Telstra Waive MRO Fees and VCB Bonus New iPhone 12

There is a guy on Whirlpool forum handle @BiggieSmalls claims this year and last few years he can get Telstra to waive MRO fees and carry over $30 VCB. I believe the VCB but MRO i am calling BS on, i cant even get out of those for a iPad that has 2 payments left.
Says he will PM anyone who wants to know how.

Anyone want to try him and report back? Or does anyone else know how to get it waived, not a small amount he's claiming over $800.


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  • +2

    Why don't you 'try' him?

  • +1

    What’s VCB/MRO?

    • +2

      VCB = Valued Customer Bonus
      MRO = Mobile Repayment Option

    • A good question, i don’t know why people write in code on a public forum

  • +1

    You found him on Whirlpool so why don't you try and report back?

    • +2

      Banned by the dictatorship lol.

  • I'd say if no one on here as been able to do it i definitely call BS.

  • I believe there will be a $50 credit per month for 12 months on the $115 plan (the XL plan)

  • Troll post. No wonder you're banned at WP

    • who's trolling i am serious.

  • +3

    Haha, keep telling yourself that because you’re upset you can’t get it waived.

    If you want my advice, stop being lazy and go back to the older Telstra pre order threads where I talk about it.

    • Hey, I dm’ed you but received no response?

      • +1

        I replied to everyone. What’s your username?

    • +1

      Nvm just checked and saw you responded, cheers :)

      • +1

        Dope! Reply back with anymore questions. Happy to help anytime :)

    • Where are the older threads please? Have looked but can't find them

      • This one? The chat transcript is there from a year ago…

        Not saying it's impossible but it's always luck of the draw with Telstra chat. No different to people in the Samsung/JB threads saying they got them to waive the ETC from the JB contract and switch to the Telstra XL.

        • Thanks, that's helpful, was looking for something on here.

  • It’s not hard to get a vcb but getting etc waived nah.

    • I got a text message from Telstra a few years back, the message said something like “want to upgrade to the iPhone 7, visit Telstra now! Still have MRO fees on your account, considered them waived!” I thought it was BS at first, but then a few people (the lucky ones) on whirlpool also got it, Telstra eventually honoured it even thought it might have a mistake from their end, and I got it waived.

      Ever since that year, I use the reference number and yes, it’s never in the first hit, it takes persistent and manipulation into them writing it down so they’re forced to honour it, but in saying that, this is a lucky scenario. If you have a couple of months of payments, with some persistence and good wording, you’ll eventually get it. I get mine after 1 year on a 2 year deal.

      • Fair enough. I’m on Telstra business have been for over 30 years. You can’t even chat to them atm, calling works if you go through to disconnections. I am loathed to upgrade anything with them atm, 1/9 I changed our 3 sim plans to XS $40 plans and have $10 discount on them, one they took off the business account and put on a new personal account, which meant it couldn’t share data. Had to go through TIO to get it put back as no one would do anything over the phone. Got a month free lol. Was also told I would get a bonus 2gb in writing and never did.
        Need to add some more data on the account soon so will upgrade one of them or if I don’t get a new phone just get a iPad data sim for $25.

        As far as these people in cubicles in Philippines or wherever, I’ve had them lie to me plenty of times just to get a sale. Even given ref no’s and notes that don’t exist haha.

        Ps your ref no going back to a ip 7 is not going to help anyone else get them waived.

  • I asked about this a few days ago on their app and they mentioned they were happy to waive the ETC on my contract (it was just shy of $300, I think)
    I’m currently with one of the BYO JB Hi-Fi plans that gave the $400 GC. Still have about 5 months on the plan. here is the conversation

    • That's different than breaking a contract with a phone attached you are paying for too.

      • Ah ok, I see what you mean.
        I just remember people were having problems changing this to month to month now, so I thought it might have been treated as the same or something.
        Thanks for clarifying.

        • The new plans now you are not locked in, can cancel anytime or go up or down a plan once a month.

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