Hey fellow ozbargainers,
Need some advice. My 10yo son wants a steering wheel to play Nascar on his xbox one for Christmas. Thing is….I have no idea where to begin. My budget is maximum $500. This can include a chair as well if budget allows.
Thanks in advance.
Advice. Xbox One Steering Wheel

The Logitech G920 is worth a look. Good quality, I like the feel, works with XBox and also PC. Will last for years and brings a whole new dimension to driving games.
There's been some great bargains in the past, but prices seem up at the moment.
Best price seems to be $390.50 @ JB Hifi https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/571109
Worth comparing with the Thrustmaster TMX PRO Racing Wheel around the same price point.
Thanks for the info. Will look onto it.
I originally bought the 'Thrustmaster 458 Italia TX' a couple of years ago and it worked well. I have recently upgraded the wheel to the 'Thrustmaster Ferrari F1 Wheel Add-On' which fits on the same base as the TX. This upgrade is great and I highly recommend it.
In regards to the chair, I found a design online and built it myself. Cost me no more than $120 in supplies.
Thanks. I am definitely not building him a chair ππ.
Just get the cheapest wheel you can find. A 10 year old is not going to care about force feedback and all of that. They will just be like "WEEEEEEEEEEE IM DRIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Was kind of thinking the same. Just not too sure how crap the cheap ones are or whether it's best to spend a tad more on one that will last a few years until he gets past that 'Weeeeeeeeee I'm driving' phase.
A good old Nintendo Wii with a couple of controllers and wheel holder and Mario Kart can be had for less than $200 and will give the "Weeeee we're all driving" fun for the whole family.
My kids have had the Wii since that age and are now teenagers, even with the flashy Xbox One they still like the old Wii games for their sheer fun and group playability.