The game cart includes all three Banner Saga games shipped from and sold by Amazon US.
According to dekudeals each Banner Saga game is currently being sold for $37.50 each on the eshop. So get all 3 for less than the price of 1 game.
The game cart includes all three Banner Saga games shipped from and sold by Amazon US.
According to dekudeals each Banner Saga game is currently being sold for $37.50 each on the eshop. So get all 3 for less than the price of 1 game.
Oh, thanks for the heads up. I will hold off purchasing and update this deal if the price changes.
Still same price
I think it's AM as in tomorrow
Download required. Sucks, too cheap to put all the games on the cart.
From a reddit post:
I picked up the Gearbox published Banner Saga Trilogy physical release that came out today, and I was surprised and relieved to find that, contrary to what people have been saying, there are no download codes included in the box. The menu icon accessible from the cartridge is labeled "The Banner Saga Trilogy" and it goes to a menu that allows you to select from the three Banner Saga games, similar to Crash N-Sane Trilogy. Unfortunately, the game does require a 4.3 GB download before running, so all data is not stored on the cartridge, but all three games are accessible from the cartridge, so the game can be shared or resold without losing value.
Yes that's the case for all Switch games with that big banner at the top that says "Download required".
I can't think of any switch games that give a download code in the box instead of a cart, my point is simply that it's cheap for the companies to use a low capacity cartridge instead of paying a few dollars more for a complete package.
Nintendo servers will eventually shut down and the cart will be useless.
Yes that's the case for all Switch games with that big banner at the top that says "Download required".
that Ugly White Banner Saga
I can't think of any switch games that give a download code in the box instead of a cart
Nintendo Switch version of Wolfenstein: Youngblood, the physical case for the game will not include a game cartridge, and will instead contain a download code
my point is simply that it's cheap for the companies to use a low capacity cartridge instead of paying a few dollars more for a complete package.
Cost saving. The bigger size cartridge are expensive, will eat into the developers profit
@first in line: Yeah as a buyer I simply avoid any games that aren't entirely on the cart.
I guess companies weigh up the pros, but I'd buy this game if it was all on the cartridge, but now I'm just going to skip it.
@Odin: 90% of Switch games aren't all on the cart due to post-release patches. Including first-party titles
@Faro: haha OK, lots of games are still mostly playable from the cart without internet being required.
@Faro: Not true. Switch games are almost universally fully playable from the cart without any updates required at all. You can 0-100% vast majority of games without internet.
ESPECIALLY nintendo games. Some Nintendo games are still on Version 1.0.
@Odin: Then why is my 400GB MicroSD card full of updates for games like Yooka Laylee IL, Witcher 3, South Park FBW, BotW, Super Mario Odyssey, Dead Cells, Risk of Rain 2, Splatoon 2, CTR etc
Honestly the only games I can think of that don't have a patch are Metro Redux, Crash N'Sane Trilogy, Bayonetta 2 and Assassin's Creed 4 (as long as you're okay with playing without the DLC or Rogue)
@Faro: Alright you're making me pull out my Switch.
I've got a 64GB card in mine, 16GB still available for use. I've got 87 games in total that are on my Switch. Largest file sizes:
Bayonetta - 8.5GB on system memory (because they were too cheap to put 1+2 on the one cart) Probably ignore this one since it's on system memory and not on the SD card.
Overcooked 2 - 3.7GB in updates
Plus a lot more I'm not typing out with - 0mb - no update
Point is, many many games are on V1.0, and since I never buy digital games I can't ever see myself filling up an SD card.
Also note that a large number of Nintendo first party games have either no update, or very very small (only a dozen MB) updates. Which aren't required in any way.
@Odin: Basically my bottom line is that since the Switch plays games directly from the cartridge and doesn't need to install anything, it's one of the best systems to buy physical games for - at least when companies put the whole game on the cart, that is.
@Odin: Hold up, SM3D All Stars has definitely had at least one patch, possibly 2. You should manually check that.
Also my physical Splatoon cart has 5gb of updates saved on my system, so you might want to manually update that too.
Maybe it's because I got the DLC, but my BotW is over 2GB in updates (could be the same reason as Splatoon as I bought that DLC too)
@Faro: Hmm, unless it's recent. We were playing 3D all stars last week and it doesn't seem to have a patch? Have to check that later.
and true, I tend to avoid buying DLC, (I'd rather buy a cart with the DLC included), so my file sizes might be smaller than yours.
@Faro: That's not what he's saying though. Almost every Switch game you can play without updating it. Games like The Banner Saga will eventually be unplayable if you haven't downloaded the game through the updates. It won't be a game that you can pull out in 10 years time to play like 99% of Switch games.
Almost every Switch game you can play without updating it. Games like The Banner Saga will eventually be unplayable if you haven't downloaded the game through the updates. It won't be a game that you can pull out in 10 years time to play like 99% of Switch games.
Yup thanks, that's where I'm coming from.
I have a huge backlog and tend to be well behind the times with games.
Currently going through my PS3 collection ATM so it'll be a while before I finish all my switch games.
How does this play like on switch, seems like it'd be fine with a controller?. I played through the first 1 and a half on PC but got sidetracked and never got back to it.
deal on now at $21.31
Lightning deal 100% claimed…I hesitated and lost :( bought it on xbox recently for $15 at EB games so couldn't justify the buy
can join wait list
Damn, totally forgot about this. Was too busy at work to notice. Oh well, it was very likely to go to my backlog and never get played anyway.
It is on the Prime Day Deals for starting at 11:14 (PM I think), so it may go even cheaper, just as a heads up.