Bought the $59 for 3 microdermabrasions more than a month ago. Tried to call them for booking for 2 weeks straight and could never get through. I called once in the morning, lunchtime and night every single day and got fed up so called groupon to ask for refund. They didn't want to refund my money and insisted that they would get the booking sorted with insight body.
Didn't hear from groupon for more than a week and thought in the meantime will just keep phoning insight body.finally managed to get through and made a booking for the Dandenong branch even though I live in the city. I was told the richmond branch is fully booked.
Today spent an hour on the train and half an hour walking in the heavy rain, but guess what. When I finally got there, I was told by the guy at the gym(the beauty salon is located inside genesis gym) that the place is closed.
I am so PISSED. Wasted 3 hours for nothing and will have dry,flaky face on my friend's big birthday party next week. I will most definitely ask for refund from groupon first thing on Monday but is there anything else I can do apart from that? I don't want them to get off lightly and think that they can screw people around. Any government agencies I can report them to?
Stay clear of INSIGHT BODYand GROUPON!!!

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Exactly!!how is it that they can screw around with customers stuffing up on appointment times yet they have right to cancel voucher if we missed an appointment. They missed my appointment on last saturday, so does that means I am entitled to a compensation for my time wasted.
I've called my cc company this morning and lodged a charged back, we'll see what happens. I am also considering writing to ACCC.Did u get a refund? I would highly recommend cancelling your voucher because you wouldn't want those dodgy people doing anything to your face. For all we know they could be using sandpaper to do the microdermabrasion instead of using the right equipment, LOL.
That's terrible. Do these companies not realise that the point is trying to advertise their business & get new customers in the door!?
I know right?!! I guess their main purpose was not to advertise their businesses but to rip people off. They sold 419 vouchers x $59 = that's $24,721 easy money
Well I guess those 419 people will tell all their family & friends, and they will tell their friends etc.. plus post on sites like this…
But I guess $24k is worth it right??How annoying!
Hi girls, I had a very similar experience with insight body also known as Evoque Brighton.
I purchased two vouchers from Evoque Brighton, one for IPL and one for ultrasonic fat cavitation, from whypayfullprice and fortunately they gave me a full refund for both.
After having my appointments cancelled three times via email and text message and having to spend hours on the phone to get to speak to someone, I had enough when I actually had an appointment and showed up and I wasnt in their diary….
Just a quick summary, after buying the voucher I tried for days and days to get someone on the phone to book in. No one replied to emails and the phone always rang out. After sending an email to whypayfullprice to complain about this, they sent Feddie an email and he called me and booked me in, he said I would get a confirmation email shortly after. This never happened, and when again I spent hours getting someone on the phone I was told this booking had never been put in the system… I booked in again and was a week later notified by text message that my IPL appointment was cancelled. Again spent hours on the phone, booked in again and a few weeks later I was sent an email that again my IPL booking was cancelled. At this stage I didn't even bother to book in again. I was booked in for an IPL test patch for the week after followed by ultrsonic cavitation, the IPL session was the one that was cancelled by email not the fat cavitation, butwhen I showed up for the ultrasonic treatment in Brighton I was nowhere to be found in the diary. I said Amanda has booked me in, and the girl behind the counter told me that Amanda in fact has no access to the booking system in Brighton so that shouldn't have happened.
Needless to say I would never ever go to Evoque or insight body (I think they're the same company).
Exactly what happened to me but in my case they didn't even bother telling me that the place has been closed due to overbooking or something like that. I've told everyone I know to stay away from this place.
I am in the same position with Groupon and a voucher $139 for Total Body Cosmetic Clinic, Toorak. They don't answer calls emails or web appointments and good old Groupon say its up to them to refund.
Nope it isn't I have been to the Consumer Affairs website and Groupon MUST refund. My goodness look at their social media sites - full of complaints - all unresolved! They should be hounded back to the USA where they were spawnedz!
Complain to the ADMA. I have not yet heard back from them, but am interested in other peeps experiences.
I went for a microderm in a distant part of the city. I bought four sessions total and planned on making a day of it during each of the four sessions. Lunch plus other shopping. I got there this morning and was told in a rather snotty tone that I had made a mistake and my booking was next saturday. I said that I had made it via email and would check while I was there for my own peace of mind. I was correct. They checked their email and said I was correct. It took them a couple of minutes to figure out that an apology wouldn't go astray. Then they just booked me in for a day that I couldn't make it, as if I should just come in when they say. I said, ahhhh, no.
Not thrilled about this.
My irritation at this is that if I were to miss an appointment, they would be able to cancel my voucher. What recourse do I have when they stuff my appointment up and waste my time? If they get the money without doing the work (if I miss the appointment), shouldn't they have some sort of penalty if they cancel or miss my appointment with whatever notice time they would require from me?
I think that the standard terms and conditions are too harsh and therefore should be considered void. Businesses are also sole arbiter as to whether an appointment is for X time, as most are made via phone. If the receptionist stuffs up, it is the customer who loses the value of their voucher.
If I can get around to it, I will write to the ACCC and the group buy code administrators.