This was posted 4 years 4 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch, Prime] The Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild $49 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Amazing price for two hours only! Get in quick.

Lightning deal, 1 per person.

Edit: 100% claimed Join the waitlist and check the page, you only have a short amount of time to purchase. Note that the waitlist might not be able via mobile site/app, request desktop site.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.
This is part of Amazon Prime Day sale for 2020

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closed Comments

  • +4

    I doubt it will last 2 hours lol

  • +2

    Dang it there goes my "$0 spent on Prime day" record.
    Thanks OP!

    • Same haha, and I've already have a lot to play anyway.

    • +6

      I've still got mine, but I'll pull the trigger on a $49 Fire Emblem Three Houses deal if one shows up

    • +3

      Dude I'm trying to refrain from deals as well, but it's like Amazon know what deals will get me to spend.

      I've already got BOTW, but would pounce on this deal in an instant if I didn't.

  • Value!

    • +1

      Unless you have a Wii U

  • +1

    Amazing game, highly reccomend

  • +1

    Is this worth buying at $49?

    • +3


      • +5

        200%, I own it already but I'd still buy it for this price

    • +1

      Yes. That's cheaper than what you can buy it for second hand.

    • +4

      This is an all time low I believe. 100% yes. Worth it at full price if you ask me. Insane replayability and hours of fun.

      • Yes, It generally sells for $65+, never seen this for less than $50.

        • +1

          I bought it for $65 about 2 years ago and I thought that was damn good then. Rarely ever drops.

    • +2

      100% Claimed. Should have bought first ask later like true OzBargainer

  • Damn, bought it yesterday and can't cancel the order :(

    • +4

      If you bought through Amazon, live chat with them and you should (hopefully) get a credit added to your account :)

      • Cheers, will give it a go now

  • Very good price for one of the best games on the switch. For anyone that hasn't already played this most definitely pick it up for this price.

  • +1

    Slightly makes up for missing out on Smash Bros

    • +1

      yeah we are in the same boat

  • More than 50% gone, guys, quick !

  • +3


    This game offers countless hours of fun.

    • +4

      In 30 years of being a gamer, I never spent so much time on a single player game before.

      80 hours in and like a quarter of the map was unexplored, and it was fun the whole time.

      • +1

        Same dude! This game pushed my whole backlog of switch games back by like 6months. Didn't get around to Mario Odyssey (which Is the game I bought the switch for) until a couple of months ago.

        And I've still got a lot I'm discovering with BOTW

      • +2

        Have you tried Bayonetta 1 & 2, Nier Automata, God of War, The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn?
        Might be up your ally

        • +1

          Thanks, I'll add these to my list!

          • +1

            @ItsMeAgro: Cool. Forgot to say only Bayonetta games aren't open world but a slick hack n slash game, while Nier Automata is semi open world and a slick hack n slash game.

    • +2

      Yeah I wish I could wipe my memory and enjoy this for the first time again

  • Nice! Haven't played my switch in ages but figured for this price I may as well grab it!

  • +1

    This game had a 100% purchase rate when the switch came out. If you had a switch at launch, you had this game.

    I don't believe switch owners who don't have this game already.

  • Already finished it otherwise would grab this

  • If I didn’t already own a copy, I would buy! Thinking of getting a 2nd copy with this price!!

  • +1

    No idea what I bought but I saw the frenzy, it's got to be good !

  • +1

    I sold this game for more a while back cause I couldn't get into it and now I've re-bought it again because the price is too good…

  • Is this the cheapest BOTW ever globally?

  • +1

    Played it through. Beginning sucked until you get your inventory space up because weapons are too fragile. Mid game was good. End game you were overpowered.

    Was a bit broken imho. I pity anyone that didn't find the kokoro seed guy early on/at all.

    This is a great price and its worth $49 I'm just saying it's not the flawless game or goty that people make it out to be

    Also the story/world is too sparse to be a great tale. You have to enjoy the locale changes and combat as the rest is a bit thin. It's at it's best when they bothered to put in a puzzle (the ancient chambers and boss/guardian levels)

  • +1

    Already bought a few switch games this "prime day".

    Now to buy a switch.

  • Aaannnnnnddd they're gone.

