• expired

OzB Exclusive: $2 Bonus Cashback with $4 Spend at Any* Online Store @ Cashrewards (Activation Required, Excludes WGCs)


Hi everyone. A nice bonus to start the week for all our members. Please read the terms and activate the offer prior to shopping. Once activated, shop as normal via the 'Shop Now' (Store) or 'Activate Now' (Notifier) buttons on Cashrewards. Valid for purchases made from 12:00pm 12/10/20 to 11:59pm 12/10/20 (AEDT). Thanks for your support as always. Please stay safe, and enjoy :)

  • To be eligible for the AUD $2 bonus, you must first activate the promotion via the link in this post, then shop as normal via any* online store on Cashrewards, excluding Woolworths Gift Cards (WGCs).
  • Transaction must be made between 12:00PM AEDT 12/10/20 and 11:59PM AEDT 12/10/20.
  • Bonus is eligible when making a qualifying purchase of AUD $4 or more in a single transaction (inclusive of GST, after any discounts, and before shipping).
  • Bonus will not be added to your Cashrewards account at time of purchase. It will be credited separately as approved by 12/12/20.
  • Bonus is over and above the advertised store cashback rates which still apply to the transaction.
  • Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.
  • Bonus is ineligible for any in-store purchases.
  • Sales may report to Cashrewards ex-GST so the amount shown in your account may be less than $4. You will still be eligible for the bonus.
  • Selected stores may report orders with multiple items as separate transactions into your Cashrewards account. These are still eligible.
  • Bonus is limited to one per Cashrewards account. Additional transactions do not qualify for additional bonuses.
  • Bonus is ineligible if you purchase from a 0% cashback store/tier, if you purchase an ineligible item, or if an order is cancelled, changed, returned, rejected. *Individual store cashback terms and exclusions apply (see Amazon & eBay especially).
  • Fraudulent activity will result in rewards being forfeited and accounts closed.

A common question is "will I be eligible for the bonus if I purchase anything from an Amazon category at 0% cashback, or on eBay using a code"? Answer is unfortunately no (all standard store T&Cs apply). Don't forget to refer-a-friend for $15 each. Tip: add your code to OzB’s randomiser. And check out our Help Centre & Contact form here for any questions or issues.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3750)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • -2

    Excellent work tightarse, can buy from Amazon this time.

    • can buy from Amazon this time.

      Still a lot 0% cash back.

    • +5

      Note: Bonus is ineligible if you purchase from a 0% cashback store/tier, if you purchase an ineligible item, or if an order is cancelled, changed, returned, rejected. *Individual store cashback terms and exclusions apply (see Amazon & eBay especially).

      Amazon has plenty of 0.00% listed categories :(

      • +2

        Also the categories are mixed up so you would think the product is eligible based on sub category but main category may be ineligible so cash back will be rejected! So you have to check on all categories and sub categories ..

        • +3

          No wonder got few amazon cashback not beeing tracked.

      • +4

        Unfortunately this is one of the main reasons I've stopped bothering to get cashback on my Amazon purchases. The whole category thing, and also the issue with having to make sure it's not already in the cart… Too much trouble. A bit of a shame given most of my purchases are now off Amazon.

        • +7

          The trick I use is to add to wish list first then move to cart after clicking on cash rewards link. I do the same with ebay. Has worked fine so far.

          • +3

            @keo: Or move the items in cart to "save for later". Then move them back to cart after cashrewards.

  • +1

    once activated, can i do it through app/mobile or must from website/computer?

    • -3

      wanna know too

      • +1

        Transaction is valid if made online via desktop browser, Cashrewards mobile app, Cashrewards Notifier, or mobile browser.

  • +1

    Does this include woolies gift cards?

    Asking for everyone else who won’t read the title or post body. ;)

  • +7

    Better to check before buying in amazon as now most items are 0% rate

    And the list keeps changing the rate %

    Why not they give flat 1% or 2% rather than pick and choose

    • +3

      because they think this setting would maximise their profit.

    • Caus Amazon knows people will buy things like toys and electronics from them anyway. Just check history of OzB deals.

    • I hope amazon will be putting those previous Cashback % into the actual item discount % on prime day

      higher upfront discount > lower discount + Cashback any day

    • Because Amazon offers different cashback on different category of item?

