Targeted coupon codes. Spend $60 get $15 off
For extra discount use 8% off on Catch gift cards - Delivered instantly and you can choose exact amount.
Free delivery with Club catch - Free trial available
For Nintendo switch controllers see here
Targeted coupon codes. Spend $60 get $15 off
For extra discount use 8% off on Catch gift cards - Delivered instantly and you can choose exact amount.
Free delivery with Club catch - Free trial available
For Nintendo switch controllers see here
No wireless dongle included here.
Yes, just saying seems good if you don't want that and The dongles are about 30$
I have the dongle as well as Bluetooth card in my PC, the dongle sucks for pairing each time you turn on and bluetooth is fantastic with 1 second connection each time.
@Jimbuscus: I'm new to Bluetooth, I've ordered Sennheiser HD 458BT headphones ozbargain, and am looking for a good bluetooth adapter for my Win10 PC. Any tips? I'd like to use aptX low latency if possible…. The other thing is that it'd be nice if I could also use a PS4 controller bluetooth'd to the same PC at the same time; but that is optional…
@pronoun: Do you have a spare PCIe 1x slot on motherboard? This Intel AX200 is what I got and it has been fantastic.
This controller has Bluetooth. Just buy a cheap bluetooth dongle and save yourself ~$15.
Bluetooth has more latency than using the dongle, if that matters.
@tonyamazing: I actually have the wireless dongle and have tried both methods, could not notice any latency difference. The wireless is more unreliable for me though with constant dropouts so I only use Bluetooth now.
@tonyamazing: I wasted money on bluetooth dongle too. controller might work fine with some lag, but painful in audio from the controller jack.
Best to get usb cable.
$80 is actually really good for the wireless adapter … you cant find them on their own anywhere anymore only packaged with a controller it seems.
Coupon not currently available, I think it was one use.
Yeah happy with that, paid $90 originally but lodged a claim for 28 degrees shoppers protection when I saw prime day deal was $80
Thanks! I think i have the coupon will give it a try…
@scud70: Just realised, since wireless adapter one is sold by JW computers, they are charging $11.95 for delivery on that
@scud70: Coupon code might not have worked because the item is offered and sold by a third party marketplace seller, and not Catch itself.
The coupon might be applicable to items sold by Catch itself.
@hollykryten: aah yeh gotcha, i hardly ever buy anything on catch… usually if its on catch i can get it on amazon and i have prime.
@hollykryten: I can confirm coupon code works on third party sellers. I bought some cheap gin delivered from Boozebud
I have the wireless dongle that it comes with it and it is just absolute trash with constant disconnects/signal drops. Seems to be a common issue that I couldn't resolve so I ended up switching to a Bluetooth adapter which has been flawless. Save yourself the extra $20.
Wireless adapter cost $30 from microsoft store, sometimes they are 20% off, I bought 2 in the past, and they have different versions. The good thing about wireless adapter is you can connect several controllers at the same time, very usefully for kids to play Minecraft Dungeons on PC.
He meant $80 is good for the controller + adapter if you weren't aware. Also you can't buy it currently on the Microsoft store, or anywhere it seems. Also bought one a while back from Microsoft eBay for around $25 even though I have the Bluetooth controller (wanted the superior connection).
@MiscOzB: Yep that's exactly what I meant, right now the wireless dongle is nowhere to be found other than in packages with the controller. I have the OG xbox one so the controller will only work with the dongle on a pc.
I'll keep an eye out if MS stock up again, thanks 😊
Pretty sure this has Bluetooth so you don't need the wireless dongle if you've got a Bluetooth receiver.
*Bluetooth capabilities require Windows 10 devices running the Windows Anniversary Update. For the best Bluetooth experience, a controller firmware update may be required. See “How to update your Xbox One Controller on Windows 10”. Bluetooth experience may vary by device.
yeah i've got a generic Volans USB Mini Bluetooth V4.0 adapter but have heard the xbox windows adapter works seamlessly and didn't want to stuff around if it was less than perfect. If i was getting another controller would just get the controller I guess, in theory should be fine.
It'll work but the wireless is more reliable. If you have other bluetooth devices connected such as headphones then bandwidth can become an issue.
The controller pictured doesn't have bluetooth
Ahhhhhh I'm pretty sure it does - If you look up the model advertised - 4n600003…
@MiscOzB: Catch are using the wrong/outdated picture. Here's the exact same model on Amazon…
Can also confirm a friend purchased this exact one from Catch and it is the Bluetooth version.
