

  • +10

    I suppose if you have the kind of lack of taste required to be into 'lady gaga' you'll probably be impressed by beats earphones.

    • +1

      also, gaga probably sounds the same for $1 speakers, as it does on $1000 ones.

  • for an extra 30 bucks u could get a pair of the entry-level grado headphones. theyre better value and sounds good for the price.

    • +3

      but do they even say gaga on them? talk about comparing apples with oranges!

    • headphones /= in ears.

      Are the Grado entry level open or closed? The level of isolation provided by in ears cannot be matched by headphones in the same price range

    • as bad as beats earphone goes, you should not compare it with a headphone, you might want compare with grado gr10 LOL that's the only "earphone" i know from grado

  • +1

    ive had the diddybeats earphones in the past that i paid a shitload for…. sounds great, solid bass and minimal distortion. HOWEVER, the control talk on it didn't work and just like all other earphones, eventually one of the earbuds stopped working. For what I paid, I was expecting top quality both in terms of sound quality and build quality… it failed on the build quality. Also, the earbuds were quite heavy so it kept falling out of my ear. It has since been replaced TWICE and still has the same problems. I'm in the process and awaiting for my 3rd replacement covered by warranty….

    I would assume the build quality for the gaga ones are the same. Sound quality is great, but keep in mind the build quality might be average. $70 for these gaga earphones may or may not be justifiable to some people. keep that it mind thats all….

    • I reckon any celebrity endorsed product won't compare to the unendorsed in terms of music. Sure the style looks 'cool' but you can get better cans and buds other than beats for the price. Great examples are ATH-M50 vs Beats Studio (great design but not as great sound quaility (highs and lows) compared to the ATHs or Klipsch S4 and others have stated. Do your research and don't jump on 'bargains' on heavily reduced celebrity endorsed products.

    • "just like all other earphones, eventually one of the earbuds stopped working."

      I'm sorry, what?
      I have hand-me-down Senns that my mother bought when she was a teenager that still work fine.
      My AD-700s are 3+ years old and apart from some flaking damage to the fake leather earpads, they are like new.
      I had a pair of sony streetstyle headphones that lasted 7 years before I ditched them for iGrados.

      If everything you buy keeps failing, that you either don't care proper care of your belongings, or you're buying exclusively from poor qaulity brands (Like Monster Beats).

    • someone actually likes diddybeat headphones? They're pretty much known as duddybeats due to the poor build quality.

  • +1

    i expected gaga headphones to be more… crazy. i am disapppoint

  • +1

    can i just say for those who are interested in getting one, bought one from the apple store for my partner when it was $200, returned it two days later. there isnt enough bass. nothing but a fancy name. my sennheiser cx500 would sound better than gaga.

  • +3

    Do these headphones have any unexpected things under the hood that shouldn't be there? Something sticking out perhaps?

  • These are hardly worth $30.

    Maybe if you were only concerned about fashion.

  • Pretty sure the stock ipod earphones are better, and that's probably an insult to Apple.

    • +2

      you can't be serious. Anything is better than stock ipod earphones, even two cans and string.

      While $180 RRP is too much for these and I'd say even $70 is too much given people have bought these for $30 on Amazon/US on head-fi. For $30 they are good value and sound quality is decent enough judging from the reviews

  • my ue700 probs sounds better

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