  • I bought the artbook last week; time to actually get the game, haha

  • and 100% claimed …

  • Oof. 100% claimed

  • Darn, already 100% claimed. I joined the wait list but what does that mean?

    • +2

      If someone who has it in thier cart decides they don't want it and removes it you will be offered a chance to purchase.

  • -7

    Terrible game.

    • +3

      Terrible opinion

      • Terrible conversation

      • +1

        Free world. It's not terrible it's just lacking. See my post above if you wanna know why I felt that way

        • -1

          Username checked out

      • +1


        Nintendo fans always fan boy over nothing.

        The game offered a very boring and empty world with what you would call 4 little tiny dungeons.

        Absolutely over rated.

  • -1

    I have played it for 10 hours, and I don't understand what is the charm behind that game. It feels dull compared to modern open-world games.

    • -1


      Zelda has always been at it's best with tight enclosed levels (not open world) containing good puzzles. Which this game has… But not enough of (only the ancient chambers and guardian levels)

    • Don’t comment negatively, you will upset the fan boys.

  • +3

    Wow it was sold out, then the wait list came through and gave me a copy!

    • Yep same, jumped on waitlist, then got it a minute or so later. Happy days.

      • Did you need to refresh the page?

        • I just clicked around and came back to the homepage and it had changed to saying it was offered to me.

    • How does the waitlist work?

      • Might be from people who don't go through checkout, you get to buy those

      • Click the option to join waitlist and refresh the page every couple of minutes to see whether the deal is available now to you.

        Got mine 5 mins later after waitlisted.

  • +5

    Amazing game, can't wait for the sequel. And this is coming from someone who doesn't understand the appeal of animal crossing.

  • Got it via waitlist :P

  • Was busy buying coffee and missed out on this. Frak.

    • +1

      Sorry for your loss, but I hope that is a damn delicious coffee

  • Ah bugger missed it by a mile. Would've definitely bought this to replace my missing one. Ugh.

  • 100% claimed but still coming up on their main page as a deal saying to grab it before you miss out. Talk about disappointing.

  • +1

    I want to buy this and I don't even have a switch

    • +1

      If you have a gaming PC, there's nothing dishonest in buying the game and then just playing it with an emulator.

      As a bonus, you can play it in 1080p (or higher), use mods, etc, so PC is actually the best way to play Breath of the Wild right now.

  • +1

    I got one via the waitlist just now.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Was on the waitlist and just got one.

  • +1

    I'm on the waitlist right now, how can I GET one?

    • Was on the waitlist. Just went back to the Zelda amazon site. They had a countdown timer of 1 minute for me to put it in cart.

      • no countdown timer for me, only this "You are on the waitlist for this deal
        We'll notify you on the Amazon site, or you can turn on waitlist notifications in the Amazon App on your phone."

  • Goddamit. Missed this and missed the cheap lite from last night. Wonder if they might repeat that again today.

    • Got it just now via Waitlist. Try it.

      • +1

        Yep me too! Now I need the Switch to play it on LOL

        • Bruh I joined the waitlist 10 minutes ago and got nothing lmao

      • Did you need to refresh the page?

        • Just reopened the page after a bit. And was able to put it in cart

  • +1

    Honestly why do I bother. Have missed all the good Switch deals. Fml

    • +1

      Get the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe mate @$49

  • +1

    I got one too, was in the waitlist for a bit.

  • +2

    Was on waitlist for over 30 minutes, got nothing. Sold out now.

    Well done to those who got the deal.

    • Same here. I guess $64 sale price isn't bad, just doesn't give you the same feeling of euphoria as nabbing a lightning deal…

      • +1

        Talking about euphoria rush. I almost fainted yesterday upon completing my purchase for the switch controller although it was only about $20 saving from regular price.

  • and it's gone …..

  • +4

    Ah dammit, the one game I was holding out for

    • Same.. I missed this one and saw the Mario Kart 8 as soon as it came online… shame I don't want the latter

  • many selling at ebay at the regular price, lol

  • Any suggestions on something to keep your game cartridges in that you can stick on the back of a Switch Lite? Have seen the cases on Amazon that also allow for 16 or so games but I’m after something not too bulky.

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