Hi i started planting some vegies in my small garden recently.
I am seeing those little guys around my vegies. I am just wondering if they are pest or not. If they are pest, what is the best way to get rid of them?
Thanks for the tip. I would prefer natural solution as well.
does the chilli / chilli seeds clog the spray nozzle/parts? or do you cut it up really fine? thanks!
To be honest that has never been a problem and I’ve never thought of that in the past. I chop a mix of fine and chunks to get a good chilli amount in the water.
I should also note that after a while this can go rancid so either keep in the fridge for it to last longer or throw it out after a week or so.
Cool that’s good to hear! How many chillies & water ratio?
@the4thzodiac: Until you can taste it when you spray it into your mouth? The stronger the better.
I usually do about 3-5 chillies for about 1 cup of water, I guess. I’ve never really measured it.
Looks like subterranean aphids.
Botanigard or similar will work. Google root aphids and look for the subspecies you have. Plenty of proven solutions.
Oh… That's why I see more of them in the soil, but not many on the leaves. I will google them. Thanks.
Might want to post pics on your Ozb accounts files folder or anything but Dropbox.
Thanks for the advice.
I cant seem to figure out how to upload them in my Ozb account.
Anyway, ive uploaded them to imgur and updated the post with imgur link.
Just out of curiosity, any reason Dropbox is not recommanded?
I could see your real name come up. Thus FB details :) . You can use dropbox, but use a non personal account. The imgur one you used is fine. Couldnt DM you as your setting wasn't t on.
Go to your my account in Ozb setting. There is a file folder for when you want to post ads, but you can upload any pic there then use the copy the link under the uploaded pic and paste that. Hope that makes sense.
Oh. Thanks again for the advice. Didnt realise my details were shared with dropbox link. I will try the Ozb folder next time. :D
imgur is a good option too if there's nothing that can identify you. It strips the geo tags automatically iirc, I mean don't put your photo id in public photos.
Don't vineyard owners plant roses to keep aphids away?
No. It is for mildew detection. Roses will show it very early on.
Roses actually attract aphids.
Maybe it's rosemary I'm thinking of. Or lavender.
Not sure but I have a few clients who are major viticulturists and I've been to their vineyards. there was no mention of aphids.
It's all about the mildew.
@AustriaBargain: Not enough to make a difference but one can buy commercial quantities of ladybugs to release seasonally.
Kill them all with fire
Not sure what they are but for all pests on my veggies I use one of two sprays.
1. Is a mix of cut up birds eye chillies and water.
2. Is a mix of dish detergent and water.
Most pests don’t like these… I can’t imagine why.
I don’t like to use harsh chemicals if I intend on eating the food.