12 Month Mobile Only SIM (No Data)?

Have had a look around and hoping for some pointers. Am looking for SIM card with no data, mobile only and 12month expiry (or something better than monthly). Should be on the Telstra or Optus networks due to coverage issues.


(Edit: I think I found one at ALDI for $15 a year https://www.aldimobile.com.au/plans/payg/ )


  • Amaysim $10… month 2 month… unlimited call/text, 1.5gb data, pay only $3 for first four renewals… https://www.amaysim.com.au/plans/mobile-plans/unlimited-xsma…

    • +1

      That looks like $10 per month where the ALDI one is only $15 for the year. The SIM is for use in a home elevator and probably wont get used but needs to be in there because of laws and stuff.

      • Amaysim also has a similar As-you-Go plan that needs an initial credit of $10 for a year - https://www.amaysim.com.au/plans/mobile-plans/as-you-go

      • That looks like $10 per month

        Just disable auto-renew which will switch you to Pay As You Go after your first-month finishes - you can keep the number for roughly 12 months after your last recharge I believe.
        Don't forget cashback if you do use Amaysim!

  • I use the Aldi deal to keep an old phone connected. Works well for me, not using data.

  • Deleted.

    Telstra was more expensive.

  • +1

    $10 Amaysim as you go prepaid. Credit lasts 365 days.


    Finder says it is the cheapest "no-data long expiry plan"


    • +1

      Cheaper to go on their unlimited small plan(amaysim.com.au) for the first month ($3) and switch to PAYG after that.
      Don't forget $2.10 cashback via SB or $2 via CR.

      • Would that mean that you essentially have unlimited calls and messages for 12 months for $3?

  • +1

    Aldi is good

  • +1


    Everyone else is too expensive.

  • Cheers, I've passed the info on to the person and I think they will go with ALDI.

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