Over the weekend, I tried to login online (clicking the Online Banking login) and everytime my antivirus flagged the URL as a phishing site.
Specifically, it says the website is infected with HTML:PhishingBank-CSP
Informed Citibank about it who then responded with this
*Dear Burningrage,
We thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and regret for
any inconvenience caused.
Please be advised that we have been made aware of the issue.
Our Technology Team is currently investigating this matter and is
working round-the-clock to have this resolved. We appreciate your
patience during this time.
If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please let us know
and we will be happy to help.
Yours sincerely,
Citibank Online Customer Service
©Citigroup Pty Limited ABN: 88 004 325 080 I AFSL No: 238098 I
Australian Credit Licence: 238098
This morning, the same still happening and I betcha they haven't even told OAIC / ACORN as yet.
PS: Lol. The italic * * didn't work. Anyway….
Your Antivirus is most likely reporting a false positive at the moment