Cheapest as per CAMEL
AFAIK last best price was $304 here
Works $22.25 per TB.
which one?
Agree, both posts were posted almost same time and I didn't realize that the 14 TB was on sale as well.
However some people prefer to have 12 over 14 because of the odd size.
And some NAS owners have already invested in the 12TB path so this will interest them too. Still a great deal, the 14TB is just slightly better for those starting from scratch / not concerned about the odd step in size.
Some of invested at $100 more than this…
@drew442: I got in at about +$20 each. Such is life with tech. I'd snap up more but I have no need for the extra storage anytime soon.
The acctual storage of 12TB is 10.9TB, 14TB should be safer
Also 14TB available for $300!!!!
Can this be used as a an external drive for a ps4?
No - 8TB max
can you create a partition then? have one 8TB partition and another one with 4TB?
No idea - the PS4 might just register it as a 12TB and not working
Wow that’s cheap.
Would this require taping pins?
Yes, check the reviews. It's the newer SATA power standard
Thanks, I'll ask another question here too because it's a more recent post. Does anybody know the compatibility of these drives (or the 14TB drive) with Terramaster NAS? There's a deal going up this afternoon and the website for them ( doesn't specifically list these drives. Would they still work or do they need to be listed to work? Thanks in advance if anyone happens to know.
How easy is it to shuck/will it work shucked? What drives are inside them?
They can be shucked. The drive inside has no mounting holes though. Some details in the reviews.
Mine did
Are you talking about this exact drive or some other external drive? Because it's right there in the Amazon reviews with photos.
@trotsky: Both WD and Seagate use various models of hard drives in their externals.
My 12TB Elements can contain a different drive model than your 12TB Elements..
Likely missing the centre side holes. Also different screw holes on the base, ones closest to the SATA ports are the same, but missing the centre ones again, but extra pair of holes at the front I haven't seen before. As long as whatever cage, rails, etc. you are using makes use of the outer side screw holes, then no issue either way.
Real easy to shuck. Centre frame with a "taco" shell that just pulls off. No tools required, 100% non destructive.
Mine has mounting holes. I've only opened 1 out of 4 though
can you do multiple orders. I need 4 for my NAS
You cannot from the one account as far as I can tell. Open to workarounds that doesn't require another account.
Hmmm, do I need one?
Oh god! My wallet……………its bleeding and the day is barely started…………..there is also the night with ebay……………..
2 timing will cost ya.
Bought a few of these to shuck. Wouldn't have minded 4 but thems the breaks, 3 is the limit.
edit: opps never mind
Thanks for posting. 28degrees price protection here I come!
Thanks OP! Don't be me and buy the Amazon US version for $269.37… I have learnt my $2 lesson.
Actually as I understand UK returns are much more of a hassle, so could argue that $2 is worth it for easier returns.
Also for US drives, WD support will send a free complete AU adapter and 2nd USB 3.0 cable. Since the UK ones I believe come with clip on power plugs (so can support UK+EU), guessing they might just send the AU plug?
According to reviews, the UK disk arrived with a UK plug. I'm going to shuck it either way so I don't mind, but if I did want the exernal enclosure, I'd pay the $2 extra for the US model if it came with AU adaptor.
Perhaps didn't explain well. The US ones come with US power adapters. 1 adapter, US plug hard moulded. If you register your drive and then contact WD support, they will send you for free an AU adapter, complete with hard moulded AU plug, also comes with a USB 3.0 cable, even though obviously the US one is the same.
In the case of drives from the UK, it's an EU model and comes with 1 adapter with UK+EU slide on plugs. My point was that it would be logical to just send a slide on AU plug, rather than a complete replacement AU adapter. No idea if they actually do that or not.
My point was that potentially having a 2nd 1.5A 12V adapter and USB 3.0 cable might add value for some. Might for example be profit in selling the USB cable and posting as a letter and the adapters are all switch mode, so voltage isn't an issue, so potentially useful or sellable.
Now if for the UK drives WD also send a complete AU adapter and USB 3.0 cable, then no difference there. Still got the returns issue though. For the UK, I believe the buyer pays postage which is refunded along with the item and that the amount is lower than actual postage, which means dealing with support to get it raised? US on the other hand, just open a return and you get a postage label, print it out, stick it on, drop off at a parcel point location. Still take time for a refund, but at least postage is sorted.
Link to the US version? I couldn't find it.
US version costs
174.99 USD
1 AUD = 0.713957 USD
1 USD = 1.40064 AUD…
US version costs
174.99 USD
1 AUD = 0.713957 USD
1 USD = 1.40064 AUD…
+45.54 Shipping to Australia
Annoyed i didnt hop on this - lets hop black friday we see some more drops
An extra $30 gets you an extra 2TB.