I placed an order on Toby Deals website for a smartphone 26 days ago and they gladly accept the payment and finalized my order.. then I received the Email from them that there is a delay because they don't have the phone in inventory and they will source it from China and then they can dispatch from HK… So when they dispatch the phone from warehouse, another story started.
DPEX is the company handling the international logistics and "Toll" is the company in Australia responsible for delivery of the parcels. The "Toll" guys are so unprofessional and liars I wonder how they are operating in Australia or is there any regulator from the government who can squeeze their balls? In the tracking information they write silly excuses like "premises not accessible" and "no one opens the door" sort of things… In fact no one ever came to attempt the delivery… Customer service is also not of any use…
So my advice for all of you is to buy little bit expensive from within Australia but don't trust to buy from Toby Deals and sites like that.
Deceiving Website and Pathetic Delivery Partner

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That's the thing about the grey market……
wonder how they are operating in Australia or is there any regulator from the government who can squeeze their balls?
Toll was founded in Australia in 1888 and grew into a logistics conglomerate with a global footprint, suppose their balls are right where they should be….Perhaps you should follow your own advice and buy local next time. Clearly if you had done your due diligence before buying you would already know Tobydeals is just a local front for a gray market drop-shipping operation.
All you had to do was to check their contact us page
I placed an order on Toby Deals
With all due respect, there has already been many warnings on this "shop"… I think you would have to be "lucky" for your item to arrive smoothly if it arrives at all. This isn't personal experience, but from the many comments the OzB community has shared.
From what I've seen in terms of deals posted in OzB, their prices isn't that much cheaper than AU local trusted sellers… your experience further confirms the $ saving isn't worth the headaches.
But, thanks for warning the OzB community.
With all due respect, there has already been many warnings on this "shop"
I don't know if its me, but I find it interesting that I've being seeing quite an increase on them in particular recently.
Well, again no offence to any "less experienced" people reading this, there are always new suckers everyday :(. "These" type of businesses survive for a reason…
can squeeze their balls?
You likey?
Customers pay for cheap shipping and that is what they get.
Good advice
[RANT] from a Member Since 26/08/2020
Still fresh from the oven.
I had a problem with Toll yesterday. I was home all day and Toll reported no contact etc. and dropped it off at the local pickup point. Fortunately that was a local newsagency. Even their notices were weird. Delivery at 11:45am. NOOO. Then late in the day, delivered to the pickup point with about 3 excuses. It's almost like they were trained by the Australia Post. Toll used to be good but not now …
What does this have to do with TobyDeals if they sent the item like they should and the delivery company just making excuses? Toll isn't a made up scam company, they are one of the biggest but they can be really troublesome since their shipping is so cheap. At least tobydeals let you know that they didnt have stock and did dispatch it eventually but now fault is on the delivery company toll and has nothing to do with TobyDeals. When TobyDeals let you know that they had to backorder you could have said "Cancel my order" but you continued with it.
Most of the grey import companies are like that. So I don't see big issue with Toby Deals in this case.
So your main beef is with Tolls actually. but your post is more about rant, no actual story or actual experience you had.
It's not just Toll doing the dodgy deliveries
In recent months I've been getting the same BS excuses for non delivery from Australia Post.The local contractor they have here in Pacific Palms NSW lately makes no attempt at all to deliver anything that requires him to get out of the car for a signature, and the Australia post app then gives the message "Attempted Delivery - Unable To Gain Access", which is totally false.
I have lived here since 2009 and always had reliable delivery to my house until last year and nothing about my place has changed in that time.I lodged a complaint and the manager of the Forster delivery centre turned up at my house.
She lied and told me it is due to a new contractor.
I know for a fact that the contractor hasn't changed at all and have photos of him coming up the dirveway in his SUV to prove it.I have even had one of the non delivered items requiring a signature showing up days later on the Australia Post app as "Awaiting Collection" at Albury NSW Post Office!!!!!
Not very convenient as it is 816km away from me.
When I contacted them they said they are not able to resend it from there to my house.Very sad to see what used to be one of the world's best postal services, degenerate into what it is nowadays.
An overpriced very under performing service.
Probably one of the world's worst now. :-(Wondering has anyone else on here recently experienced similar problems?
I feel it's time something was done to fix it.
My own (single) experience with Toby Deals was quite good.
Their price for Samsung Buds Plus was significantly below the price on any other website that I could find at that time, so I got roughly $40 savings
The item arrived after around 3 weeks, and it was brand new & in perfect working condition.
You can't really blame TobyDeals for how Toll handles the delivery.
You do need to have patience when waiting for the item to be received, and other people have complained of extremely long delays, so you need to be willing to take on the risk, to get the rewards of cheaper prices.