Ghost Recon: Breakpoint for PlayStation 4, seems to still have free international shipping as well.
[Prime, PS4] Ghost Recon: Breakpoint $9.33 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

Last edited 15/10/2020 - 19:09 by 1 other user

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Isn't the region going to be wrong for Australia?
Can play games from any region.
DLC will require a region specific account and it's not difficult to set one of those up.
All good thank you wasn't sure never ordered from another country
Na, PS4 games aren't region locked.
Yes, it is going to be US region of the game. You CAN play it on your AU account, but it is still USA version. Subtitle and language options could be slightly different.
What that means is if you previously played AU version of the game, the save games most likely will not work. It's unlikely you have this already. It's probably not going to be an issue if it later got added to PS Plus (since you own the physical version, just put the disc in). However, you won't be able to take full advantage of AU digital version (as save games are normally not compatible across different region versions).
Because it is USA version, EB games won't accept it for trade in. Most staff tend to check and notice it is not AU version.
How can they tell it’s a USA game? Disc or packaging?
Both. The guy looked at the disc and noticed it right away. I am guessing the barcode might be different on the case, so when scanned, could also be detected.
The ESRB rating is the giveaway.
they iften sell uk versions of the games and put on an oz ratings sticker
What are these like compared to COD? BATTLEFIELD?
Ghost Recon Wildlands (the previous game) is awesome. This one (Breakpoint) is better looking, but not great. They've been trying to improve it but reviews of even the updated version are mixed. They're both more open-world type games than COD and Battlefield. Constant missions to perform within an ongoing story, but you can just mess around in it as a giant sandbox if you want.
Perfect for trading back into EB Games!
USA version, you sure EB games will accept them? I tried before, they noticed and declined to accept them.
Not sure about US versions but EB do take EU/UK versions.
Not my local EB games store. I tried to trade in region 2 games (EU). They flat out refused.
R2 – The Middle East, Western Europe, Central Europe, Egypt, French overseas territories, Greenland, Japan, Lesotho, South Africa and Swaziland
I do noticed that same store does have some region 2 games in the pre-owned games basket. I didn't bother asking why they accepted those but not mine.
Not as good as the first one but since the update, definitely worth this price IMO
yeah agree - so much better since they added AI teammates (finally)
I don't care is a cheap game just to kill time while in lock down
As if you don't have enough games to play lol
Give it a shot for $9, shame this got such poor reviews, played Wild Lands last year and that was fantastic.
Its much better after recent updates
Yeah sounds like they've put in some work, AI team mates etc.
I got all excited then realised the Under $49 delivery wasn't there any more :(
There was available about 2 hours ago.
i played it in early days, absaloute rubbish compared to wildlands. but reading some comments says its better after a recent update, might give it a try again…
Did the same thing. Played it in the early days and it was trash. Started playing it again recently and it is now 100 times better. But it's still not Wildlands.
It's good though and definitely playable. My only real gripe now is that the drones are still annoying and the environments and map aren't designed as well as Wildlands. They don't feel like real places like they did in Wildlands. Just feels like a randomly generated environment.
Still available at this price but you couldn't pay me to play it again, absolute trash, Wildlands is far superior.
Thanks, bought with the free $10 Amazon credit