@Munki: Every other online shop with the model number is using the same correct picture
Can this be stacked with Unicode?
Only one coupon code can be used. But can stack with gift cards
Is that a code for new signup?
for others benefit, just created a new account and signed up but neither codes worked for me.
haven't received any targetted emails yet either with any other codes.
good price otherwise
These coupons come through after first purchase. More like two months after.
thats a shame. i'm looking to buy a wireless xbox one controller to use with my PC.
Wish I had this offer :(
Btw this is the older Xbox One controller, which would be 2 generations behind.
it is what im going to say. it is a older version doesn't pair pc and android via BT
No it is not, it is model 4N6-00003 which is the newer one with Bluetooth. Catch are using the wrong picture. Can confirm since a friend purchased this exact same one from Catch.
I just assumed the one I got in the package with the windows 10 adapter from eBay Computer alliance has Bluetooth, can anyone confirm?
Microsoft Xbox Controller + Wireless Adapter for Windows 10 Zellwood PN 4N7-0000
Yeah that's the updated controller with Bluetooth (they have a slight design difference).
@G-rig: FYI the design difference is detailed here (I assume the advice in threads above about catch using the wrong picture still applies)…
@adante: Thanks mate will check it out.
Couldn't really be bothered waiting for the x/s version or whatever the new one is, it's just for some casual PC gaming when I want to sit on the couch instead of the table, got an officeworks 5m HDMI cable that works brilliantly no lag, 1080p. The range on the wireless works well too, PC isn't that far away from the couch or the tv.
Ps. Was still a bit surprised the controller takes normal AAs, thought would be USB rechargeable these days, but only the top model is I believe
Codes don’t work
See how it says ‘targeted’?
Means it won’t work for everyone.
My advise for those that want these codes is to create a spare account. Make a purchase and leave that account unused. You will then be getting these coupons every weekend after like a month or two of first purchase
Whats the difference between this and the carbon black that was featured in OZB post a while ago?…
Checked my emails and I see I have a catch code for $20 off a $50 spend so thinking of cancelling the amazon pre order and getting this if its functionally the same
The Amazon one is the new Series X/S controller which has a few differences, explained here:…
Cant see any mention of dongle in that, is it BT only for wireless?
It will most likely be a separate bundle for the wireless PC dongle, the same as they've done for the Xbox one controller. This deal and the other XSX deal don't come with the dongle.
will this work with Xbox one X as wireless pad? or just wired with USB cable?
thanks mate
Wire/cable is for you to be able to play while charging, if the charge is low
@Pricebeat: You need a rechargeable battery pack if you want to be able to recharge.
Otherwise with ordinary alkaline AA batteries in it then the USB cable is only for data only communication with the Xbox or PC. So a rechargeable battery pack is an extra expense if you want the recharge ability with this.
Basically this is what you need for recharge. Turn the Xbox One controller into a rechargeable controller.…
@hollykryten: Rechargeable eneloops or use Ikea family sign up $10 coupon to get these for $4.99…
@Pricebeat: That's what I was thinking, got plenty of old AA rechargeables but not sure how long they last. Got some new aneloop pros on prime day but they were AAAs lol, which is what most of my devices use, only this controller uses AA.
Vartas are cheap, energizer max are probably the best when half price, bit wasteful though,
@Pricebeat: Rechargeable AA batteries won't work in the Xbox One controller. It will just act as power draw only the same as a alkaline battery does. Recharge uses different pins than what the AA battery pins use. It's pinned up so it will just not charge. You have to use one of those special rechargeable battery packs designed for the Xbox One controller.
@hollykryten: When I said rechargeable, I didn’t mean to charge them using controller. It was more for to be able to use the same batteries again after recharging them.
Damn, don't work for me - been looking for a cheap XBOX controller for my PC.
Wouldn’t you be better off with Xbox 360 controller if it’s for pc?
What's the catch, is it old micro usb technology inventory, is it broken referb, is it delisted stock purchased from a covid affected business.
Plus those controllers are cheap as bleep, their life expectancy can be from 3 months to 2 years, one drop and you have drifting issues, serious infinite loop inputs baked into the controller spamming non stop if you drop it on the side.
Let's hope the new type c controllers perform better.
That seems cheap, paid $80 for a Microsoft Xbox Controller + Wireless Adapter for Windows 10 (the adaptors cost a bit but works seamlessly with The PC)