This was posted 13 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Call of Duty: MW3 English/Russian Version - ~AUD $22


MW3 EN/RU For PC, This is the best deal you can get right now on the Online store for more info email us @ [email protected] Thank you!!…

Mod: Edited URL to point directly to deal, added price to title.

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closed Comments

  • -2

  • I couldn't add the ezykey link in the image cause alot of people used it So i just added random but i posted the Link in my description where you can click and it will send you to my Sotre!

    • +2

      I couldn't add the ezykey link in the image cause alot of people used it

      What do you mean by a lot of people used it? Did you get an error when you entered the direct URL?

      Also, please add prices in the future.

      From your description:

      …we can work out something like coupon code or Discount Thank you!!

      If you can offer further discounts or coupon code, then why not do it in this deal? This is a bargain website, and submitting a deal only to ask members to contact for more discount is against the spirit of sharing a good bargain here.

      • When i try to post the URL link for the Image it says that many Store representative posted already, and Sorry i forgot to add the Price Its 15.99 Euro and yes you are right i should of added a coupon Code Sorry for this i will fix it :)

  • Interested in this deal.

    Added on MSN to talk more.

  • bliinded I added you but you went Offline!

  • why not post the coupon code publicly?

    Also using a hotmail address is not professional, you can register a domain email with a .net passport and use it for MSN.

  • We dont have any Coupon code yet We already gived out one 2 days ago and yes you are right for the hotmail address This will be my next step Thank you for the advice :)

  • Post Fixed!

    • Where's the code?

      When i try to post the URL link for the Image it says that many Store representative posted already,

      There's a reason for this. Please read our guidelines. In future, talk with a moderator first if you have such issues before attempting to submit your deal through a URL shorterner.

  • Coupon Code Added 5% OFF !! ''EZYKEY'' Expire 21/11/11

  • tried to make an order on ezykey, database connection error happened after submit on check out step 2. and then says error 500 internal server error.

  • Try now server was down!!

  • Good deal. Made the purchase and received the key in email within 5 minutes. Just be aware you will need to follow some instructions on how to temporarily change your IP address (2 step process) before you can activate the key via steam.

    First solution did not work for me, however the second did. Other than that… cheap for a legit copy of MW3!

  • +1

    Thank you for the Feedback Chamzoo :)

  • Same - got the key within a few minutes and using the VPN options they gave (the first option didn't work but the second did) - all good.

  • Hope to see you again :)

  • -3

    i paid and wheres the code??

  • We got your Order Please give us 5-10 Min's to send it cause we got alot of Order's at this time thank you!

  • Is the VPN needed only to activate? Meaning after activation, I can play as normal on australian servers.

    Or must the VPN be on everytime you wish to play MW3?

  • You just use the VPN to Activate the Cd-key on Steam and after that you can close it Install the Game and Play it on your Own IP :)

  • Is there any risk to loosing your steam account if you use one of these Russian keys?

    P.S might want to add that it works out to be about $22.00 in AUD.

    • Yes there is a chance steam really doesn't like it when there users do this, i have heard of people losing there accounts for doing this with other games. But the risk isnt super high but there still is a risk. If you really value your steam account then i would say dont do it. I however will create another account then buy it from these guys :D

  • I dont think there is any risk to lose your Steam account since we sold alot of Cd-keys and we dint have 1 complain from our Customers, btw there is a Coupon Code 5% off '' EZYKEY '' Use it!!

  • the VPN login doesnt work.. and solution 2 is too slow.. wth..?

  • Whats your Order Id i will send you a new VPN login username!

  • Just as a note, Paypal doesn't cover buyer protection for these sites
    Although I am tempted given the price:

    Paypal Website
    "Are all my purchases protected?
    There are a few items that we can't offer Buyer Protection for, including:
    Intangibles, such as services and digital goods
    Licenses and access to digital content
    Travel tickets (including airline)
    Real estate
    Businesses for sale
    Prohibited items on the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy."

    • bought bf3 from them, was fine.

  • ok i got it to download.. how big is the game? its saying my snigle player is 14gb and multi also 14gb… wtf?

  • No Single + Multi = 14GB for both 16 Maps

  • can i just download the multiplayer portion? why is my steam saying i have to download single and multi separately

    • -1

      because IW did not expect you to pirate the game and finished the SP missions first.

      some games even require you to finish SP first before being able to join MP due to noobs.

  • It will install both So u gotta wait :P

  • can i use my friend's retail copy for the game files?

    • yes you can,just put the files into steamapps/common/modern warfare 3… aslong as you go into steam properties and change to english in the single player and multi in steam. then press install, and it will look like it's downloading the files from a server

      • It should be:

        steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 3


  • I am not sure about that Can't help you there Sorry

  • @gembel - It was slow for me too. Just be patient and it'll work. Also, one of the Ukraine options didn't work for me. Just try another if that happens.

    Thanks, very cheap copy of MW3!

  • Do you put in the code after logging in paypal? don't see any entry field and just wanted to make sure…

  • When you click Add Cart check out there should be a Case named Coupon Code you put EZYKEY and u will get 5% Off.