  • Thanks man

  • Great reason for avoiding shopback aka cashback that barely works

  • Been waiting for this kind of deal

  • Thanks for the deal

  • Just made two purchases this morning. Oh well.

  • From 12:00pm 12/10/20 to 11:59pm 12/10/20

    Wish this offer was extended for Amazon Prime Day. Feels bad

    • +2

      Hopefully new (and better) for Prime days.

  • So are there eBay exclusions?

  • -1

    Perfect incentive to go with a $7 Moo Cow shirt at ebay…


    • but isnt ebay 0% and hence you wouldnt get anything?

      • +2

        Clothing, Shoes, Jewellery, Watches & Accessories 2.00%

        • +1

          ahh thanks!

      • Nope. Most categories are currently 1 or 2% rebate.

  • Stupid question: Do you get $2 for every $4 dollar spent i.e. $4 cashback if you spend $8 or $2 cashback if you spend $8? And can you only use this once?

    • +7

      Once only. On at least a $4 spend.

      $2 bonus on $4 or $40 or $4000… Up to you

    • Usually these offers are only able to be used once. You get$2 bonus as long as you have spent $4+

  • +7

    Valid till 10:59 AEST for those of us in QLD.

  • +3


    No Aus post gift cards…

  • Will it work on an Ebay purchase using the current Good Guys voucher?

  • +1

    Just bought a HDMI cable from eBay.


    • So cables/electronics at ebay are includuded in this cashback offer?

      • +3

        This is what I saw on cashrewards site, so I am mainly after the $2 bonus.

        Clothing, Shoes, Jewellery, Watches & Accessories 2.00%
        Health & Beauty 2.00%
        Computers & Tablets 1.00%
        Cameras & Photo 1.00%
        Electronics 1.00%
        Mobile Phones & Accessories 1.00%
        TV, Video & Audio 1.00%
        Video Games & Consoles 1.00%
        Automotive & Musical Instruments 1.00%
        Baby, Toys & Games 1.00%
        Business & Industrial 1.00%
        Food & Alcohol 1.00%
        Pets 1.00%
        Pottery, Glass, Crafts, Collectibles, Art & Antiques 1.00%
        Sports, Home & Garden 1.00%
        Appliances 1.00%
        Music, DVDs & Movies, Memorabilia, Books, Comics & Magazines 1.00%
        All Other Products (Not listed in Exclusions) 0.50%

        • Thanks for your reply to my lasy question ( had a feeling many would have checked already ).

          So answer is yes on all catagories more than 0.0% which looks like ALL currently lol.

  • Got more face masks from eBay. Cheapest face masks after the $2 bonus cashback :)

    • Cheapest face masks after the $2 bonus cashback :)

      Not the cheapest, last deal I got 50 for $5

  • +4

    Can’t buy Australia Post gift cards anymore 0%😭

    • +4

      There's a minor issue with AU Post gift cards where some SKUs are reporting to us at $0 sale value, so we had to turn them off for today. We'll have them back hopefully tomorrow (store investigating). Apologies for the inconvenience :)

      • Is this why my gift card purchases a few months ago did not track ?

  • Hi TA,
    I just bought an item from Aliexpress for AUD$5 incl GST.
    Although I bought it in AUD, the Cashrewards email advised its tracked the purchase as USD (USD$2.80) - so hopefully it should be fine?

    • +1

      Was that a question or more like a statement lol.

      • Wishful Statement LOL

        • Haha, thought so. Unless it was a loaded question hoping to get right answer.

    • +3

      Tracked pretty quick for Ali. You're good to go. Any issues on day of bonus payment, just let me know :)

      • +2

        Thanks TA

      • Hi TA, so any purchases on Ali is good? thx

  • +4

    Thanks TA. A free pizza and $2 off my chemist item, it's been a good Monday morning.

    • Watch what you say here as any decent spend normally ends up on the chopping board !

  • Does partial payment with ebay gift card work?

    • +1


      Cashback is eligible on purchases paid with gift cards.

  • +1

    Sorry, noob question but how do I add my referral code to the ozbargain randomiser? I can't find a code in my account to add. Also, when I click on the randomiser link in the opening post it just takes me to the cash rewards site.

