Released today and now available to watch.…
Content advisory - Strong sexual references, Strong crude sexual humor, Strong coarse language
Released today and now available to watch.…
Content advisory - Strong sexual references, Strong crude sexual humor, Strong coarse language
Oh shit, it's free? Great, I don't have an account!
Free to Watch with Amazon Prime
In other words, it's on Amazon Prime. You can get a free trial if you want.
Oh. So you have to pay for it. So it's not free. Sort of like saying free use of the treadmills when you have a membership to a gym, huh? Or saying the entire library of Amazon Prime is free, if you're a subscriber.
Yeah that's my interpretation. Basically just saying "this has been released".
You mean this bit didn't give it away?
Free to Watch with Amazon Prime
Trolls gonna troll
@spackbace: So how is it free? I mean I bought a car a few months ago, it came with wheels/seats/doors. Are they all free?
@skrot: Proper usage of the word free. There's is nothing free about paying a subscription and then being able to watch a video with that subscription. It's a hill I'm willing to die on, dangit!
For me I see it differently, you might know this already, but Prime Video has a free streaming side for premium movies and a free side. Most would assume that a new movie would be paid for either through bluray, cinema or premium. So being on the "free side" of Amazon prime is a good change to some.
To use your example, maybe its more like a free training session with a trainer at the gym, that usually the gym would charge extra for?
Then again I do see this more of a nice PSA, being in the forums.
maybe its more like a free training session with a trainer at the gym, that usually the gym would charge extra for?
I see your attempt at an analogy, but it just doesn't translate. Amazon Prime is a video streaming service where they stream TV/Movies. You pay for the subscription to watch TV/Movies. Borat 2 is a movie. You can't watch it for free - you have to pay for a subscription to watch it. There's nothing free here.
@ThithLord: There are movies available on Amazon Prime, which even if you have Amazon Prime subscription, still cost some additional $ to watch. This Borat movie is free to watch with Amazon Prime. There is a difference between the two, and the title of the deal makes it clear which one it is. Good enough for me.
@Kenb0: lol so you pay for a subscription, and then you can actually pay a further fee to rent/buy a movie - and you think that warrants 'free' in the title? Righto
@ThithLord: So in this case where you don’t have to pay a further fee to rent/buy this particular movie, what is it then? It’s literally “free with amazon prime”, as opposed to “costs $0.99 with amazon prime” like some other titles. If you want to choose to be obtuse about it, feel free but others understand the concept and distinction perfectly well.
@Kenb0: Amazon Prime is a streaming service. Can you watch their content for free? I mean, I guess you could say it's free if you sign up for the free trial.
@ThithLord: Ok since you seem determined not to understand this for some inane reason, I’ll put it in a way a 10 year old should understand:
Borat movie = Available on Amazon Prime Video on their streaming service, “free” if you have Amazon Prime subscription, hence “free WITH amazon prime”
Mulan movie = also available on Amazon Prime Video on their streaming service. Costs $X.XX, NOT “free” even if you have an Amazon Prime subscription, hence “NOT free WITH amazon prime”
No one except for you is reading the word free without reading the context that free is written in, “free WITH Amazon Prime”. It’s basic English comprehension. Absolutely no one is saying amazon prime is free except you trying to twist meanings around and taking words out of context
If you still can’t see the difference, god help you because you’re just trying not to understand the difference at this point. Good day and good luck with that massive chip on your shoulder, we are done here.
Isn't Amazon Prime a ubiquitous thing everyone has yet? I know the range isn't half as big as Amazon US, or an eighth as big, but the service is up and running and ready to go, you can already buy so much on Amazon AU with fast shipping. And Prime Video has like lots of popular TV sitcoms and stuff. Amazon is probably one of the biggest sources of revenue for sites like OZB too with affiliate linking.
Isn't Amazon Prime a ubiquitous thing everyone has yet?
There's not enough value in it for me, and I'd rather not give money to Amazon wherever possible.
@abb: Amazon is still made up by pretty much all small businesses.
So a purchase you make could be supporting that small business.
Dont disregard amazon as a whole.
I've got a Prime account but you'd have to pay me to watch this.
Watching people's kindness and hospitality being exploited is about as funny as having a nasty case of explosive diahorrea.
That's what the US election and political system is all about. Sasha Baron Cohen is just holding a mirror up to society.
What about exploiting meanness and inhospitality?
Isn't that exactly the same platform Trump runs on? And the Republican Party in general for a long time, propped up by the mean and inhospitable American arms of the News Ltd empire. This movie wasn't made for cheap laughs at the expense of goofy old men, it is a carefully thought out and deeply probing reflection of society. If you find it too uncomfortable to watch, then you're probably experiencing the intended effect.
I'm suggesting that making fun of people who are mean is a good thing to do. I think we're in agreement.
Is this the one where Rudi is caught "tucking his shirt in" ?
Yep! Wonder what ended up on the out-take reel.
Thanks for posting this in the forums and not as a deal.
I was tempted to post it as a deal (and get easy upvotes) but decided to post it here instead.
big mistake, lol.
@ozhunter: Not really. If my motivation was upvotes then I wouldn’t have posted this here or at all.
Oh, ffs.
Please continue discussion in the deal post