Weight Change during COVID-19 and Related Changes in Activity/Work

Since COVID-19 started and lockdowns/WFG started happening, have you lost or gained weight? Why do you think that is?

I'm curious as to what's changed for people in terms of their size during COVID-19. I think it's probably different for everyone and I'd like to hear how things have been for you guys. Personally, I've stayed about the same as I have more responsibilities than I did before so everything has evened out roughly re time/stress.

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  • 15
    Put on a lot of weight
  • 38
    Put on a little weight
  • 19
    Stayed about the same weight
  • 18
    Lost a little weight
  • 16
    Lost a lot of weight


  • +2

    My limited steps per day correlate to the distance from my desk to my fridge and pantry…

  • +1

    With the restriction easing been going out for longer walks

  • +1

    When I had to work from home for about 2 months I had time to go for a nice walk every day - it was winter so dark in morning and evening but at home can go for a walk at lunch. So lost a little weight.

  • +3

    I would say i have put on weight due to no gym and WFH thus less physical activity

    I would also say been snacking a hell of a lot more

    Have been going for walks and doing my little home gym as much as i could but i would have to say i have gained weight

    Also im not much of a drinker but during COVID i will have i have been drinking a fair bit of Alcohol which probably doesnt help….

    • +2

      Username checks out.

      I've porked up a little bit from covid from snacking too! A good diet is the most important, exercise helps but not too much :(

      • +1

        Yea it is diet but i feel being out of routine has made a 'good' diet hard also boredom doesnt help with the snacking…

  • +1

    Lost a lot of weight:

    • Started 16:8 since April
    • Have time to go for 20-30 minutes lunch time walk
    • Home earlier (well I don't even leave) so I could finish dinner earlier and exercise for another 30 minutes post dinner
    • Nice. what are your IF eating hours and what sort of exercise do you do after dinner?

      • +1

        My feeding time is 12pm-8pm. I started with really light exercise such as 5 x 20 own-body weight squats, nothing too crazy but enough to keep my heart beat a little higher than normal for at least 20 minutes.

        Lately I have been following this. I have not been able to complete more than 2 sets so far. Lost close to 10kgs now, with snacking in between meals, ice cream after dinner…all the indulgence I couldn't have before!!

        • Wait so you still snack but lost weight?

          • +1

            @Flowerbomb: Yes that's right. I didn't snack before and no ice cream/dessert after dinner. Now I do but it doesn't seem to affect the weight loss.

            Edit: Just want to add that any diet/exercise is useless unless you stick to it for the rest of your life (or most of the time). Given how easy it has been to do this 16:8 aka intermittent fasting diet + light exercise here and there, I could probably stick to it for a really long time.

            • +1

              @Banana: that's so awesome. thanks for giving me some hope lol :)

  • +3

    I've gone down a notch on my belt but I look as fat as ever. I think I stretched my belt out.

  • +1

    I've had some other changes in my life concurrently, but between around March and September I lost about 5 kgs. My diet stayed roughly the same, stopped going to the gym but started riding my bike more (50-100km/week avg). Not sure if the weight was fat or muscle mass, I assume mostly fat.

    When I was working in a CDB office I barely did any walking. Drove to the traino, walked from CBD traino to work, reversed at night.

  • +1

    No change. It's pretty much been business as usual here.

  • +2

    Put on 10 kegs

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