Hello folks,
I'm looking for a simple amplifier to drive a pair of 60W rms ceiling speakers. I have spent some time looking at various options available in a wide variety of price ranges but I am unable to select one.
I need a basic amplifier (sub $100 if possible) preferably with Bluetooth but even if it doesn't have that I can add a chromecast or Bluetooth adapter.
Can anyone suggest any options or point me to right forums?
Marketplace or gumtree would be my best bet. Have sold a couple through them, just ensure you can hook them up to speakers and sample them working before buying
Plenty of decent amplifiers on there for $100 that are getting let go because they don't have Atmos/bluetooth or wifi.
Sounds like you would be fine with any yamaha, sony, onkyo, denon receiver. Generally they're all pretty decent, buying one from a shop for that price will leave you wanting something better.