Skin/Nude (Light) Coloured Earphones?

Any recommendations in a light colour? I can't find any on sale

I mainly want for audio books at work, to basically use in 1 ear!

I can see why their unpopular, but I work alone and having 1 would be ideal because if anyone comes into my sector there's no chance they see it before I throw it in my pocket 🤣🤣🤣



  • +6

    By skin colour, do you mean black, white, yellow or brown?

    • +5

      By skin colour…


      • I was expecting something like this, that's why I mentioned "nude: normally that's classed as a skin colour.

  • I have one of these;

    Sound and battery life is ok. Never tried it for calls.

  • +2

    I just wear my Bose QC35's in the office. Who cares if people see you with headphones on.

    • I'm not in an office, and my workplace doesn't allow you any rights~

      I switched positions, I run the warehouse now but I don't want to deal with someone just incase, plus they class it a safety risk. Hence only using in 1 ear for audiobooks.

      • +4

        Um…probably best not to do anything that's deemed unsafe.

        • +2

          They deem everything as unsafe, working alone is classed as unsafe.

          • @[Deactivated]: That too is quite normal for industrial situations. You seem to have an issue with accepting and following the workplace rules designed to keep you safe. I was going to suggest you wear a beanie that covers your ears. But I assume the beanie would be hi-vis or approved for the workplace, and then you probably wouldn't want to wear it.

      • +1

        plus they class it a safety risk. Hence only using in 1 ear for audiobooks.

        Sounds like you are smuggling contraband :D… Anyway, if you say there is a safely risk, why risk it, what if something happened, is it worth it?

        • In Manufacturing, or Warehouse basically everything they don't like is a safety risk, however then they ask you to do unsafe things! Just how huge companies work.

          You're not meant to work alone, but I do and that's a safety risk. You get the drift? I only want it to listen in 1 EAR, therefore I can hear out of the other ear and I'd only be wearing it when i'm up in my office area where I can see out the whole building.

          It's not unsafe at all, most these workplaces aren't even allowed music. The other end, they have radios for music and they've never gotten into trouble. I would just rather have a earphone in 1 ear, than a speaker playing and requesting use.

          Do I have to explain myself? This isn't a safety meeting, I just asked about EAR PHONES LOL

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Cant wait for your next thread… "Was listening to an Audible book at work on my discrete earphone and got run over by a forklift. Boss fired me, What are my rights?"

            As someone who does some work in a store/warehouse environment, wearing anything like this is a safety risk, unless you are in the office or at the desk booking freight.

            The OHS rules at your work place probably exist because some other moron already tried that shit out and got hurt. Where I work, there are no radios and most definitely no ear/headphones, all because the boss called out one day to warn someone and they got hurt because they didn't hear the boss yelling out.

            • @pegaxs: I mentioned, I work alone.

              We have automatic AGVS 🤣🤣🤣

              I have 2 ears, I can hear quite well from both. I also mentioned if wear it while in my office, if I have to go on a Forklift I can take it out easily.

              I also mentioned, down the other end if someone is there during the week they have radios cranking and are in forklifts too.

              It's not a safety risk at all, maybe if I was using it in both ears and walking around even tho I'm alone 95% of the time.

              I come from the other side of the plant which is food manufacturing, everything is safety! So I'm quite versed in it, and believe me we turned over 40 billion globally and they rant about safety but do nothing. Safety costs big money, they deal with it when they have too. Unfortunately they're far behind, even tho they go in about it. That's another story.

              • @[Deactivated]: If you work on your own and "the other guys have a radio", have you thought about just asking your boss if you too can have a radio/bluetooth speaker? Would seem a better option than jamming a noise isolating plug in one ear…

    • They do NUDE, but they're too expensive.

  • Not long now (completely hidden) bwhahaha… you might get it free when they do start doing randomised trials.

    • +1

      The one I have is similar but even smaller.

  • Comfortable?

  • +2

    Very distracting if you're listening to the book your mind will be distracted and you will make mistakes at work like run somebody over with forklift???

    • -1

      No one on any forklifts, I work alone

      It's automatic system, I basically watch it and fix issues

      Jesus, wtf is this 😬😬😬

      I should of never mentioned anything, haha.

      • Don't worry mate, I know what you mean when your work deems silly thinks as safety issues, even when other aspects of your job you're expected to perform conflict with the same rules they're giving you.

  • Hi there. Managed to find your OP.

    I found some wired nude / skin colour in-ears on eBay AU which may interest you.…

    Select the “Pink” colour option. I think it is what you are looking for.

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