Hi team,
I have a raging suspicion that a high percentage of gift cards these days are really just preloaded EFTPOS or VISA/MASTERCARD cards.
(a) Is there any way to tell? I have a HOYTS card here and the number is 5021 XXXX XXXX XXXX YYY so it could plausibly be a prepaid mastercard, where presumably YYY is the CVV.
(b) Should we start a list of which cards are or are not?
(c) What sort of reactions do you get trying to use giftcards at Coles etc?
(d) Is it true that Woolworths does not accept preloaded Mastercards?
A while back now there was a deal posted on here for a free four-pack of Canadian Club Dry Lime or something. It turned out it was just a preloaded Eftpos card for $16. The local bottleshop actually refused to serve me when I presented it (even when I was trying to purchase what it was intended for). They were pretty much dicks to me about it, actually. So I just went to the self-service checkout at Coles and bought $16 worth of groceries.
So yeh just use self-service and there's no issues with being declined.