    • +2

      Sure. Click 'Share by Link' here to get your referral code, then add it to OzBargain by clicking edit here. Note that your code will change over time, but old codes won't expire (in other words, you may have more than one unique code linked to your Cashrewards account).

      • +1

        Thanks TA, I kept clicking "Share via email" instead of "Share by link" and couldn't find a code.

    • +2

      Click on 'Edit' button on the right next to the randomizer, as TA shared above.

    • +3

      There's a refer a friend page on the cash rewards website that will have your code.
      You copy that code and go to iznargain, click on your profile and go to settings. There's a section for referrals.

  • Would this still work if you return some items from your order?

    • +1

      Unfortunately not. Any change to an order voids the entire order.

      • I know you said change, but what about something like iconic but you return to exchange size?

  • amazon kitchen 0% cashback - fail for me

    • +1

      All the good stuff on Amazon is 0% cashback now, when did they change it?

  • Intend to purchase on Groupon as I still have store credit and want to clear it up. If I buy an item which has the value after all the discount of greater than 5$ and pay by store credit, will the cashback track?

  • Does anyone know which category the table lamps fall into? Cheers.

    • +4

      Did you have a particular website or store in mind, or did you just mean in life, generally?

      • Sorry I totally forgot to mention that I meant the Amazon categories. 😂

  • do batteries get cashback @TA ??

    • under Electronics>Multipurpose Batteries & Power>Single Use Batteries ??

      • For eBay Australia

      • +2

        Clothing, Shoes, Jewellery, Watches & Accessories 2.00%
        Health & Beauty 2.00%
        Computers & Tablets 1.00%
        Cameras & Photo 1.00%

        Electronics 1.00%

        Mobile Phones & Accessories 1.00%
        TV, Video & Audio 1.00%
        Video Games & Consoles 1.00%
        Automotive & Musical Instruments 1.00%
        Baby, Toys & Games 1.00%
        Business & Industrial 1.00%
        Food & Alcohol 1.00%
        Pets 1.00%
        Pottery, Glass, Crafts, Collectibles, Art & Antiques 1.00%
        Sports, Home & Garden 1.00%
        Appliances 1.00%
        Music, DVDs & Movies, Memorabilia, Books, Comics & Magazines 1.00%
        All Other Products (Not listed in Exclusions) 0.50%

      • 15,000?? this dude's high on something. Surely someone's gonna be doing a no pay after committing to buy, just like PS 5 's

  • Thanks OP just got some Pizza hut for Friday night :)

  • Thanks, what's the process of getting cashback on an eBay best offer?
    I would assume click through CR, make the offer and keep the tab open until it's accepted and checkout normally?

    • +2

      Provided you make the offer, accept the offer, and purchase within the same session after clicking from Cashrewards it will be work. You must not click away to other links/sites etc in between or the cookie will be lost.

      • +1

        Excellent, thanks

  • ty op

  • +2

    now spends an hour looking for something for $4
    Still waiting to see if my first choice order gets honoured

  • +1

    Awesome. My Chemmy WH transaction has already tracked.

  • Done, thanks OP.

  • +1

    Thanks TA. Got this Business card holder booklet folder for $2 after CB - https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/24-PAGES-96PKTS-BUSINESS-CARD-HO…

  • +2

    If anyone is still looking what to buy, try Chemist Warehouse. You will find some or other household / personal care item at half price which you will anyway need - I got a body wash via free click n collect (helps that I have a CW store in neighbourhood).

  • +1

    As some people have mentioned above, Chemist Warehouse click & collect is a good option to pick something cheap up without the burden of shipping cost. Better than looking for some useless, low quality crap on eBay or AliExpress unless you have something in mind already. Thanks, TA!

  • +1

    Anyone else getting "404 - Not Found" error when trying to click through to eBay?

    • +1

      Nope. I just clicked through successfully minutes ago. Try a different browser/incognito mode?

      • Thanks, I changed to chrome and it worked. Strange as I've never had that issue before.

  • TA.. Can the cashrewards notifier, tell us if the Amazon item eligible or not eligible for cashback? That will save us a lot of time and will make purchase decision easier.

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