  • Hi and thank you!!!

    Just bought but the vpn user pass doesnt connect

  • Whats your Order id i will send you a new USername and PW.

  • 1477 :) thx

  • Sent you new Username and PW Please try it 2-3 times this 1 will work :)

  • fantastic!

  • Bought, but having the same problem with VPN. Order 1490.

  • Sent to your Email please try it 2-3 times it will work :)

    • Ended up working on the Ukraine VPN. Thanks

  • Order 1465

    Tried first VPN (HexakeysVPN);Error 691 - connection denied, provided name & p/w not recognised

    Tried second vpn, worked.

    DL'ing now. TY^^

    • I got the same error, tried a few times still no luck.

  • Excellent deal. Added to my account easily… Hope steam doesn't block my account now :)

  • if you guys are having trouble activating try logging into steam first
    then connecting to the VPN
    and then going back to steam and adding the cdkey
    after its been added to your library you can disconnect off the VPN

  • Is it easy to change this to English?

    • +1

      Activate the game, then navigate to your Games library.
      Right click Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Click Properties see English and Russian option. Select English, then Close. Steam will automatically download the required language files.

      • Great, thank you.

  • Good deal but still wouldnt buy it.

  • Good deal and awesome support! Had the same VPN issue as above but sorted out in a few minutes. Thanks.

  • order #1523
    VPN problems, 2nd method not working

    • +1

      Log in steam first
      connect VPN
      enter serial key > wait for the activation
      when done hang up VPN
      Finish =D

      • ahh it was my firewall that was the problem :) solved

  • First option worked for me. Good times, downloading now! Thanks.

  • ok bought the key…
    question though - i have my friend's retail dvd's which i want to use as the source (instead of downloading 14gb), do i install first..and then try to activate my key via the VPN?
    or do i activate the key and then try install the game via the retail dvd's?
    does it matter?

    • Yeah, I would like to know as well if anyone else has managed to do this.


    • i activated first and then installed using my friend's DVDs

      • OK just did it. It works fine.
        So yeah, activated it first. Then installed using DVDs.

  • VPN provided works fine :) User/Pass for it is included in the same email as your activation code.

    Just login to steam first, start the VPN, add the code, then disconnect from VPN once activated.

  • Awesome, First Option worked like a charm.
    Done within minutes.


  • Sweet.

    Purchase, Pay, 5mins later get code, VPN Step 1, Check IP to ensure RU, Login Steam, Activate and let it setup, Get out of VPN ie standard internet connection. ALL Done within 8mins or so. :)

    Now downloading full speed of Steam and English enabled by default.


  • Second option worked like a charm. Downloading from Steam now and no need of installing any language pack as english is downloaded by default.

  • looks ok so far.. i'll post back when I can log in and play it though.

    • Downloaded and played fine. I haven't tried online yet, but single worked great. As evangelion said, no need to change to EN from RU.

  • Hope you do a deal with BF3 LE!!! :)

  • I think LE was for pre orders only..

  • can i close the vpn after activision?

    • Yes

  • downloading as we speak. Only 12 hours left

  • I am now online If someone need help Post here Thx

    • My VPN username and pw is not working.

      Order 1596

  • yeah mine didnt work first time, tried it like 6, 7 times than it worked

  • Can you guys please tell me your Order ID and i will send you a new one Thank you!

    • Order 1671, cheers!

      Nevermind, saw step two, works fine.

      • Good :)

  • Order number 1677.

    EDIT: nevermind, I just need to follow the instruction of Russian VPN.

    • Did you fixed it ?

      • yup, I got the instruction on VPN from the order. I am still at work I will get it done tonight when I get home.


  • Just ordered 1689. Still waiting for arrival of key.
    Will post back if successful

    • Downloading fine, will wait and see if the game works. Nice to be purchasing from a fellow Thai =]

  • Can I get this to work on my macbook?

  • If you have Steam Yes!

  • Ordered it today and got my emails with the serial number etc about 5 minutes later.

    I'm at work now so I cannot test out the VPN things but will be looking forward to it.


  • have ordered today morning, Order num 1672, waiting on email !

  • +1

    very good deal , $21.04 with coupon, 2 minutes ago :D

    ..4:00 order complete

    • Yep, my order was processed in roughly the same amount of time.

      With the VPN, had to use Option Two since the Username and Password sent in the email didn't work.

  • Thanks got one!

    Will activate tonight.

  • Purchased and activated on steam. Had to use Option Two to activated the game. Other then that no hassles at all, now have to wait for off peak so i can download the damn game :(

  • Tried a few times now, still no luck of logging into the server via VPN using the username/password given from the email. I got the Error 691 - connection denied, provided name & p/w not recognised.

  • hey, the code didnt work for me, says expired or limit has been reached? =(

    • You don't need the code. The price is now $22 anyway.

      • hahaha funny should say that cos i still purchased it, i think 5% is like 0.79EU ahha

  • Hey i am on Now if someone dint get hes VPN client to work put your Order Id here and i will send you a new Username and password

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