Can anyone recommend a good place to get reliable NFC Tags that work well with Shortcuts on iOS that ships to Australia? I'm currently looking at getting NTAG215 or NTAG216 tags that are unbranded/plain and smaller (<=25mm) rather than larger. But happy for other recommendations too.
Where's a Good Place to Get NFC Tags in Australia?

How about old debit/credit/myki/opal cards. A lot of ozbargain people would have a stack of these from all the credit card and bank account signup bonus offers.
Pretty sure you can't use mifare cards as NFC tags
Yep, they're read only
Curious - what do you use them for? and how?
I have one next to my stereo that
1) Sends the IR command to turn the stereo on
2) Output audio to the stereo
3) Play a specific playlistI bought 10 stickers and can't think of anything to do with the others that would actually be faster than just tapping the shortcut or talking into my Apple watch
Oh wow, thats cool.. I'm a caveman so I have no idea that works.
Uniqlo have NFC tags in their price labels.
Wow really? That's pretty cool!
Is that all of them or only selected ones? Is there a way to tell which?
I'm also looking for NFC tags, but only a couple durable ones to hang on a keychain.
Yeah I asked the cashier.
They place all clothes on this special reading table and it picks up then all in one go
Not sure if you're still looking for somewhere, but I'll shamelessly plug my own store:
Thanks! Already ordered some from your store yesterday.
I’m also waiting on some other ones I had previously ordered on Amazon. Will see how they turn out, but good to have a cheaper local source I can order from if I need more again in the future.
I wasn't able to find any (that was cheap) in Australia when I was ordering NTAG215.
Ended up ordering from Aliexpress, which arrived pretty fast (this was Pre-COVID).
PS: Pre-COVID, they were ~$30 Delivered for 100 tags from Aliexpress, now almost double that.