This was posted 4 years 5 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Prime, PS4, XB1] Red Dead Redemption II $32.30 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Got a camel alert that this dropped to $38 overnight and noticed that Prime members get an additional 15% off.

If you don't have prime you can still grab it for $38 or pay $6.99 for 1 month prime (an extra $1.29 but then you have prime for 30 days), if you aren't eligible for the 1 month prime trial.

Previous deal was $39 and previous lowest price was $38.

This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2020

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closed Comments

  • Been waiting for something around this price - thanks OP.

  • +14

    PC price = $10000000000

    • +2

      'Fergy1987 on 21/07/2020 - 14:16 new

      PC Price = $1,000,000,000'

      Seems to be holding its value well over the last three months then Fergy1987.

      • +4

        What can I say - I lack originality.

    • Yep, I've been holding out on a sub $30-$40 PC price too.

      • Epic Store sale + their discount coupons had this at around $45. I jumped at that price.

  • +5

    I thought it was on GamePass but it turns out it was only there for 4 months.

    Bloody R* already have enough money milking GTA V for 3 generations.

  • +4

    Rockstar and the price preservation of their games, unbelievable marketing team, those guys deserve a medal.

    • Their motto is "quality not quantity".
      But their parent company, Take2 Interactive, begs to differ.

      Still gotta give credit to GTA V, one of the definitive games of PS3 and PS4, and is going forward to the PS5 generation. Here's hoping GTA 6 is going to be more story driven, and less about Pay2Win mechanics.

      • +1

        GTA V has zero pay to win mechanics in single player.

      • gta V had a great story but if the market wants to buy virtual shinies why wouldn't you cater to that?

        • idk man got bored of gta V story pretty fast, IV seemed better

          • @abctoz: Same.
            The story seemed pretty meh, but I did like the side/random interactions (eg Jessie the hipster, Sasquatch, etc etc). My favorite story was the '80s Miami theme in GTA Vice City.

            And GTA Online was great in the early days (2013-2015). However, it apparently got boring/repetitive for very little money/XP progression after that (I stopped playing). With the best in-game toys now sold at premium in order to push people to buy the SharkCards. It seems to have worked, GTAO is one of the best/highest grossing entertainment pieces with continual income generated. There's no DLC like we saw with GTA IV, or the PSP variants.

    • +1

      Not as good as the kings of selling (good) old games at full price, Nintendo

    • Spot on.

      On PS4, both GTA V and Red Dead Redemption continue to vastly outsell AAA titles such as Ghost of Tsushima and The Last Of Us 2 in monthly sales and not by small amounts.
      The Last Of Us 2 is selling very poorly, probably because everyone already owns it!!

      I purchased GTA V on XBOX360, PS4 and PC (Free via EPIC). I was actually playing GTA Online on the PC last night, thinking how good the game is, gameplay and graphics are still good. Was killed 15times in 15minutes by modders in tanks, couldn't go passive and couldn't ghost. The lobby was a rampage, but still fun taking down the clowns on the flying bikes,

  • thanks op

  • Any Series X enhancements for Red Dead Redemption 2? I seem to recall that it doesn't run at an uncapped framerate so limited to 30fps but would be cool to know if there was a Series X patch coming

    • Kind of hoping for the PC version to be heavily discounted. Mods are possible for RDR2, saw some really nice and funny mods.

      Back compat. is already done for RDR2 for XBsS|X. Big improvement on loading time. Not able to find the new fps info yet though.

    • Knowing Rockstar, they'd rather sell you an enhanced edition at full price than give you a free update.

  • -2

    Paid $20 last year black Friday

  • +2

    You can also get a free trial to prime for 30 days.

    • +1

      Oops yeah should have mentioned that first, thanks.

      • No you did good, you can't spoon feed everyone.

        While this is a great deal for an excellent game, I just don't have the time to play it. Will still upvote you.

  • Not a gamer but I keep seeing this game on South Park.

  • Guys im thinking about buying this. Do you need to pay for DLC for this game or are they included over time for free?

    • There is no DLC afaik, and the single player is huge anyway.

      • 40+ hours of gameplay. Excluding online.

  • -1

    I bought this like 3 weeks ago, and it's still unopened. What are the chances that they'd refund the difference if I contacted them?

    • +1

      Can you still return it? If yes, they might be able to give some promotional credit (not the full difference). If you are ineligible for return, your chances are close to zero.

      • I ordered it on the 28th of last month.

        • You're still well inside the return window then.

          • @MiscOzB: Yep I did this with another purchase, just jump on live chat and say you have the sealed box and instead of sending it back and reordering can they place give you a credit.

  • I've been quite disappointed with Prime Day this year

  • Hoping someone might know, I bought this using my promotional balance and at checkout said "$32.30 will be deducted from your promotional balance", then on the invoice it says $38. Since there is no way to check the promotional balance, was i actually charged $32.30 or $38?. Does anyone have any experience? Also happen to my other order for Switch Animal Crossing game. Appreciate any input. Thanks

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