Does not require you to print the coupon. Just ask the staff at the store.
Cotton On - Spend $50 or More and Receive a FREE $30 Voucher - IN STORE ONLY

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That uploaded image does not mention the store/s or details…. are we able to get some confirmation about the deal and if it's aussie wide?, i can't see anything on their site about this deal.
It's Australia wide and the information was posted on Facebook
Does this offer expire? If so, when?
Expires on the 23rd of November.
I reckon the voucher cannot be used straight away right? Or am I wrong?
most likely. they had one ages ago, spend X get Y. They gave you the coupon on the receipt so you have to come back.
Wonder if this is valid for C-O Kids?
Don't need voucher, staff are told to tell every customer on arrival. Apparently the voucher can't be used until the 24/11 and it's only valid for a week or 10 days (either way, short amount of time).
Anyone know if staff can get this deal? :P