This was posted 4 years 4 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[SUBS] Pixar's Soul Released for Free for Subscribers @ Disney Plus


Disney has recently announced that Pixar's latest film, Soul, will skip a theatrical release and instead be released on Disney Plus on Christmas Day, but unlike Mulan it will be free to watch!

If you are a fan of Pixar's films Soul will be a must watch. It is getting stellar reviews (Currently 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and 94% on Metacritic) and has been labelled as peak Pixar. Soul is directed by Pete Docter, the Director of Monsters Inc, Up and Inside Out, and the writer of Toy Story 1 and 2.

I know that some might not classify this as a bargain but I believe it is given that is a big blockbuster animation with stellar reviews that was originally going to be released in cinemas and because it is completely free (unlike Mulan).

The synopsis of Soul is as follows:
"Joe is a middle-school band teacher whose life hasn't quite gone the way he expected. His true passion is jazz — and he's good. But when he travels to another realm to help someone find their passion, he soon discovers what it means to have soul."

Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their deals customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus etc. are considered additions to subscription services. You can also block seeing deals from certain stores or users by hitting the hide button below. Discussion Thread

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closed Comments

  • +1

    It says I have to pay $8.99 a month or $89.99 a year?

    • +2

      You still have to pay for Disney+ but it will be released for free on the platform

      • +1

        Ah I see you've change the title to "for subscribers". Makes more sense. So it's at least $8.99 to watch this movie. Should be worth it.

        • -1

          Yep, I edited the title to make it more clear.

    • +1

      shouldn’t say free since it part of the service

      • +1

        It's not free. It's just part of the service you pay for.

        • -4

          Then it belongs in the forums / PSA..
          Next people will be posting deals from all the new movies Netflix have every month…

  • +2

    Thank you OP for the heads up. Will make great Christmas Day entertainment.

    Trailers : here and here

  • +7

    Wow this reminds me it’s only 63 days to Christmas…..

    • Same.

    • yay, about 70 days until the end of this year. thank F

  • I used to be subscribed to disney+, do they still offer a 7 day trial? Those who have never subscribed before can potentially watch for free if subscribe to a trial then?

    • i'm fairly sure they got rid of the free trial

  • +4

    Why are digital rental service catalogue updates being listed as a bargain ????

      • He's not wrong. I agree.
        Take an upvote.

      • No need to be rude. If you don't like seeing these deals :

        Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their deals customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus etc. are considered additions to subscription services. You can also block seeing deals from certain stores or users by hitting the hide button below. Discussion Thread

        • But what if someone posts an actual DEAL from one of these services - then what?
          For example, Prime has free and paid content - what if Prime does a rental deal, but SUBS is blocked?
          What if Netflix offers a discount to subscribers?
          Will a decision that we don't want to see every new movie available on a paid service also prevent us seeing ACTUAL deals?

          • @Almost Banned:

            But what if someone posts an actual DEAL from one of these services - then what?

            If it isn't an addition to a subscription service, the title won't be labelled as [SUBS] thus you'll see it

            For example, Prime has free and paid content - what if Prime does a rental deal, but SUBS is blocked?

            As above, won't be titled as [SUBS]

            What if Netflix offers a discount to subscribers?

            Same, won't be titled a [SUBS].

            Will a decision that we don't want to see every new movie available on a paid service also prevent us seeing ACTUAL deals?


          • @Almost Banned: you can always block if it boths you THAT much lol… why complain a couple of extra deals on a website that costs you nothing and actually saves you money at the same time?

    • Users who wish to block "Additions to Subscription Services" can do so by adding SUBS to their deals customisation. * Xbox Game Pass, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus etc. are considered additions to subscription services. You can also block seeing deals from certain stores or users by hitting the hide button below. Discussion Thread

      • I suggest you do some research on the ease of use of this .
        I'm finding its impossible !

        • Please comment in this thread and we'll see what we can do.

          • @neil: Neil you are a saint. Such patience. Merry Christmas!

  • +3

    Mulan 2020 will be free in December :-)

    • That soon? Painful for those that paid $35 for it

  • Sounds good!

  • Cinemas are basically being left to die now. I've been a couple of times recently and it was a ghost town.

    • +1

      Very true. Went today with the family on a Saturday midday show on a rainy day. Only another family there in the whole cinema.

      It had Soul in the ads, which brought me to this post. It said coming out June 2020 but I guess that was before COVID? My kids would be excited.

      Thanks OP for the post!

  • cool

  • I hope it's a return to old-school Pixar!

  • +1

    can't see the movie in disney+. what time will it release in australia?

    • From a quick search it appears midnight pt time in the US, so that is 7pm Sydney/Melbourne time. Assuming it's following that.

      If anyone sees anything different please report the deal so we can update accordingly.

  • -1

    Focus Groups: "Disney, the biggest issue is your current image of not having a soul."

    Disney: "Say no more, fam, I got you."

  • +1

    Out now.

    • Same on the rough seas.

  • -1

    Disney should release these for free on their own platform! I'm surprised this is considered a bargain! Refrained from downvoting, but needless to say we shouldn't announce these outside of forums. Otherwise why not say everytime Netflix releases something good which is included in your sub?

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